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History repeats, but a future is not guranteed-Burias

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#1061 Thugren


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Posted 24 April 2020 - 03:19 AM

Cain and burias work quickly and effectively, loading a truck quickly as cain eventually puts the suit up into the truck and loads it up.


"Hold on tight bro....Its going to get bumpy!"


the truck roars to life as he tears out of the garager, banking a turn that almost pitches the suitr out of the truck."


#1062 Armoured Priest

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Posted 24 April 2020 - 05:11 AM

Leaving the suit in the bed of the transport vehicle, Burias sat in the passenger side seat next to Cain now. "Holding!" He told him, grabbing hold of the seat as the whole thing threatens to tip over. "YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO JOKE ABOUT MY DRIVING AFTER THIS!" Burias added, almost banging his head against the side window. 

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#1063 Thugren


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Posted 26 April 2020 - 03:04 PM

the car fishtails as some gunfire slaps its back, making the sil,encer laugh.


"You wipped over a tank! twice in one day! how can you talk shit!"


the gunfire dies off as he takes into the wasteland, driving aimleslly.


"lets lose them for a bit before we head back."


#1064 Armoured Priest

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Posted 27 April 2020 - 05:29 AM

"Not my fault it had six pedals when there's only four directions." Burias said before he turned his head around to look behind them instead of looking at the mirrors. "But what were the things that attacked before we left? Are we going to have to worry about those too when we come back?" he asked Cain in case he had the answers.

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#1065 Thugren


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Posted 01 May 2020 - 09:45 PM

If I had to guess...”

He says as he takes them to the interstate , coming to rest at an old gas station and finally slumping back into his seat.

L I think it may be a type of predator called a wendigo..... core is told me about them.... kinda like... feral shapeshifters.”


#1066 Armoured Priest

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Posted 05 May 2020 - 06:53 PM

"Shapeshifters? Oh......maybe we should have taken care of them after all." Burias mentioned as he readjusted himself in his seat after looking behind them for awhile. "Wonder if they could even win against those Demonborns anyways, or do you think they try kidnap the demonborn alive to pin them somewhere and use their unending regenerating flesh as a source of food?" He asked after the thought crossed him mind.

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#1067 Thugren


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Posted 20 May 2020 - 05:00 AM

If they have any type of intelligence no....Those things are like a fungus."


cain says as he puts up his boots and looks at burias.


"you ok with all of this? taking control of the drachen again? after all this time?"


#1068 Armoured Priest

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Posted 24 May 2020 - 09:04 PM

Burias shuddered at the thought of a fungal infection after seeing too many old bad sci-fi stories with them. He was silent for a few moments after Cain asked but nodded soon after. "It does not seem fair shoving the responsibility on anyone else, and if anything I should make up for how I lead them at blakehills back then too." He reasoned. "And if not me, then who? If I do not try leading now, how am I to expect to turn ALL of Drachen Blut later?" He asked.

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#1069 Thugren


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Posted 26 September 2020 - 01:28 AM

Cain looks horribly tired, as if everything was weighging on him, but he smiles genuinely at burases words, punching burias lightly.


"thats waht i want to hear...... we will need them more than anything...... im just glad to see you finally stepping into yourself man."


he reaches into his coat and pulls out a cigarette.


"WHo woulda thought....My dads a dick."


#1070 Armoured Priest

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Posted 27 September 2020 - 04:16 AM

"I am starting to think all of our Dad's are dicks to varying degrees, some worse than others. I mean, look at mine!" Burias laughed a little but had to do a quick steering correction. "But I guess the real question is figuring out what to do with all those demon born and the guys that made them that way. Cause I doubt they're going peacefully and they seem to have the weirdest powers I've heard of so far. On the plus side it seems like we can get a lot of people who hate them on our side maybe." He reasoned, thinking both his old squad and Varsnik's Son and perhaps other soldiers that don't like working with the weird 'magic' hillbilly men.

