Ok, were going to play a game in which players will create a story. Each player will say one word on their turn.
first player: once
second player: there
third player: was
fourth player: a
fifth player: honey badger ( for you metalhead)
The more players there are the more likely that everyone will get a chance to add in their own ridiculous objects, characters, and actions.
I only have two main rules: No use of gothic war members in the story unless they're ok with it, and no making deals with other players to influence how the story goes.
After every round of turns I'll compile what has been come up with so far.
Players have 18 hours to respond to their turn or they will be skipped, so we can keep the game going.
(Amendment to rule above: If the players turn is on a word not pertaining to sentence specifics (ex. at, a, to, for, because, etc) then I will automatically fill it in for them)
I will moderate the game but I will not take part other than to start it with the first word
There will be an out game discussion forum and then the game forum.
If you wish to take part comment below.
The game will start soon.