"You know what, I would, and I should, tell you both not to do this. Not only only because of the inherent dangers in this, but because a few feet away from us are people who hold the strings of the world who we don't know how will react to what is about to transpire here. But, it's you two, and it will be done anyways." Sethis ranted in a grumble voice as he stood up, wrapping a towel around himself to cover what dignity he had. Taking a few steps toward a wall and turned back to them, waving a hand to do what they want. "Go on, you two make a lovely couple for doing this by the way." he said with a sly grin.

Wings of the reich- Raissa
Posted 19 June 2015 - 05:08 AM
Raissa gave Sethis a scathing glare. "I'll hurt you later for that jab."
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 19 June 2015 - 05:17 AM
"Oh, willing to do that to your only willing lab assistant?" he chuckle, the smile still there. He has an idea of how far he can push her, and he knew he was close to it.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 19 June 2015 - 05:29 AM
krusu stands and grabs a scalpel.
He drags the blade across his hand and begins making an intricate marking on the floor.
Flipping into the book he finds a ppage and begins to chant as a similar rune appearsw over the door that they had entered through. A blasphemous language fills the air. The room fills with writhing tendrils, gnashing fangs and howling screams, the runes on sethises scales and krauses flesh flare brightly and for a moment, the figure sitting behind krausus was visible plainly.
After several long moments, the visons fade and a horribd bloblike creature sits in the center of the rune
Posted 19 June 2015 - 06:05 AM
Raissa let out a breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding. Verbal science? No there had to be something more to it, mind work, tapping into the symbols like a psionic taps into their power. But the things it created. She looked at the blob on the floor. "What is it? What does it do? How did you make it?" She circled around it to stand next to Krausus, glancing only briefly at the shadow. Her attention turned to Krausus. She reached out to take his wrist, hesitating again. Why had she been doing that, usually her work could let her ignore the fact that she was touching someones bare skin but....
She pushed past the thought and took his wrist, tracing the runes again. They had glowed with the ritual. Did they draw from the body, were they like the manipulated DNA of mutants. She wanted to know.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 24 June 2015 - 12:41 AM
he watches her carefully.
"That is a blobkin.....Its an amaglmation of lesh and bone....Made by black magicks. "
he smiles nd flips to another page in the book.
'need a more......Vivid demonstration?
Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:37 AM
"And more vivid you say?" Raissa held his gaze. "How vivid are we talking?"
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 24 June 2015 - 11:03 PM
without listening to her, krausus floruishes his hands.
The room becomes dark, and pairs of eyes can be seen all around you.
You are instantly uncomfortable, feeling as if someone is staring at you, and you notice, all eyes are. The balsphemous language fills the air and you smell the scent of fresh blood .
the darkness fades, as do the eyes, until you see something in the4 room.
it is crouched, bound by heavy black chains. A naked, impossibly perfect human sits in the center where the blob had been. Two horribly tattered wings poking through the chains.
"Raissa...This is thamuz.."
Posted 20 July 2015 - 06:20 AM
Krausus's words make no sense but they stick in her mind like a catchy song. She grips his arm hard as the darkness seems to thicken around her. As the room returns to normal the figure in the center of the circle catches her attention. Her mouth drops open slightly as her eyes take in the man. Her hand softly dropped away from Krausus and she stepped forward. "Hes impeccable..."
She walked carefully around the circle, inspecting the man, admiring him. Raissa couldn't deny he was intriguing, especially being naked, but her intrigue extended to how had he gotten here. She looked at Krausus. "How did you do this? He's, well, he's flawless, he's beautiful." She knelt down to look at the man's face. Her eyes traced the path of the chains and she reached out to touch one of the chains. Was it obsidian?
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 20 July 2015 - 06:29 AM
the chain seems to be frigid coldd and the man considers her.
" Yes it is obsidian...but it is far older than anything youve ever seen girl."
The mans words are perfect, measured. But you can tell he obviously has not spoken for a long time.
"i summoned him raissa."
Krausus says simply, cracking his shoulders.
"Moved him from his place in hell to here."
Posted 20 July 2015 - 07:01 AM
She looked into the mans eyes. "Hell, huh? I've been there a few times. You've emerged amazingly unscathed." She looked back at Krausus. "When you say summoned, you mean constructed. This is one of your enhanced abilities, is it not?" Raissa picked up one of the loose ends of the chains, examining it closely. "This is an amazingly unique creature."
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 21 July 2015 - 10:42 PM
krausus rolls his eyes and raises his hand.
there is a bright flash, and you find yourself on top of a mountain.
It is bitterly cold, the cold lashes at your flesh and to your right you see a corpse. It is completely skeletal, long since frsot bitten and on the skeletons chest you see the wrolds.
"everest expidition."
In that same breath you are brought back to the labaoratory, sitting on the bed at the far side with krauses back facing you.
"Now do you get it? I called him from one place and brought him here."
Posted 22 July 2015 - 04:02 AM
"So.....where did he take you to prove himself? He transported me to the north pole to meet santa, almost died to freezing." he smirked with a soft chuckle after seeing them pop back into the room with him and the...angel. He himself did not exactly feel good simply being around it and he wasn't sure why.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...