Legends abound in the Halls of Justice of a group of summoners secluded from the others. Not by force, but by choice; it is said that these summoners exist to bind champions to their will, only to then force them into playing childish games. One such game has become infectious, spreading even to otherwise normal and renowned summoners...
Ok, hide and seek. You know how it works usually: One person seeks while everyone else hides. Here's the Lol version.
Teams: 1-3 Seekers, 5 hiders.
The Hiders have five lives each. They have to evade the seekers for 40 minutes. If the Hiders run out of lives, the seekers win. If the Seekers run out of time, the Hiders win.
Played on Crystal Scar.
Capturing a turret (and starting nexus decline) is forbidden for obvious reasons.
Hiders may only use abilities to escape or CC seekers. Seekers have full access to Champion abilities.
Hiders may only build items for move speed and defense - no Lich Banes, Deathfire Grasp, Bloodthirsters, etc.
Hiders may not auto attack seekers - the objective is to evade the seekers for 40 minutes, not continually harass them.
Hiders have an initial two minute grace period to hide. Then the seekers can begin looking.
Abilites and items that only deal damage or grant vision cannot be used. This includes abilities that have to stack or combine to provide CC (Such as Brand's abilities or Yasuo's Q). Moves such as Riven's Q or Jarvan's "Flag pull" are allowed as escapes. These limits do not apply to seekers.
Hiders can use healing abilities, but not those that deal damage to heal (Warwick's R, Spell vamp and Life steal, Irelia's R, etc)
Hiders may not hide on their spawn or return to it at any point. They may only buy items if/when they die. Seekers may return at any time.
A hider has a 30 second grace period where they may hide after they respawn. Seekers are not allowed to follow them during this time.
Hiders may not group up to harass the seekers long term. Accidental grouping is acceptable, and pairs are ok.
Banned items: Aside from items that build AD or AP: Thornmail, Guardian Angel, Frozen Mallet and Sunfire Cape are all banned.
Banned Champions:
Anyone that can go invisible for a long or indefinite period of time. Teemo and Evelyn are the two major examples.
Kassadin. He's either uncatchable or unescapable, depending on his team.
Rengar. Pretty much the exact same reason as Kass.
Specifically, Shaco's boxes are banned.
All summoner spells are allowed, though only one seeker may take Clairvoyance, and no Hiders.
A lot to read, so the overlying rule is this: Play to the spirit of the game. Hiders grouping up and killing the seekers doesn't make much sense.
Ok, with all of that out the way, anyone interested?