wait.....There was something before this?-Lafa
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:06 PM
red sirens blare, bathing your pod in a red glow as you see scientists running like scared beasts past you.
The undead por in, like driver ants throuigh a wall , killing and maiming anything in their path as you notice several turn directly at you, advancing slowly on the tube.
Their razored claws extend , they draw them back.
A deep, mechanical voice growls, and the ghouls instantly are frozen in place as if unable to move. Before your very eyes two mechanical red eyes illuminate in the darkness, and a blur of steel sends the ghouls to pieces.
"Do you want to live...."
The eyes growl, its figure resolving into waht looks like a combat suited headtaker bearing a scythed weapon.
"nod...Yes or no."
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:13 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:16 PM
he growls, ripping away the rebreather and forcing you to take a hard gasping breath as he drops a bodysuit beside you.
"suit up...@ minutes."
he growls , turning from you as you notice a copmplex power pack on his back maked.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:23 PM
She grabbed at the suit and pushed herself up, working on learning how her new body moved as she started to slip the suit on.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:29 PM
In one fluid move the ghoul is split in two, the cut a vicous bisection from forehead to groin.
"if you want to get out a live move your ass.....Even i cant hold the swarm thats coming...my scythe needs to recharge."
shouldering it, he reaches down and pulls the beasts forearm blades off with sickening rips.
" This facility is under siege by damnion...And your taking forever...Lets go."
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:36 PM
She pushes off hard, testing the stride and strength, finding she could run faster. "Please tell me you have a weapon I can use!"
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:54 PM
"i do.....Three foot vibroblade...will that work?"
he guides you outside of the room to a safety door and hands you thwe weapon as you sprint over and he lights a match.
"COver your eyes..."
he growls, turning to face the room."
Posted 12 September 2013 - 07:00 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 13 September 2013 - 06:36 PM
" my name is Horus .... I am an envoy of the Templars of the final light.... Are yo ok miss."
Posted 13 September 2013 - 06:57 PM
She stretched her hands out in front of her, pushing the sleeves of the suit up to show the pale white skin. "My skin should be olive, I'm of Greek decent, " she reaches up and touches her short pixie cut, "I had long hair, I was older, heavier, shorter....What the hell happened to me?"
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 14 September 2013 - 05:25 AM
her states simply.
"You were once a member of the templars iof the final light...YOu were captured and broken . For a chance to control you they put your mind in a new body.
Posted 14 September 2013 - 07:39 AM
"I feel great honestly. I can still fight, I'm lithe and faster, may have lost some strength...she's tiny, but I feel wonderful. If you're not here to kill me why do you need me back?"
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 14 September 2013 - 09:42 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 15 September 2013 - 05:02 PM
" because I wouldn't allow the order to kill you. We have too much work yet to do an you've done all you could to help. To kill you would fail the order, with ho siht fighting to control the nuclear aresenal we need all agents on hand."
Posted 15 September 2013 - 05:18 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 18 September 2013 - 04:48 AM
he said simply, slamming his fist into the elevator panel and opening it.
The conmpound is under siege, the undead pour over the broklen defenses in waves and the undead are ripping into the meagre defenses with wild abadon. horus fades from view and you hear the helmet on your hip hum to life as he growls.
*helmet on...Now."
Posted 18 September 2013 - 05:01 AM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 06:35 PM
while unseen the undead ocassionally bumb into him but continue their hunt as he simply sighs.
"this is a damn mess."
Posted 22 September 2013 - 09:32 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 25 September 2013 - 02:54 AM
"The experiments being dfone here could up damions swarm strength by over a hundred percent...he is looking for a way to save his horseman famine."