Thessa pries her blade from the ghouls chest and quickly ducks into the tunnel, playing with the settings on her suit to activate camouflage. Continuing forward she checked the floor and ceiling for anything that would give her approach away.

wait.....There was something before this?-Lafa
Posted 14 March 2014 - 09:34 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 20 March 2014 - 04:42 AM
the suits camo barely holds, flickering for a moment as a ghoul looks into the shaft , its dull mind not comprehending waht it saw.
you move down the shaft until you come to a manhole, above you hear the retort of the snipers rifle and even see a shell casing slide through the grate and down into the sewer.
Posted 26 March 2014 - 06:16 PM
Thessa carefully checks the ladder and the surrounding area for any traps or triggers, careful to avoid them as she moved up to the ladder. She shifted her blade to her good hand, waiting for the sniper to make shots so she wouldn't be heard climbing. Closer to the top she looked up through the grates, hoping to catch her target off guard.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 28 March 2014 - 06:33 PM
"Fucking bitch got away..."
You hear the man groumble as he forces two shells into his bolt rifle.
"Commands going to kill me if i let any of those fucking templars out of here alive."
Overheasrd there is a loud thok as odin trades fire with the sniper.
'God this fucker is tenacious."
Posted 28 March 2014 - 09:03 PM
Thessa watched the man carefully, waiting for him to take his next shot before moving the grate. She only needed to move it enough to slip through it. When the shot rang out she pushed the grate carefully up and out, holding her blade tightly. She kept her eyes on the man, ready to react if he heard her.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 31 March 2014 - 10:17 PM
" oh I'll get you this time.."
He grumbles, loading a detonator shell
Posted 02 April 2014 - 10:01 PM
Thessa comes up and grabs his helmet, her knee connecting with his arm to try and knock the shell from his hands, as she stepped back she wrenched on the helmet to remove it from his head.
'Come on, Odin...take the shot.' she thought.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 03:03 AM
the knee connects with a sickening crunch and the man instantly reacts, , his free hand connects with the side of youre head and you are hurled into the street.
he snarls. a second before his head jolts sideways, a sniper round ripping through his skull and spreading his brains all over the wall. He slumps isntantly, but the commotion seems to attract the gghouls of the town, and within moments the doors all around you oppen exposing dozens of undead.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 07:20 AM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 06:00 PM
undead pour out of the houses, surging up the street and odin meets you half way, pulling you into a house and slamming the door behind you.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 07:43 PM
Thessa quickly surveyed the room, looking for any threats and something to bar the door with. "Took a bite...gonna need it treated soon."
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:39 AM
hes already moving, he clears off a table and opens his side kit.
"Get nekkid"
he laughs playfully, filling a syringe.
Posted 22 April 2014 - 05:48 PM
Thessa shook her head with a chuckle. "Good thing Horus isn't here to hear you say that." She moved over to the table, sitting on the edge. Her fingers pulled the zipper down so she could slip her arms free of the body suit. "Be clean with that needle will you? You know I hate those things."
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 01 May 2014 - 04:16 AM
ignoring your protest he injects the fluid into the ragged wound and pushes the plunger down fully.
"Oh hell beat my face in."
Posted 01 May 2014 - 04:31 AM
Thessa grit her teeth against the pain, her other hand gripping the table hard. She let out a strained laugh. "Don't sound so eager, Odin." She looked around the room again. "So whats the plan?"
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 02 May 2014 - 06:43 PM
He says flatly as he dresses the wound.
" Horus is going to need support."
Skarns voice says over the commn.
" heavy forces are inbound on him."
Posted 02 May 2014 - 07:04 PM
Thessa suited back up the second Odin had secured the bandage. "Come on Odin, we have back up to provide. We have to hack and slash or is there another way out of here?" She rolled her shoulder, feeling the medicine seep into the bite.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 14 May 2014 - 05:27 AM
odin fiddles witrh his kit and points to a door across from you.
That door leads upstairs tio the rooves. You get up athere and you can provide some close fire support."
Posted 14 May 2014 - 06:45 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 14 May 2014 - 06:46 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.