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Rise of The Tomb Raider to be an Xbone exclusive


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#1 JC 042

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 04:39 PM

Wonder how much cash M$ threw at Square Enix for this. That said it seems to have made it worse for themselves, people are hating on them A LOT for this and it seems very unlikely this will equate to any additional console sales, in fact it probably made it even worse. M$ seems to be focused on making their competitors product experience worse rather than improving their own, like they did with Titanfall by denying Sony fans the game even when it was already being made for them.

After many hours of heavy outcry, flames, petitions, and sacrificed goats, Xbone boss finally admitted to it being a timed exclusive, a lot of people could already see this happening the way they were describing it, they just didnt want to admit it that it would be on PC and PS4 as well. I bet they wanted it to stay that way up until the point the exclusivity ended and they already sold all the XBones they could from it. I could tell Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix wanted to say it was a timed exclusive, but I bet part of the exclusivity deal with M$ meant they weren't allowed to say anything, that's a hunch though.

Still, I'm very upset with M$ about this (that said I hate them a lot already for GFWL for not being put down by now) but I also lost a lot of respect for Square Enix, I liked that publisher a lot, and I am very dissapointed in them after this. And I'm amazed they would shoot themselves in the foot like this, they missed their sales target for Tomb Raider (doesn't change the fact it performed and sold amazingly well imo) so shutting out potentially three-quarters of their player base seemed suicidal for the franchise, especially with all the lost support from die hard fans.

Best thing I read though was a thread wondering if the Xbone would be able to handle the game to run on 60 fps, the first reply was that it'd be a surprise if it sold 60 copies :D

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#2 Thugren


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 05:11 PM

Lol the issue isnt how much money microsoft paid for it. Its how much Square was willibng to sell it for. Dont you see the main exclusives for the p3 are barely covering it?


Xone now has kingdom hearts, metal gear, monster hunter. All those exclusive ports are coming, the p4 has to step it up or x1 will bury it 


#3 JC 042

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 05:31 PM

Xone now has kingdom hearts, metal gear, monster hunter. All those exclusive ports are coming, the p4 has to step it up or x1 will bury it 

I bet Sony isn't going to try (they probably should though) as I bet they feel they already beat M$ having slaughtered them 3 to 1 in console sales, this seems more like desperation from M$ trying to put more of their machines out there. I only wish they'd do it by making their service better, rather than trying to sabotage their competitors with exclusives and denying their customers games, the same argument for both of them (that said I believe if they own the studio they have more of a right to do it, I don't agree with bribing private studios/publishers to make up for their shortfalls in services).

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#4 Thugren


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:29 PM

you may be right in the fact that ps4 has had more sales.


But um, what games are there? What games do you have out currently? All of....4?  I mean sure yuou may have all the bells and whistles in the world buuuuuuuut without games its redundant.

as for service the x1 isdnt bad, have you sat down and played with one on your own yet? 


#5 JC 042

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:35 PM

you may be right in the fact that ps4 has had more sales.


But um, what games are there? What games do you have out currently? All of....4?  I mean sure yuou may have all the bells and whistles in the world buuuuuuuut without games its redundant.

as for service the x1 isdnt bad, have you sat down and played with one on your own yet? 

I haven't played either, not really planning to. I went PC gaming because it's cheaper (in the long run). I know there are lots of good titles on PS4, I just havent been bothered to remember them, lol.


I want Sony to win this time round with as few exclusives as possible that would be brilliant for the industry so that both Sony and Microsoft get the message that exclusives aren't the way to win console wars, this means everyone can get the game they want without needing both consoles and its down to making a better console and software to win people over. But a gamer can dream...

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#6 CruciasNZ


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 07:15 PM

PS4 has more sales because Sony has launched in 72 countries to date. Last time I checked MS had launched in 14. That right there tells you all you need to know about why the PS4 is doing better. 


On a whole I despise the idea of exclusivity from third party developers (in-house games like Halo, Killzone etc are all good). Now that said. I feel absolutely zero remorse for PS4 owners complaining about exclusivity as they get Destiny content that we do not. The world goes in swings and roundabouts, if you want to brag about your exclusive stuff, don't whine when the other side gets their fair share. 


