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Having a go at a Fallout New Vegas Story

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#21 dx144


    Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Red Army Choir and Ensiferum Fan

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Posted 08 July 2015 - 08:40 PM

3rd December 2281 (Continued... Again):


Puesta Del Sol had been cleared of most of the Cloud, from the moment Aurelius and God left the Switching Station that large pocket of the Cloud was gone and from the steps they'd used earlier to make it into the Switching Station was gone.


Aurelius was amazed to see how easy it was to remove the Cloud from the Villa if the systems were working. There was the possibility Aurelius could search through more parts of Puesta Del Sol but he had to get God to his position with Salida Del Sol.


Again no Ghost People were within Puesta Del Sol. Perhaps it was Aurelius following the path he came in from and wondered if Dean was just paranoid about the Ghost People being so numerous.


Once Aurelius and go left Puesta Del Sol there still wasn't any Ghost People within Villa, the heavy breathing that once was the ambience of the Villa seemed to have subsided with now only the song of silence playing to Aurelius on his journey through the Villa occasionally broken by a crack of thunder.


Aurelius and God passed the Fountain with Vera Keys Hologram and still no sounds were to be heard apart from a few cracks of thunder.


God and Aurelius made it to Salida Del Sol without seeing anyone or anything else but once inside Salida Del Sol it was a completely different situation.


One Ghost Person stood next to a small fountain waiting, for what Aurelius had no idea, perhaps it knew Aurelius was coming here or perhaps they have no idea of what to do outside of combat. Whatever the reason was it threw one of those gas canister bombs at Aurelius and God. Thankfully the Ghost Person's throw missed and both God and Aurelius weren't hit by the blast and Aurelius quickly blew its head apart with his pistol but the sounds of the explosive the Ghost Person threw was an alarm to all other Ghost People that they had visitors.


They came running through the streets and on the rooftops. All with spears as if coming to hunt a great beast, Aurelius wasn't going to let a single one get close to him. The first three were all on the street, Aurelius fired shot after shot blowing one of the Ghost People's leg off with another Ghost Person losing its head. The third Ghost Person rushed as Aurelius tried to quickly reload his pistol but the Ghost Person was too fast but before it could strike Aurelius a giant blue arm shielded Aurelius, it was God taking the spear's thrust and then proceeded to tear the Ghost Person apart.


Another group was running towards Aurelius and God two took to the rooftops and another two on streets. Aurelius saw one on the rooftop with a gas canister, he took aim slowed his breathing and squeezed the trigger.


A few seconds later on the rooftop where the Ghost Person was aflame with the Ghost People's arm blew to a million pieces and the other Ghost Person on the rooftop burning but a precise word to describe it would be melting even its suit that was thick and hard was now soft and weak. It wasn't long until the Ghost Person fell down sliding off the rooftop landing on one of the other Ghost People on the street.


The burning Ghost Person knocked one of the two Ghost People in the street down but the other kept charging. Aurelius quickly fired the five remaining shot in his magazine into it's head where it quickly broke apart with only one Ghost Person left which managed to get back up after getting its burnt kin of it and cared nothing but continuing its attack.


God responded in kind and charged it and broke it apart like a twig completely ripped in half. God then threw it away like a child with a toy they no long wanted.


Aurelius and God waited a minute to see if any more of the Ghost People wanted to attack but none came. The rooftop still flamed but the fire was only small and the Ghost Person that fell on fire started to give of the stench of burning flesh.


With that done Aurelius and God carried onwards deeper into Salida Del Sol to make it to the Switching Substation so God would be in his location.


They carried on down the street walking over the limbless corpses of the now dead Ghost People they seemed to retreat in fear after the display Aurelius and God put on, possibly waiting for a prime time to strike the two.


Once following the street they came to corridor covered with the Cloud or go above it into what once was someone's home.


Aurelius wanted to see how far the Cloud stretched and as he moved closer to it he noticed a little side corridor which was blocked off but after walking into it the Ghost People sprung.


Four of them two with bear-traps they fists, one with a gas canister and spears and another with just spears. They all charge Aurelius. The closest was a Ghost Person Aurelius had taken to calling Trappers who was quickly blown away by Aurelius pistol but the other Trapper wasn't fair behind.


It threw its fist into Aurelius left arm but didn't clamp down, still crushed his arm though. Enraged Aurelius pulled out what was called a Cosmic knife and cut through the thick skinned suit of the Trapper's neck like it was butter then continued to cutting until the Trapper's throat was cut through leaving a clean slice.

