
Wings of the reich-Krausus Kronen & Sethis kroenen
Posted 28 March 2017 - 01:37 AM
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Posted 28 March 2017 - 11:21 PM
oh...YOu want informatiuon on abbaddon?"
he asks and riases his eyebrow, walking over to some books and grabbing one.
"Krausus is such a good boy..He can contain so much power its ridiculous...Im surprised he is able to resist the demon. Even formce him into subservience."
Altur says as he smiles.
"You let your son house....One of the fallen?"
your mother asks incredulously as alture raises his eyebrow.
"OF course..... Krausus needed something worth his power... Did you expect something weaker?"
Posted 10 April 2017 - 09:00 PM
"But is Krausus in any danger of it though? It is something my mother warns me about, and the reason I wish to talk to you about in the first place." Sethis asked, noting the fact that Altur said 'subservience' and 'resist' just now and wondering if even his mother knew the whole situation or was just working with the fact that there was something in his brother or if Altur was just too confident in Kraussus' power over a 'fallen'. Another thing he will have to ask about, since it now sounds like its not just a 'demon' like his mother falsely thought it was before.
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Posted 13 April 2017 - 12:56 PM
"as lonmg as kraqusus continues resisting, and keeping his mind strong and well guarded, abbaddon will by like any other symbiotic being. He will exist and help his host. "
THe old man says with a smile as he hands sethis the book.
"Hes more mellow than most fallen. But alot stronger than most as well.... SO hes not thatm uch of an issue."
he cocks his head at your mothers words and waves them off as if unfounded.
"We all must make strides...If not we will remain stagnant."
Posted 17 April 2017 - 02:59 PM
"Oh, thank you." he said genuinely when Altur handed him the tome, thinking it more than likely covered what they were speaking about in greater detail than a conversation would give. "What was the stride you were trying to make with Kraussus then?" Sethis asked, obviously asking what the intent and end goal was for putting a powerful entity into his own son, even if it was 'calmer' than other Fallen. 'Continued resistance, strong guarded mind, seems....straightforward enough.' Sethis thought to himself, making notes on how he might be able to help Kraussus keep control if something happened. The serpent was also surprised that Altur even gave him a book as well, this will be two books he would have to go over when he has the time.
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Posted 20 April 2017 - 11:38 AM
Augustus beleives that we can just use science to fight nightmare..... YOu cannot fight a force of nature with just science alone. The occult is just as imporant when fighting a newly birthed god.. SO i went to the realm most cheated by his creation and found somone willing to rise up."
altur says calmly as your mother huffs.
'You could have doomed us all."
altur crosses his fingers.
"I did not...And last time i checked, your little order chases heretics.. .Not agents of the wickerman.. I work with impunity."
at this, your mother bristles lightly, not liking having been silenced so easily.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 03:25 AM
Seeing a chance to expand his knowledge on just what the wickerman and the fallen are, Sethis spoke up again. "But what is a Fallen? And for that matter, just what is the Wickerman? The only thing I know of him is the tale I was told of about the origin of shadowmancy for the serpent people mother use to tell me as a child." He asked Altur while hoping to have some light shed on the story as well for him. Sethis also wondered how one became an agent, and why that made him immune to mother's order. He guess that they are at least connected if not both serving the Wickerman in one shape or form.
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Posted 23 April 2017 - 01:21 PM
For a moment, altur looks at sethis , as if formulating an answer in his head, and with a smile he grabs a peice of paper, drawing two circles, one seperate, and three linked.
"Heaven, hell and earth ... All of them are mixed and merge into another."
the taps the three connected orbs and smiles.
"The wickerman.. is a being from here."
he points to the solitary circle and draws a line to the cirlce denoting hell.
"THat draws power from here...He is the closest thing to a "god" mankind encountered in some time... Think of him like a watcher in the dark.. He gets involved when he feels the need to."
Posted 01 May 2017 - 03:23 PM
As he listen and paid attention to what Altur was showing him, he was starting to wonder how much of human theology and superstition have actually been correct but been swept aside as nonsense for so long. The books he had read are one thing, but after the last few years, the idea really have been sinking in for once in his life. "So the fallen then, are the fallen angels? The ones cast out? But the Wickerman, why does he watch over mortals, or our world? And what is this place?" Sethis asked as he pointed to the unlabeled circle that the wickerman drew power from..
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Posted 04 May 2017 - 04:48 PM
Oh yes.. "
he says with a warm smile as he works on a paper.
"Augustus thinks hes witty using the names of angels for his angelic legion... But yes, the fallen are the angels you speak of. The children of another being like the wickerman."
he points to a symbol on the wall that looks like an inverted eye.
"He is playing the game of immortals and heging his bets... As for this place.. THis is not a place...So much... A time."
Posted 12 May 2017 - 01:53 AM
"A time?.....Perhaps an event that helped birth him or its equvialent for deities? Sorry, just a random thought, since it is his pool of power from what you told me so far." He offered, becoming more interested in the Wickerman and what it wanted to do. The serpent was starting to wonder how long he will get to stay here, so many questions just kept popping into his mind as he went deeper into the rabbit hole with Altur. Hell, he still had questions about the fallen angel in Kraussus and the 'doll' that they had found just recently.