As for PC gamers, I believe that action games are ruined on PCs so no sympathy lost. I think it would also be good if PC got all games a month or so after consoles regardless of who the studio is; firstly thanks to the almighty Gaben they have enough games to play, and secondly it would drive up sales of consoles and more importantly encourage more development. Since consoles are optimized for gaming alone, and they all share the same hardware (within each product line) you can accomplish so much more with a game on a console. 

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#7 An_A10_Pilot


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:07 PM

I was expecting this after the whole thing with how destiny is getting a whole bunch of ps4 exclusives. Sony and MS are simply trading blows. As for exclusive stuff, most of the exclusives MS has right has burnt out. Halo 5 is a sham. MG .... bleh.

But Sony has little of their own to offer. The lack on both sides has stayed my hand on which console to buy.

Most likely I won't be buying a console till September 9th and it will come down to friends most likely about which system I get.
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#8 MetalHead666X


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:17 PM

Personally I just like the look of the Xbox games more. Not the usual's like Halo and Gears, but the new IPs, like Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive. If Xbox can get the games which are interesting then I will keep supporting their consoles. Furthermore I am not to interested in the Square Enix deal, bar Kingdom Hearts of which I am thankful for its presence on the Xbone. I will admit MS have had to make many a U-turn and many a change, and the focus of  being a "Entertainment system" had put me off. But with some of their  new stuff coming along I am changing my mind.


JC I got your back! Playstation have some nice new IPs some of which I would be interested in. One of which is Bloodbourne. That is all I know, but I have seen some of it, and It intrigues me.


Really though I think some of the best upcoming games are avalable ont both platforms, even with exclusives. I never though I would hear my self saying this, but after Gamescom Battlefield- Hardline is looking amazing. Something worth my time.


That would be my opinion. I see this turning into a debate, worthy of taking part in. Hopefully :D  

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#9 CruciasNZ


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:22 PM

Halo 4 was actually a lot of fun, but it was really really short. Hopefully Halo 5 will be much deeper. Certainly Halo MCC is going to be gold plated diamond level of epic. 

Sony's IPs are not doing so well either, Last of Us was rubbish and Killzone Shadowfall was apparently less than satisfying (plus it spawned a lawsuit for not being stated native 1080p).


The time of the old IPs is drawing to a close, it's time to see how the new ones handle 

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#10 MetalHead666X


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:46 PM

After seeing some of the new HaloMCC gameplay videos (Or the one showing of Team Doubles on a remastered Sancturary) I cant say I am not hyped. 


You are correct Cru- A new generation means new games and this is good. Most of the new IPs for Xbox I have seen so far are amazing,The guys who made Alan Wake (Remedy Software) are showing of their new game which I mentioned before "Quantum Break" a game of which I am excited to get my hands on.


Not to say the old IPs arent doing a bad job of it either.

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#11 JC 042

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:54 PM

A lot of people on the PS4 are like "Meh, Uncharted 4 will be better". I personally only enjoed Uncharted up to the second one. Of course the dia hard fans of Tomb Raider like me (kinda) are really pissed about this.

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#12 CruciasNZ


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 09:07 PM

More and more exclusives will land on the Xbox, be prepared for it. Sony is hemorrhaging money badly and will not have the cash reserves to buy as many deals as Microsoft will. The only way they could even the odds is to sell off all departments but Playstation, since it's the only one making money

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#13 JC 042

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 12:31 PM

More and more exclusives will land on the Xbox, be prepared for it

Fortunately I'm not interested in most of them (screw you EA), this game being the exception.

I want M$ to buy full exclusive rights to the next COD for XBone and for it to fail harder than Aliens Colonial Marines, Sim City, and ET (that game that ruined video gaming industry in America) all combined so it ruins them (bonus points for the death of COD).

Also NerfNow always makes me laugh :D

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#14 MetalHead666X


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Posted 14 August 2014 - 02:51 PM

Actually now you mention E.T, and that whole crash there is a lot that could be said. If only there was some sort of madman who didn't believe in punctuation that could describe it for us...


Oh wait. There is.


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#15 NinjaJohnno



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 05:34 PM

lol we had a copy of ET on the Atari 2600 it sucked hard.
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