The Ghost People had their numbers halved but the Ghost People with spears Aurelius had started to calling Hunters were within the Cloud throwing spears at Aurelius but one of them stopped as Aurelius could make out it picked up its gas canister and was about to throw it.

Now it was now or never, wait here and be burnt alive or make a run for the entrance to the corridor. Aurelius took a deep breath and ran as fast as he could. A spear flew past him and stuck into the wall in front of him and the gas canister exploded behind him. Aurelius could feel the heat burning next to him but didn't have time to see if he'd be set on fire.


God was stood next to the corridor waiting for Aurelius who before attacking or trying to protect told Aurelius to stop being curious and stay on task.


The Hunters than began to follow Aurelius as a beast would hunt wounded prey. The first ran straight into God who was awaiting the Hunters. God grabbed the first and literally ripped it apart as he'd done to some before and left it dead on the floor and the other Hunter was just as eager to attack and threw a spear into God's right arm. There is stayed as God beat the Hunter into the ground and then tore it apart.


With the Ghost People had been killed and they were safe for now.


Aurelius took out a few stimpaks offering them to God to help deal with his wounds as well as one for him to ease the pain from the bear trap that had crushed his arm.


God tore the spear out from his arm then took a couple of the stimpaks to heal up his wounds but were healed up rather quick as was Aurelius's crushed arm.


The two decided not to go through the corridor any more as it seemed to be a Ghost Person ambush spot and decided to go through the building above them.


The building they passed through was unremarkable, just like so many others Aurelius had passed through, nothing to be salvaged apart from left over tinned food like Pork N' Beans.


After passing through the building another balcony still stood which Aurelius and God dropped down from as they were so very near God's Gala location.


The way was devoid of all life apart from Aurelius and God so they made it to God's location in no time. Outside of the point was a terminal which had information on the Substation Status which was minimal but the thing that caught Aurelius attention was the ability to look at the Ventilation System's status and the ability to reset said Ventilation System.


The Ventilation System's current status was:

Fan 1 - Online

Fan 2 - Offline (Power Failure, Reset System)

Fan 3 - Online

Fan 4 - Online

Fan 5 - Offline (Power Failure, Reset System)


Aurelius tried to reset the system which changed Fan 2 and 5 to online.


Now that was sorted out Aurelius knew it would be easier to navigate through Salida Del Sol to his location but the main thing was making sure God stayed here and that he was protected against the Ghost People.


God noticed the switches lined up on the wall, and then wondered what Aurelius would want him to do here.


Aurelius knew God was playing the fool by dancing around the obvious but was direct with him letting him know Aurelius wanted to stay here and operate the switches for the Gala Event.


God just explained that you could lead him to water. But the idea of being trapped in this courtyard while sirens are screaming and lights are flashing... God admitted he could survive one or two of the Ghost People but more and even Dog would need to work to stay alive. Then the gate that sat between the courtyard they stood and the switches if that locked it would be just like the holding cell in the Police Station again but this time there wouldn't be any way to escape.


Aurelius said to God that he really didn't want to have to deal with Dog and would prefer to deal with him.


God found that hard to believe as Dog was more docile, obedient.


Aurelius knew this required job required intelligence and that he could also trust God to do this more than Dog.


God agreed but disliked the word trust, he saw it more as a mutual need as it was more honest. But God knew he could help Aurelius from the diagrams on the wall next to the switches to know which order to throw the switches to make fire appear in the sky.


All that God needed was to make sure Dog didn't surface before God is called upon to activate his Gala Event trigger and the only way to do that is for him to be fed and then Dog would stay in the cage.

Aurelius wanted to know what food God wanted bringing back.


God explained that Dog had torn apart a large number of Ghost People within the Villa and while he doesn't prefer them to the flesh of other creatures it would do for now. If Aurelius could find some Ghost People, kill them and bring the remains here and bring them back to God. God understood this was a bit much to ask since he knew they weren't easy enough to kill but had faith that Aurelius could do it and that the beast known as Dog must be fed to stay within his cage.


Aurelius wanted to know how many Dog would need and God said two should be enough and so Aurelius set off to hunt a couple of Ghost People.


God waited next to the switches for Aurelius return and Aurelius could see the corridor where the Ghost People had ambushed him before but the Cloud had been removed by the ventilation system and wondered if he could take those Ghost People back to God and see if they would do.