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#1071 Thugren


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Posted 02 October 2020 - 06:17 PM

Oh we’re gonna have to kill them.”

Cain says as he puts his feet up.

“ all of them.... violently ..... dead as shit.”

He takes a deep breath and makes a likeness of an ant against a scorpion.

“Right now one or two isn’t bad....... but ants don’t beat apex predators one on one.... we can’t let that infection grow.”


#1072 Armoured Priest

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Posted 03 October 2020 - 03:20 AM

"Well I know we're killing them, its the how!." Burias explained. "You saw them coming back even after I pour flame on them or smashed an oversized hammer into their skull but they were still regenerating from it. Unless theirs a limit or a source I have no idea how to keep them down." He sighed as he continued watching the road while he drove. "Its why I think maybe killing the wizardbillies might be the way you know?"

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#1073 Thugren


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 02:26 AM

the purifer goes quiet and begins to think.

"they regernerate...which means they replace cells ..Kinda linke a mushroom right......We need a weapon that..."


his eyes widen and helooks at his brothers machete.




#1074 Armoured Priest

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Posted 12 October 2020 - 11:05 PM

Burias didn't look down with Cain since he was still driving and wanted to pay attention to the road, but he really wanted to hit his head against the wheel for not thinking what Cain just figured out. "The bone can attack all the cells or keep them in place like a statue if we do the scarecrow technique. And with how these two work, maybe it'll just kill them too!" he reasoned. "Wonder how many of Ackermaan's men have ghoul bone weapons or if we will have to be the ones dealing with the Hellborn ourselves."

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#1075 Thugren


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Posted 14 November 2020 - 04:57 AM

cain motions to the woods and smirks.
"lets go ahead and test this.......What do you say..A hunt like we used to back in the day?"
the silencers helmet receds and he smiles, patting buriases shoulder.

"Its been a while right?"


#1076 Armoured Priest

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Posted 17 November 2020 - 06:14 AM

"You Think we have the time? Got a lot of people waiting on us for the extra guns and ammo." Burias reminded him, uncertain himself as his fingers drummed the steering wheel. He like the idea himself, it has been awhile since they got to hunt like this, at least since things were normalish for them and Jessica and Cain's sons were still alive. Though the Drachen couldn't shake the guilty feeling of making Ackermann's son and the other wait longer than usual in reclaiming their company from the weird hillbillies.

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#1077 Thugren


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 06:00 AM

"its best we dont show up immediately, where would you go, if all of a sudden a highly efficent strike just made off with a small armies worth of loot."

The silencer as he takes his rifle out and swaps the rifling type from his favored whistler rounds, to the more dense bore rounds. A special round made for him and his kind that would get incredibly heavy inside a body and pin them in place.

"they will go there suspecting them,..... Ill make sure we get there at the right time."

he points to an off ramp leading to waht looks like a campground.

"come on....Trust me bruuder."


#1078 Armoured Priest

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Posted 01 March 2021 - 07:11 AM

Burias sort of looks around the area around them and shrugged. "If you're really sure..." He said as he climbed out as well, making sure to grab his AK before closing the door. "Hope they do not get that much trouble their way, feels weird not going straight back still." Burias commented as followed Cain down the dirt road.

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#1079 Thugren


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Posted 03 June 2021 - 05:02 PM

trust me."

cain says with a smile, opening a vial on his hip and forming a whistler round from a little bit of gunpowder and the whistler mechanism.


"The first thing id do is go after people who ive had history ith, we dont want them to be suspicious yet."

he leads the drachen into the woods where it is quiet and still, listening for any possible sounds to lead them to one of these infected.


#1080 Armoured Priest

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Posted 03 June 2021 - 11:47 PM

Burias nodded in agreement with Cain, even if he still felt guilty about not heading straight back to the others. He kept quiet as they walked the woods, trying to keep his steps quite by not stepping on sticks or crunchy leaves. Though his attention kept going back to thinking on how they were suppose to put down those regenerating things for good while only having a couple of ghoulbone weapons on hand.

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