*Cue "Everybody Hurts" song*
Hello people of GothicWars. I'm Authrix, and I'm here to talk to you about a cause that is very close to my heart: the suffering endured by the GothicWars staff.
*Camera pans to Thugren looking sad. In the background are some empty cages, supported by a dim green... we'll call it "light"*
This is Thugren. Recently, his zombie making funds were exhausted by the great EC Spam flood, leaving him only very well off, but unable to make more zombies for Sanctuary.
*Image fades, before refocussing on JC in a similar room.*
JC lost his Neko cat girls to a disease known as "flamerage". While he can buy more, he'd much rather have someone else pay for them, ship them and put them in the cages. Without your donations and forced labour, he'd have to do it himself.
*Image fades again, cutting to Crucias. He's in a luxurious room; lion pelt carpet, deer heads on the wall above a vintage rifle. A fire burns nicely while Cru lies back in a large leather armchair, a decanted of scotch in one hand, while the other simply presses to his monocle. His top hat is tilted forward ever so slightly, accentuating his lean forward as he sobs quietly*
The upkeep of GothicWars has left Crucias only incredibly rich, instead of Gut-wrenchingly well-off. Without your support, there is the possibility that he may have to let him manservant go.
*Image fades, then shows Fallenangel. Music stops abruptly.*
This is Fallen. Meh.
*Image fades, music restarts, finally showing the whole staff, sat around a table eating a hog and waffle roast.*
Please, donate for these poor souls today. Just two pounds a month can make such a difference. Without you, what is their tomorrow?
*Image fades to black, with the final sounds being laughter, clinking glasses, and a loud cheer.*

On topic part of the post, will the benefits for donating carry over to GW 2.0? Will they differ in any way?
Im.kinda surprised you didnt put me in this authrix not trying to sound egotistical or anything but im pony