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#41 MetalHead666X


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Posted 28 July 2014 - 04:27 PM

I enjoyed most of it. Crucible felt like COD played on Halos Maps. Which felt wrong. I wanted something new, not the best of two other games. My other complaint is the Classes. They just don't feel different at all. Maybe I am being a bit rash, as we haven't actually seen the sub-classes.


However, story Is interesting, game-play feels good, and its all nice and scenic.


Though it all together feels too familiar, like its a mash of different games. I dont know. Thats just my opinion.

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#42 Baron



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 04:40 PM

I enjoyed the Crucible, especially Iron Banner. Nearly reached rank 2 in Iron Banner and I got all 100 creds from the Crucible. There wasn't much difference between the classes because of exactly that, we didn't get to level up high enough to really get into what makes each class unique. Most of Destiny is gunplay, so since everyone has the same weapons and gear, there wasn't much difference outside of the Supers and looks. 

I didn't get into the story itself. I mean, I like the universe, the Fallen, Hive and whatnot, but not the personal story. All that I remember was that I was revived, went to the tower, and then became an errand boy/girl. I mean, of course it is a build up to the actual game story, but as for right now, I wasn't that thrilled by it.

Main 2 complaints (well 1 being from someone else), is that A: It would be nice to talk to people outside of your fire team, because doing Devil's Lair or PvP with people who don't know what they are doing is a pain since you can't communicate with them. B: They need a form of ranking in PvP so that you aren't pared with people to far away from your skill level in either direction. 

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#43 CruciasNZ


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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:36 PM

I feel they should have gone with the ESO style of map. Big open and explorable, plus some other areas you zone into via boat or tunnel (in Destiny's case that would be via spaceship).


The game just felt so silo'd

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#44 Brother Agatone

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 06:23 PM

So I liked the game. The armor and weaponry seemed very epic (and those were just the lower level gear). I was somewhat disappointed by the size, I was hoping for something a little bit more, and I thought there should have been a more efficient way to gain glimmer because I thought there weren't enough chests of glimmer scattered around the map. A better way would have been if you got glimmer from kills like 2 or 3 glimmer here and there, and I would have preferred to sell gear for glimmer for more rather than dismantling it. I thought crucible was just perfect provided a few minor caveats. The supers seemed well balanced. It wasn't like i was spammed by warlocks or hunters golden guns. everything worked out fine, except all that sniping crap. First crucible game and I killed three times by the same guy in a corner with a sniper. Although it was nice that most of the other weapons weren't insanely out of waco in their specs and abilities. I do like how you can still customize the sights on the weapons and other things. the story line was a bit random, but still insanely fun. So all in all I think its worth my $100 for the limited edition.

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#45 CruciasNZ


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Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:55 AM

Naia tried the game on PS4 (her cousin has one) and to my surprise she liked it. Big win for me on that one :D


Means more of you poor souls get to suffer  meet her wrath. That said, Catty you are NOT allowed to play Destiny now as you and Naia should never meet, GWRS would not survive the implosion.. and likely neither would I oO

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#46 An_A10_Pilot


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Posted 30 July 2014 - 02:12 PM

Naia liked a shooting game? Oh for the love the Emperor run! Have to feel sorry for the darkness. She will rip thru them faster than orks in close combat with tau.
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#47 CruciasNZ


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Posted 31 July 2014 - 04:20 AM

Naia liked a shooting game? Oh for the love the Emperor run! Have to feel sorry for the darkness. She will rip thru them faster than orks in close combat with tau.

Technically she stabbed her way through the game. Who the fuck gave her a knife!?

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#48 Brother Agatone

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 09:03 PM

I'm not sure who Naia is, but I was hoping my own girlfriend would play with me (nonsexually), but it's not co op and her xbox broke. Also we should form up into casual fire teams because the raids are six people with no match making
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#49 CruciasNZ


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Posted 31 July 2014 - 10:01 PM

I'm not sure who Naia is, but I was hoping my own girlfriend would play with me (nonsexually), but it's not co op and her xbox broke. Also we should form up into casual fire teams because the raids are six people with no match making

All missions can be done in 3 person fire teams. The quantity and difficulty of AIs scale accordingly much like Diablo 3. You also get better and more loot drops with more people.


