Faith rewarded is repentance - catty vixen
Posted 28 September 2013 - 07:55 PM
" sister...it is time ."
They clamp heavy iron restraints to your hands and yank you to your feet as you are dragged through the dingy prison cellar. The smell of bodies and filth assault your nostrils an you hear the idle threats of the other prisoners in the cell block glare at you a you walk past.
" She is one of the best of us."
You hear one of your captors whisper to the other.
" what did she do to be down here?"
( this part of the story takes place before you join the forlorn , this is where we will flesh out your story a bit, feel free to interact with the guards and we can get you started. Good luck catty ^.^!)
Posted 28 September 2013 - 08:25 PM
Amber look at the captor that talked.
"You don't want to know" she says with a soft voice. "Don't You know it is against the rules to be talking while escorting prisoners?"
Posted 28 September 2013 - 09:13 PM
" we aren't the one on trial sister."
She said quietly as they come to a large black door. There is a loud buzz an it opens into a huge domed room . In the center stand the sister adjudicator vierra , her armor is highly decorated and looks like blazing white marble. Dozens of skulls hang from her waist and she nods as you are brought before her.
" it is a tragedy that you are here my child..."
Behind you two doors open and two more women walk into the room.
One is the sister of war, the high confessor deirra. Her armor shines a menacing black , and the long intimidating mace she carries shines in the light from above.
But it isn't her that catches your eye. The woman coming in beside her is what is holding your attention.
High repentor Selene , mother if the forlorn falls into stride beside her sister. Her armor is a somber gray, but instead of the normal war decorations her armor is decorated in black crosses , each one etched with the sins of one of her daughters.
" good..."
Vierra whispers, greeting her sisters with a nod.
" have we come to a decision."
Deirra hisses in menace.
"The crazy little tart will join the forlorn... I say we kill her now though."
Vierra sighs and shakes her head.
" we will not do that ... She is not lost sister."
Selene whispers with a smile , removing her helm and revealing long white hair.
" she has something left to do in this world."
She takes the length of chain attached to your restraints and takes you down to the door from wence she came.
" are you ok small one."
She whispers to you as the doors grind close behind you, sealing you in the hall of the forlorn with her.
" would you like some food?"
Posted 29 September 2013 - 08:20 AM
Amber's thoughts is spinning around in her head and she feels nauseous from it.
*was that really a correct trial?* She thinks to herself and realize that she always does that when her thoughts start to spinning around.
Start to questioning everything.
*Well it might not have been that correctly, but if this is my destiny, then I will definitely do my best to serve what gives to me.*
She try to take a deep breath to calm herself down.
"What will happen from now on? What are You going to do with me?"
Her voice sounds thin and tremble a bit.
Posted 01 October 2013 - 04:41 PM
"THis is uria and Elise. They will be your guides to the grounds....You will be rearmed, and your armor fitted. From there you will join those two on a mission to the town of jericho tears.....The undead have been plauging it and you will remove a nest...Am i understood small one?"
Posted 02 October 2013 - 10:35 AM
An unexpected, wouldn't even recognize it, it disappeared so quickly, but Amber know Selene did.
"You couldn't be more clear", she answers in a quiet voice.
Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:32 AM
"come sister....Lets go."
The two templars guide you to a dark hall, its warm and wet and the smell of soap fills your nostrils. without warming a deluge of cold water pours over your head , drenchinfg you.
without cemony you are guided out of the room into a dark hall.
three figures stand in the shadow. as the light key on you can see three seperate exoskeltons standing.
(exoskeletons are sanctuaries versions of power armors.)
"Pick one sister....each type has its strengths and weaknesses...
Zealot pattern-(heavy armor)-Comes With a steam axe(two handed axe), and boomer shotgun
(heaviest, hard to move fast but best to deal with human enimies and tough undead)
Gladiator pattern-(medium weight)-Comes with vibroblade, boomer shotgun and sunsheild.
(good mix of both armors, higher defnse and strnegth , cant use wo handed weapons in one hand, but good for mobility and defense.)
