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#1 MetalHead666X


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 09:38 PM

So this came out today-

And I this is the after thought-
7czff.gifvia Imgflip GIF Maker
Prime just bitchslaped Grimlock. So awesome.

Edited by MetalHead666X, 05 March 2014 - 09:53 PM.

Two Giratina are better than one.

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Thanks to Astral Shadow of Serebii for the Signiture

#2 dx144


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Posted 05 March 2014 - 10:55 PM

My childhood goes to the abattoir once more...


I'll probably watch it when it comes onto Sky Movies but that will only be to complain about it. Hating all the remakes they are doing. Total Recall, Robocop, Judge Dredd.... To me it just seems that some directors, writers and film makers can't think of their own ideas so they have to cannibalise old movies and dub them as "Remakes" why?! Robocop was one of the best films ever and its been remade at PG-13. I prefer my movies designed for Adults but marketed for kids.


I did love Robocop 2 where they reprogrammed him to basically never use violence.


Although I'm getting off topic...

I think I'm stick with my 1986 Transformers movie thank you.... I mean they have Leonard Nimoy do the voice of Galvatron, how is that really beatable...

Also Soundwave actually did things. All the Bayformers had him do was sit on a satellite! Serious one of the best and high ranking Decepticons did absolutely nothing apart from send messages. I mean yes he is a communications expert but he was always at the frontlines jamming Autobot transmissions and he is one of if not the most loyal to Megatron/Galvatron. Someone needs to beat Micheal Bay into a pulp...


Also I didn't know Transformers had anything to really to do with Tentacle monsters...

[spoiler=Fuck sake...]



I would actually prefer a movie like this than Bayformers...

[spoiler=I don't even know...]



Edited by dx144, 05 March 2014 - 10:57 PM.

"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

#3 MetalHead666X


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 04:16 PM

Lel. Thw worm is from 3, I do belive it was Shockwaves pet. They had game based on the movie as a prequel to certian events in the 3.

Two Giratina are better than one.

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Thanks to Astral Shadow of Serebii for the Signiture

#4 dx144


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 05:30 PM

Bayformers is one of the most horrible things to come out of the 21st century.


Shockwave never decided to travel from place to place on a Worm.... He you know stayed back on Cybertron to rule it while Megatron went off to do some fun shit like kill Optimus Prime...


Is the new Bayformers going to have Unicron finally appear? And I imagine Unicron will go for Earth even though he was supposed to go and try to kill Primus/Cybertron.


Also if Unicron is in the new Bayformers how is Unicron supposed to be defeated? Unicron was defeated by using the Matrix of Leadership which according to Cybertronian mythology is given from Primus to the original Prime which contains an essence of his power. 


Also isn't Cybertron completely destroyed now. I mean the Autobots wouldn't allow that to happen. Primus is seen as a God to the Cybertronians as Primus is one who gave them life so its kind of killing your Father, God and life giver... Optimus wouldn't be happy about it but he couldn't and would do everything he could to ensure Cybertron's survival. He has made massive sacrifice before but nothing on the scale of his Homeworld and God. Also that would massively drum up support for the Decepticons as Optimus and the Autobots would forever be known as the Cybertronians who allowed Cybertron to be destroyed and doomed their race to extinction.


Why it was even moved makes no sense. It needs to be moved because Cybertron is dying. Wut? Makes no sense as Cybertron has little amount of energon so other worlds are searched for so the side with more resources can defeat the other. So moving Cybertron to another planet's location gives it more Energon how? As it allows us to use special effects! Sums it up and sums up Bayformers all together.


Although Grimlock is always a favoured character. I still prefer Soundwave though....

"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

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