"Yes sir." Sethis nodded in acknowledgement. He tried to not let his eyes linger on any of the four figures that he guessed where some sort of judges, even if one of them looked like they were a robot of sort which made the serpent all sorts of curious as to what was going on with that one. Perhaps they were arbiters? This is was the school for them, wouldn't bee too surprising. He now waited to see what sort of test it was, either being a written or 'physical' type.

Wings of the reich-Krausus Kronen & Sethis kroenen
Posted 28 March 2020 - 03:39 PM
your partner...is the arbiter in training krausus kronen...The psionic correct."
she says with a smile as a figure is brought in, its form covered by a sheet.
"YOur test is going to be getting a sample from this creature ....... Its a trust excercise...am i understood?"
krausus nods s he moves up beside his friend.
"ill hold it down as best as i can ok."
Posted 03 April 2020 - 06:15 AM
"Of course, and I'll try to do this as swiftly as possible." He replied to him, understanding that time would be key here. "Are we to use a given tool or make do with what I have?" he asked the instructors first before eyeing at the covered 'specimen', wondering what they dragged in here for the exam and just how dangerous it could be.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 12 April 2020 - 03:44 AM
krausus comes forward as one of the proctors come forward, they undo the sheet and reveal waht looks like a small young human, its eyes bandaged.
Carefullyy it is released and krasus raises his eyebrow.
"uits blindfolded...what kind of threat could it pose?
Posted 14 April 2020 - 05:44 AM
"The not obvious kind I'm guessing...." Sethis suggested quietly, motioning him to quiet down as well. A few thoughts ran through his mind, where the eyes the real danger? Did they even need eyes? Or was it all mind games on the Judges part? 'Oh well.' he thought to himself as he looked over to Kraussus, motioning to the top of his head in a way of saying silently 'going for hair samples', something quick and easy while still fulfilling the only objective here right?
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 23 April 2020 - 03:02 PM
as sethis moves, the figure blurs, and kraususis barely able to get between them in time to stop the blow. The boys body is roiling like mercury brought ot a boil. Horrible limbs tear from flesh, the blindfold falls free as the boys face splits and reveals rows and rows of teeth.
"Of course it wouldnt be easy.."
krausus grunts, his iron gauntlets barely keeping the boys attack from breaking his arms.
"SHadow clones...six of them now.."
his eyes glow and he flings the bow back, making him land in a tangled heap
Posted 24 April 2020 - 05:27 AM
After being proven right again, Sethis concentrated on doing what Krassuss asked for. The two clones that were made earlier now split again with two more flanking each of the original two.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 25 April 2020 - 03:09 AM
the boy lands in a broken heap but quickly recovers, bones snapping and contorting in a terrifying mockery of reticulated limbs and it screams.
"im going to draw it.... have your clones go for open fleshy bits got it..."
keeping himself between sethis and the beast the psionic takes up a boxers stance.
"Look for anything...got me?"
Posted 27 April 2020 - 06:43 AM
"Understood." Sethis replied, the clones surrounding the boy from behind but at a distance so they weren't destroyed by a wayward limb from...whatever the fuck was the specimen. The shadows crouched and were ready to spring the moment was given, sethis seeing what they were seeing, and waited the next tensed filled seconds.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 01 May 2020 - 09:43 PM
“ fear.......... you’re afraid....”
MIT hisses, the air around it glimmering ominously as it presses on the psionic.
“ what is there to fear within you....”
Because of his training set his can see something, the pull of magic I. The air , the beast was gathering it towards him in some form of radia attack as if intending to release it into a burst .
Posted 06 May 2020 - 04:47 AM
"Get ready! Its trying to charge for an explosion!" Sethis warned Kraussus. The shadow clones now lunged to take the opportunity to attack from behind while it focused on charging the attack, going for its exposed flesh with talon tipped hands to go for either samples or to inflict some damage in the process to put the creature off balance.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 09 May 2020 - 04:25 PM
krausus blasts the beast back, and jsut as he does, it erupts in a flurry of wings and screeching claws. Biting scarabs and clawing birds rip apart the clones as even krasuses reinforced gauntlets are shredded.
"Fuck......What power.."
he grunts through grit teeth.
Posted 18 May 2020 - 08:38 AM
'Why does it have to be bird themed too?' Sethis thought to himself as the damn thing screamed and thrashed between them. Sethis re-summoned six shadow figures like earlier and spread them out but now he wasn't sure just what the hell to do against something so rabid and strong. "Tire it out?" he suggested.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 20 May 2020 - 04:24 AM
overwhelm it...."
Krausus says as he removes his jacket and helmet, along with it his psionic limiter.
power crackles across the floor as he takes a boxers stance.
"Summon all you can bruder.....Im going to make your opening.."
The creature chuckles and turns its head obscenel;y as it points at sethis.
"You hide........YOur truths..."
a vomit of scarabs covers the floor and he chuckles.
"Not in tune.......holding back.."
Posted 26 May 2020 - 12:49 AM
"Got it." Sethis replied to Krausses. With that the Shadowmancer breathed in and the floor around him became a pool of black shadow. With the release of his held breath tendrils sprouted from the edges and up from within it, waving and coiling as it waited for Sethis's command who in turn waited for his brother to make the opening he needed.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 10 June 2020 - 03:41 PM
the beast explodes at krausus , and the psionic calmly cocks back and strikes his fist forward, sending the beast back into the wall with a thunderous crack.
the beast recovers instantly, lunging at them and getting knocked back as it latches onto the walls and begins moving above them at startling speed.
"its going to come now.."
the psionic says calmly as the beast begins to gather energy again.
"This will be your chance."
Posted 13 June 2020 - 04:47 AM
"Right" Sethis said as acknowledgement, also trying to keep an eye on the thing which proved harder than he wanted to admit with just how damn fast it was. It made the 'bouncing off the walls' idiom way too literal for his liking. The other thing on his mind was, once they do get a sample, what guarantee did they have this thing will be contained or stopped?
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 02 July 2020 - 04:17 AM
as the monster lunges, krausus hurls all of his psychich might down in a brutal punch that slams the beast down in front of him. The force dispels the monsters gathering power and it flails under his colossal grip.
"Now ..."
krausus grits as he motions at the exposed arms and legs.
"Get it"
Posted 03 July 2020 - 09:18 PM
The shadow pool surged forward the moment the creature was pinned by Kraussus's psychic blow, going for the limbs that weren't being pressed down into the floor like a hydraulic press. The Ooze reached from the limbs to Sethis, taking slices of flesh and transporting them down back to the snake and then working on delimbing the creature before it can get up.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 09 August 2020 - 04:30 AM
“ enough...... test complete.”
Krause looks at his brother and smiles.
“Well done Bruder...... you ok?”