Repentant pattern-(lightest armor, low defense but has access to steam lightning generators. Can project lightening , fire and ice)
Posted 08 October 2013 - 06:46 PM
Besides, there was something inside of her beckoning towards the Repentant pattern armor, and she believed it was best to trust in that, even though she didn't know if it was safe to trust that 'something'.. Or 'someone'?
Realizing she was staring at the armor without word as she struggled with herself, she finally shock her head lightly and then indicated the Repentant armor.
"That will fulfill its role, as I am fulfilling mine.." she answered silently.
Posted 09 October 2013 - 11:16 PM
without cermoney the armor begins to be fitted and one of the sisters stands in front og you.
"THis next part...is going to hurt...alot."
as the pack is fitted, you notice two pulsing power nodes lifted into the air behind your back without warning , both nodes are shoved into your bakc and two three prrong syringes hook into your spine and begin pushing stimulants into your body.
you feel electricity arc through your system, its horrifically painfuly, but within moments the pain leaves and you slump onto your knees.
"Are you ok....Sister.."
Elise asks, offering you her hand.
Posted 15 October 2013 - 03:21 PM
"What do you think? That I am used to get needles into my spine with electricity shocks, into my body! No, I'm not okay, you brown-nosed man of a woman." she says while getting up from her knees.
"But soon I will be!" she says when she realize what she can do with this 'new power'...
Posted 15 October 2013 - 03:50 PM
"Youre going to fit in just fine sdear."
she whispers, as she places a heavy stone cross around your neck.
you are lead into a chanmber where two ghouls are strapped to oposts.
(ghouls are zombuies)
Elise points to the one on the left and smirks.
"Kill that in one hit from the mace..."
the ghoul is unrestrained and lumbers toward you slowly
Posted 15 October 2013 - 06:25 PM
*Why with the mace? Hmm, she is seriously an idiot if she think I will use that.*
Flair also hear an 'annoying' voice in her head saying to her to listen to Elise, but as always she ignores that little tiny, weak voice.
Even though she don't care about the order or the voice, she really want to test this new weapon.
So, she rushes forward and swings wide with the mace.
1d100 rolled for a total of: 44 (44)
Posted 20 October 2013 - 06:03 PM
The ghoul that had thrown you hisses, cracking its spine as it lumbers toward ylou, hands outstretched as elise chuckles.
"Go on super girl...Kill it before it kills you."
Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:02 PM
This time she wait for it to come closer and then time her attack accordingly.
1d100 rolled for a total of: 57 (57)
Posted 21 October 2013 - 06:23 PM
Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:15 PM
"Let's see if this armor was worth the pain..." she says quiet. It was more to chastise Amber's weakness then it was a statement.
She thrust her hand against her enemy and focus, while enjoy the pain in Amber...
[spoiler=Lighting Ball]
1d100 rolled for a total of: 56 (56)
Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:26 PM
Steam fills the air as servos scream and the lightning blasts outr , striking the ghouls who scream and explode in messy chunks.
you fall tyo your hands and knees, dizzy from the show of power. elise sits across from you and smirks.
"so bad..."
she chuckles , shaking her head...."She cant even.."
"that was uncalled for./.."
A dark, smoothe voice whispers. Both women snap to attention as a woman and pure black zealot pattern armor walks over to you and helps you up.
"Amber...are you ok."
Posted 22 October 2013 - 06:01 PM
Amber couldn't believe that 'she' did something like that. Go against an order she had been given, that's equal with dead right away..
And the worst part is that she, as always, just disappear after it, and leave Amber to be held accountable for 'her' actions... Again!
"I didn't meant to... I'm sorry..."
Posted 22 October 2013 - 06:04 PM
"YOu should not have done this to amber...THat is uncalled for sisters...You are releived of duty..I will take amber from here."
She motions with her blade at the door and the women leave.
"I am sorry sister some of our sisters can be cruel...Are you ok?'
Posted 22 October 2013 - 06:36 PM