The awakening of the gods.-All rpers, new boss encounter, / questlines
Posted 20 October 2013 - 02:35 AM
In The crusts of Djúpidalur, The undead flee in horror as the ageless wolf beast Fenirsulfur tears itself from the earth with a primal roar. Abject horror and overwhelming fear engulf the fleeing undead as the beast consumes entire flesh heaps whole, using them to fuel its rebirth.
On the banks of the yellow river , the predators flee with viceral shouts as the waters billow outward, drawing them into the whirlpool of gnashing teeth and crushing jaws. With a frothing roar the undead vanish, feeding the birth of Thanh Long, hungering spirit of the river.
In Hawaii, the warriors of the island sanctum of Oahu are pressed to the walls. The undead swarm from the sea onto the land and all seems lost until the un dead wander into a cave.
There is a flash of light, and the undead reel in horror as legion of ageless soldiers press from the caves darkness. Ancients weapons clash against undying flesh , and soon even the swarms of draguar are driven to the forests before the tireless might of the night watchers.
In the darkest forest of the american west, brujia, the ghoul queen of the flayer strain stumbles into a derelict hut, seeking shelter from the pouring rain. Inside, a coffin made of birch rersts, blocking her path from the only cot. with a derisive snort she shoves the coffin aside, splintering the wood amd scattering the bones of the coffin around the hut as she laid down to rest.
At the time of the roar , she awake to the sound of flesh ripping. Turning she looks in horror, as a hunched figure rips the skull of her sister queen Thraja open, driving its face into the twitching queens skull to consume and sup the life force of the dying norn.
The undead scream in pain as their queen dies, and the snyapes giving them thought breaks, riots break out as the flayers try to fight back their rouge brothers, but the unbridled fury of the Kaiser ghouls that had accompanied her sister was too much, and the ghouls fled to the forests.
Dropping the twitching corpse, the figure rose. It was a man, wiry, but toned. He turned upon the frozen norn with eyes that could peirce stone and spoke in al language none had heard for centuries.
"This blood marks my return........The blooded hermit has come to end this."
the figure smiles, its ruby red eyes glimmering as it vanishes, marking the rebirth of the Hermit of dawns.
In japan, the Tsuna tribe of varghen fight to the last on the walls of osaka sanctum. Chameleon like mope ghouls attack from all angles, driving the defenders to the shrine of the lord that rests at the center of the sanctum. There is a loud roar, and with a creaking of agesm, the door opens, revealing a single figure, standing in full adornment of samurai armor.
The ground around him shakes, the earth shatters and the ghouls scream in pain and horror as the earth itself seems to drag them into its jaws, to be lost forever.
The red samurai warlord, oda , The demon has awakened.
Deep in the cave of the horseman strife, Renegade(the rouge synapse of nightmare from carnival of carnage.) shudders at the birth wail.
The voice of the undead seems to drown out for a moment at the wail, and for a moment he feels as if all the strength is pulled from him.
"This world....Revolts against us father......'' He chuckles, looking at the foetid pool that hid the horsemans dormant form.
"your brother.........Hes awakening as well..."
Now im quite sure you are wondering what in the actual fuck this is.
This is the result of weeks of work, studying, perfecting, and conning to get this event done correctly.
This event is the advent of the guardians. Participation in this event is entirely up to the player, to find out who, and what exactly is creating these guardians, for what purpose, and to what end.
All participants that complete a quest line will receive one Medal of the guardians, it will give you exactly one Ultimate mythic tier item for your rpc.
SOme items include
The yellow thunder-Grenade launcher
Dragons tail-Ghoulbone flail
The night watchers plate - A ghoulbone chest piece that has ingrown obsidian
many many more
a total of 55 possible items
players can pair group with any, or all players at any time, this will coincide with the story, but it will be separate, meaning you can participate in the event, and not have it interfere with your story arc.
if you are interested, pm me wityh who you would like to rp with, waht area, and you will be set up with an rp
Ledgends do not die friends, they simply wait to return
Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:27 PM
Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:58 PM
Thaes goes on a little science expedition on the one with Thanh long.
Varkanis, the nightwatchers.
If anyone likes to come with one of them, I'll be happy to rp with you.

I could use some

Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 21 October 2013 - 11:33 AM
Posted 22 October 2013 - 06:55 PM
Drake wanders through a set of ruins, on a scouting mission of the Purifiers for supplies. He uses his scythe as support for his aching body.
Anyone wants to be grouped with him, go on ahead.