"Your aren't my fa...!!!!" She stopped her words by slamming her fist on top of the counter. Bitterness, anger, and sadness welled in her chest, but she bit her tongue. She ground her teeth against the anger in her. Her voice came out harsh. "Give me your lesson and leave me to my problems then."

Wings of the reich- Raissa
Posted 13 December 2014 - 03:48 AM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 07:21 AM
He says simply, turning and taking a seat.
"That is not how this will work young one.."
He points his hand to a wood fireplace and it ignites, filling the room with heat.
"To learn one must be willing to listen....Can you honestly tell me you are?"
Posted 13 December 2014 - 11:52 PM
Raissa glared daggers at the man. This was infuriating in a way she hadn't experienced before. Her other half surged forward fighting down the anger. 'This is what family is like, in case you've forgotten. He doesn't even know us and he's willing to treat us this way and you're spitting in his face. It's time you spent some time in the back of our mind doing nothing but observing.'
She leaned heavily against the counter, her face flushed and her breathing shallow. Finally with a large intake of air she stood up straight. "Alright, I'm willing to listen." Limping around the counter she sat down in front of the old man.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 04:44 AM
THe old man says warmly, reaching into his pouch and pulling out what looks to be a data pad.
"THis pad holds the procedure in excruciating detail. It will tel you each step needed and show you how to perform it. How fast can you memorize it."
Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:31 AM
Raissa took the pad from him, looking through the first few pages to get an idea of what it would look like. She could feel the cynical side of herself burning with hatred and anger inside of her. Those feelings would have to be suppressed for now, they didn't work on a man like Alduin. "Let's say five hours to read everything twice and a meal should suffice it, and perhaps a cigarette or two. I'll keep them to a minimum if you'll allow me to replace one bad habit with another. They keep the shaking at bay."
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:04 AM
Alduin reaches into his pocket and places a package of cigarettes ont othe table.
"DInner will be senyt down shortly. Is stew ok?"
Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:33 AM
"You needn't ask if what is cooked is okay. I can guarantee that it's better than what I feed myself." Raissa stood, placing the pad next to the cigarettes. She went back to one of the other counters opening a drawer she had seen a lighter in. Slipping it into her pocket she walked back over to retrieve a one cigarette from the pack. Twirling it in her fingers she would not meet Alduin's eyes. Fighting the anger was hard enough without provoking her other half.
"I'll be outside if you need me." She turned and started for the door.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:37 AM
Part of you is very weak. The other half is a pleaseure to talk to......I will have food sent down Raissa...Take your time."
He turns to leave, leaving two trails of smoke trailing behind him.
Posted 18 December 2014 - 07:29 PM
With a deep frown on her face Raissa went back upstairs. The front entrance was still crowded with soldiers. Knowing it wasn't best to tempt her bitter side she wandered the hallways, happening upon a courtyard. Stepping out into the snow she lit up, taking a deep pull.
The smoke burned the longer she held it in her lungs but she could feel the creeping ache of her addiction start to abate.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 23 December 2014 - 06:57 AM
the day is cold as you see the drachen blut units working out in the snow. THey work with a steady dicipoline. Everyone pulling their weight and working alongside one another.
A faint snowfall begins to come down as a figure stands in the door.
"Oh deary...Come inside.."
You turn and see Mary standing at the door. She holds a heavy fur coat and waht looks like a steaming mug of something sweet.
"Youre wet. Youll catch your death out here."
Posted 26 December 2014 - 07:35 PM
Raissa took a long pull of the cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly. "You underestimate my Russian blood. It'll take a lot more than cold to kill me, I've tried." The smell of the drink wafted her way, some kind of hot chocolate mix, and she wrinkled her nose against it. She had never liked chocolate much.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 02 January 2015 - 07:10 AM
" that's good to hear.. Such a pretty young thing needs to be healthy."
She sits down on the deck and smiles.
" I'm so glad my father found you before Adolfo did."
Posted 02 January 2015 - 07:28 AM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 02 January 2015 - 09:14 PM
she smiles sweetly and watches the troops making barracks.
Inside Alduin is sitting beside a large fire, reading his book
Posted 04 January 2015 - 04:59 PM
Raissa kept her focus on the door to the basement but as she came towards passing his chair she slowed. Her footfalls stopped and for a moment her mouth parted as if she was going to say something. She clamped her mouth shut and went to the door. The smell of stew hit her nose the second she stepped in the stairwell. It was pleasant. A large bowl full of steaming hot stew sat on one of the island.