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Posted 12 May 2017 - 11:18 AM
come son we should.."
your mother goes to speak and altur snaps , making her vanish entirely.
"So hard to speak with ones mother breathing over your shoulder eh?"
He smiles and clears a seat for you to sit down, going to a small fridge and getting a soda.
"As long as you are here your time wont move any faster... You hgave plenty of questions...And ill give plenty answers."
Posted 26 May 2017 - 06:29 PM
"Um, thank you very much then." Sethis said, his mind more focused on just how upset his mother must be when he comes back. Brushing that thought aside, he tried to organize his thoughts and to figure out what he wanted to discuss the most first with the chance he has been given. "Well, before anything, there was something I wanted to discuss before we go further about the Wickerman and such. Kraussus and I recently found something, someone, called a warrior doll. Kraussus activated her and now she draws on his energy. Does this pose any possible risk? Or risk over him having control over Abaddon?" he asked.
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Posted 26 May 2017 - 07:13 PM
Altur looks at you as if he was a fool.
"so the fish that feed on the sharks gills pose it any threat? no they are just eating off of the leftover. The warrior doll is much the same. With krausues level of power he has alot of energy he doesn't mentally use. Just that alone should be able to keep her alive."
he points to a wall where a door appears. Inside a red haired woman pours tea.
"That is anaia...She is my warrior doll. She feeds off my magic as well.. As long as im not near death and she doesnt fight ill be fine."
Posted 29 May 2017 - 06:59 PM
Sethis nodded in understanding now, even if the question had earned him that look from Altur. "I rather be sure than just to assume something when I know nothing about the subject." He reasoned, off put by the fact he got such a reaction for just wanting to know more. Moving on, he thought of the talk about the Wickerman and its game of Immortals. "You said the Wickerman is hedging bets in some sort of game, what's the game and who else is 'playing' with him over mortals?" he asked Altur now. The serpent briefly wondered if Altur got Anaia from Shango, and if he knew where she might be. More questions to ask as usual.
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Posted 30 May 2017 - 10:28 PM
Ania.. can you please get me the book please."
the red haired woman nods and leaves, coming back with an old tome.
"RIght now, this world is torn between the struggle of a few outsiders.. Its the pure, the ruler and the wickerman standing against Nacht, Rot , And Doggha... THese beings are effectively playing toward their teams and interests. They name of the game is control. "
He snaps and a chessboard can be seen.
"WHen one moves, the others move to counter it. So right now there is a kind of forced truce.... Another outside has been recently attracted to the game.. But we dont know their intentions."
Posted 02 June 2017 - 04:29 PM
"And I would guess whoever this new entity is could finally shift the game to whichever sides favor if they felt like it. So, focusing on the known, who are the six then? And what do they want? Just more power?" he asked Altur, hoping to have actual details about these things and what their aims are.
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Posted 02 June 2017 - 05:43 PM
the first chess piece that appears is a rook, peal white and pristine
"The pure..IS the oldest out of the outsiders.. HE is the being history typically knew as the benevolent god... Allah buddah, christ..All that."
the second comes down, a king piece.
"The ruler is more choleric, but he is the one that has driven man to conqure and strive.. The wickerman is the youngest out of the three , but his goal is strictly to help varghen."
the chessboard swaps and three more pieces show, a queen, a knight and a pawn.
"rot is the natural state of decay... Currently the strongest on this end."
altur places his hand on the king piece and lifts it.
"He is who is currently powering the great calamity nightmare..and the one who was robbed by myself and augustus to give humans the power of necromancy."
the pawn moves forward and latur growls.
'That is DOggha...HE is the one that feeds off of the negativity of human nature, he happens to be the weakest of all six. ANd the final, Piece."
he taps the bishop.
"nacht... GOd of fear.. not inherently evil, but he feeds off of the chaos and malestrom of battle. One side wants mankind to strive, the other wansd upset and extinction so they can move on to another game board."
Posted 05 June 2017 - 05:20 AM
"Hm, I'm surprised Doggha is the weakest with how people usually behave, or I guess he's just the weakest cause everyone else is on steroids right now." Sethis noted as he thought on the aspect these entities embody and his own experiences in life. "...So if the Wickerman is for the Varghen, how did you become one of his agents? Do you also have ties any of the other entities as well?" he asked next, asking one of the obvious questions about how a human is serving the varghen god, and the question of just how deep is Altur in this game going on.
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Posted 08 June 2017 - 12:29 PM
Oh i have ties with every god on the table."
he says without hesitation, pointing to six amulets floating in the air above them in a slow rythmnic circle.
"As for how , it was very simple. He found me dying in the ruins of a varghen village that had just been sacked. I and a few others of the strike force that had been deployed to help push back some zealots who wanted to purge and kill... The typical human shit. They got the jump on me and killed me. SO in his name he raised me to fight. I then met the others at varying points in my occultic studies. "