As for the groups, we'll run a community Destiny group and organize events and stuff regularly. I'd like to see it become a staple game because it could last us until EC beta

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#50 Baron



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Posted 01 August 2014 - 01:01 AM

Strikes= 3 people, including randoms, playing on a preset level ( Devil's lair was lv 6 or 8 queues)

Raids= 6 people already in a fireteam/party.

Not sure if loot scales, would only get lv 9 gear from Devils, with the exceptions of 3/4 pieces for a rare set from engram drops.

Edited by Cobalt, 01 August 2014 - 01:03 AM.

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#51 Brother Agatone

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:01 AM

I just had a curious thought. When I was kid I watched power rangers now that I play videogames I'm like fuck power rangers im a be that badass mother fucker with the fists of havoc
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#52 CruciasNZ


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:11 AM

I just had a curious thought. When I was kid I watched power rangers now that I play videogames I'm like fuck power rangers im a be that badass mother fucker with the fists of havoc

and this relates to Destiny how? I get the feeling you forgot to finish typing that thought?

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#53 Brother Agatone

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:14 AM

If I had known halo and everything else existed I wouldn't have bothered. It's really just more of a random thought.

More to the point though, we should work out some kind of scheduling because they say that raids could take hours.
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#54 Baron



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Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:14 AM

Fists of Havoc is the Titan's super.
Or maybe just an unfinished thought.

Strikes take ~30 mins.

MMO raids take ~90-180.

Edited by Cobalt, 01 August 2014 - 03:16 AM.

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#55 CruciasNZ


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:01 AM

We will plan things when the game comes out and who is playing with us becomes apparent

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#56 J NOSK36


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 12:15 AM

I thoroughly enjoyed the beta, I played the Warlock class and got up to Lvl 8 no problem, the multiplayer in that game is so fun, and with the explore option i was never bored ever, this is gonna be such a fun game to play with you guys 

Edited by J NOSK36, 11 August 2014 - 12:15 AM.

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#57 CruciasNZ


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 01:47 AM

The netcode for multiplayer is terrible, those of us not in the US got shafted by hit detection issues. Nowhere near as bad as SM was, but much worse than the likes of Battlefield or Halo.


I was disappointed with the format of the game, instead of going for an expansive free roam world experience they have Silo'd it, meaning you constantly have to load navigation menus and random player encounters are reduced. Was hoping they'd go for a World of Warcraft approach, a couple of expansive silos (basically the continents in WoW). 


Still, gameplay was fun but I don't expect it to be the dynamic FPS MMO they promised. Defiance did its maps better :(

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#58 J NOSK36


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 05:34 AM

The netcode for multiplayer is terrible, those of us not in the US got shafted by hit detection issues. Nowhere near as bad as SM was, but much worse than the likes of Battlefield or Halo.


I was disappointed with the format of the game, instead of going for an expansive free roam world experience they have Silo'd it, meaning you constantly have to load navigation menus and random player encounters are reduced. Was hoping they'd go for a World of Warcraft approach, a couple of expansive silos (basically the continents in WoW). 


Still, gameplay was fun but I don't expect it to be the dynamic FPS MMO they promised. Defiance did its maps better :(

keep in mind it was a beta, they could make changes between now and when it is supposed to come out, im sure there will be lots of planets to explore, we may have just experience the tip of the iceberg 

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#59 CruciasNZ


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 07:05 AM

You miss my point Pony. Defiance was one map where you walked between zones, giving the impression of a deep and immersive world. Destiny you use loading screens to get to every part of the game.

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#60 CruciasNZ


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 07:51 AM

Upgraded my preorder from schmuck version to Lim Ed. Shit just got cereal

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