She retrieved the data pad and moved everything over to sit facing a large screen on the wall. Alduin Dempsey had a fantastic set up here, this was a toy she hadn't had an opportunity to use. Turning on the screen she synced the pad to it and with a swipe threw the pages up onto the screen. Raissa enlarged the first page and started to read. She started to eat, taking small spoonfuls. She rarely ate solid food anymore. At the Nazi facility that meant going to get food and that meant leaving her lab and being around people. Much like the soup she had made with her father earlier it tasted wonderful but she would throw up again if she ate too quickly.
But her bites became less frequent as she continued to read. This was fascinating.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:33 AM
Alduin is an anonomatonical wonder.
His bones are heavily calcified. As if hed spent his entire life, breaking and rebreaking the bones until they are as hard as the hardest femur could be. YOu take note of the many enchancements grafted into his suit, the most suprising being his lungs. His lungs are no longer simply for oxygen. Due to his mutagen it is plausible that alduin can breathe in areas of carbon dioxide.
THe only plausible issue you may encounter if that his heart, though strong, needs to have a bypass to remove a possibly probelematic blockage. Its at this moment you jnotice something. ALduins heart is much larger than the average human. THis is astounding. Usually those iwth big hearts cannot be soldgiers. THeir hearts are unable to keep up with the strenous activity. However, alduins boy seems to have evolved beyond this defect, pumping at a rate that mimics a regular heart perfectly.
Posted 09 January 2015 - 08:43 PM
Raissa was enthralled. She pulled up a full diagram of Mr. Dempsey's body and pulled the stylus from the data pad. Adding her own detailed notes she went over the graphic from head to toe. The bone would be problematic if she needed to get under the rib cage for the surgery. She didn't possess the strength to use cutters in this situation and a bone saw would jam with the bones so calcified. The bypass would need to be studied much longer, she wasn't sure what kind of tissue would be strong enough to be used to handle the strength of his heartbeats and not tear. Just because his body had adapted didn't mean his heart didn't pump like it was suppose to.
If her thoughts were correct this monitor could project a 3D image that could be interacted with like a touch screen. She fiddled with the data pad and found the option. The projection appeared in the middle of the lab and Raissa walked over to it. Being to scale she pulled a measuring tape from a drawer and began her routine of familiarizing herself with her subject. Details were important to her, starting from the outside. Moving from organs, to muscles, to nerves, to bones she memorized Aldiun Dempsey on a scientific level, just as she had with Krausus and Sethis.
Satisfied with her notes she moved on to finish reading the rest of the data. She still needed time to reread and look over everything again.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 12 January 2015 - 06:17 PM
THe door opens, and a figure walks inside.
YOu have not known this man, but something about him troubles you. His walk is too relaxed, his eyes too calm. He stands at least a head taller than you, his eyes are a mysterious amber color, and as he walks you can see objects in the room twitch gradually.
"Raissa i presume?....."
He tips his head gently.
"I am Augustus....Augusutus Cain of inhotep...Im here to assist you with this surgery."
Posted 12 January 2015 - 06:47 PM
Raissa nearly jumped out of her skin at the voice, she had been so into her analysis that she hadn't even heard the door open. She turned to stare at him with a guarded expression until he made it through his introduction. Doubt flickered across her face for a brief moment, but she studied his face. Augustus Cain.
"That's impossible..." she barely breathed her words. "How..." It was rare for Raissa to truely be at a loss for words, but this man, this genius...she had read through every article, file and project that even mentioned his name. He was a legend among scientists, among other names but Augustus Cain...genetic manipulation was synonymous with his name and it had to be impossible that he was standing in front of her.
"I'm dreaming...I must have fallen asleep reading the data. That's plausible...or...or someone is messing with my head. A psionic...Kronen...not his specialty but the procedure could have exacerbated his abilities..."
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 12 January 2015 - 07:07 PM
Augustus removes his black hat and slowly opens his raincoat
Raissa Alexandra Volkov"
He says simply, going over to your hologram and begiinning to make changes to the surgery.
"A brilliant mind.....Working far outside your field arent we child?"
He quickly begins devising a chemical formula to handle the blockage in alduins heart.
"Ive read some of your theroms.....Spot on work my dear."