Yeah that seems to be the norm nowadays, some DLC is ok I can see why but others where it usually becomes a pay to win style of game EG buy DLC and get newer weapons which haven't been balanced as much (LOOKING AT YOU FAMAS FROM BF3!) but some I don't mind DLC when it is just for a single player RPG like Skyrim's DLCs which personally all except for Hearthfire added in a nice amount of new content to fool around with like the Vampire/Werewolf perk trees, Solstheim to explore, killing a Legendary Dragon and other fun stuff. Did have its down sides like Dragon Riding was nothing like it was wanted. =/
I personally have no interest in Evolve and heard some badish stuff from a few mates about it so that put me off it that little bit more.
yeah, but here is the distinct difference between skyrim and evolve. Skyrim actually had dlc's that came out months later that were proper dlc. I felt that I easily got my $60 worth gladly paid for the later DLC's. Evolve is not that. I am pretty much crusading against this switch in the industry.