As Aurelius went through the corridor he could hear the heavy breathing of the Ghost People, it was a couple of Hunters lurking around. Aurelius dispatched them with ease from his pistol blowing both of their heads clean off. Rather than taking the older ones Aurelius took back the two "fresh" Ghost People corpses to Dog to see if they would do.


Aurelius returned to God who told Aurelius he best have brought some meat as he could feel Dog teeth tearing at his ribs already.


Aurelius told him this should be enough.


God made what Aurelius assumed was a joke by saying he was good at fetching and that this should keep him where he belongs, at least for now. God then told Aurelius that he'd wait for now and once Aurelius sends the signal he'll be ready.


Once God’s Gala event location was sorted Aurelius moved outside of the Courtyard next to God when his Pipboy awoke with a voice, Elijah's voice telling him that the Bell Tower was Aurelius’s Gala Trigger event and Elijah was sure Aurelius could find a way up there and then the voice stopped.


Aurelius knew where he had to be specifically now and so he moved onwards.


"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

#22 dx144


    Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Red Army Choir and Ensiferum Fan

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Posted 10 July 2015 - 11:36 AM

December 4th 2281:


Aurelius was now alone and even though it had only been a few days since he arrived alone but Aurelius had been in more contact with other people than he had been for last few years. Aurelius knew the problems that come with making attachments with those who he infiltrating and was going kill. Then with the lack of time Aurelius spent within Legion territory he rarely spoke to anyone apart from a superior when his assignment was finished and all that was a report on how his assignment went and what his next assignment was.


Aurelius had been thinking that now he was alone and didn't have anyone else to speak to he'd enjoy the silence but this place was a nightmare and he'd grown accustomed to having someone to support him.


It wasn't long before Aurelius even realised he was growing tired. He'd be active talking to the other members of the group and somehow just ignored or missed that he was tired.


Aurelius knew that the Auto-Docs in the Medical District’s Clinic had adrenaline that would help keep him awake but that would require him to cross the Villa and back while the others of the Crew were awaiting their signal to start up the Gala Event.


So with that Aurelius fought through the tiredness that was starting to overcome him. He passed through a corridor to the south of God's location then moved east and eventually would make it to the north of Salida Del Sol.


As Aurelius continued through the streets he found another Ghost Person, this one stood with a gas canister awaiting something just like the others but Aurelius killed it with a quick couple of shots but Aurelius collar began to beep.


Aurelius made a risky move of checking out the area just beyond an archway where the speaker or radio must have been because he couldn't see it anywhere within the street he was on.


After running through the archway Aurelius saw a speaker sat atop another archway to the west. Aurelius quickly blew it apart with his pistol and the beeping stopped. After moving down the street the opposite way there was another speaker atop another archway which he quickly destroyed.


It was then a Trapper attracted by the noise was stumbling towards Aurelius through the archway. Was like something out of an old horror movie with a zombie that moved at a snail's pace but then as if it'd been hit a jolt of lighting sprang into action running at Aurelius like a Deathclaw that'd sighted a Brahmin in the Wasteland.


Well as the Trapper charged Aurelius it didn't have much control and as Aurelius dodged the Trapper it when head first into a pillar. Stopped it but it was still "alive" so Aurelius put a quick couple of rounds blowing its head off.


Every one of the Ghost People Aurelius killed made him know he was making the way closer to getting out of this hellhole and back to his purpose in the Mojave.


Aurelius passed through the archway the Trapper had stumbled and found his passage way into the north of Salida Del Sol. It looked like a house that had managed to stay mostly intact but there was a balcony leading to a broken open building that was only a single room nothing much in there but a terminal spoke with a file that was called status report but didn't explain the ventilation system or power supply it talked of the Villa as a whole.


Seemed to be an extract rather than the full file, spoke of the Villa being made like cardboard and the Casino isn't built as place for people to just gamble in. It is a place to take cover in when the Great War finally hits as those doors can seal up hermetically and the floors within the Casino screw up anything not hooked up by wires. And it seems that this Mr. Yesterday is sorting out the Villa nut Sinclair is locking up the Sierra Madre like a golden trap.


Aurelius wondered what the traps within the Sierra Madre really could have been but Aurelius knew he have to find out at some point to draw Elijah out.


After entering the house there again wasn't anything worth taking and so Aurelius passed down the stairs then checked his Pipboy to see how far he was from his Gala Event trigger location but he was quite far from it. He'd have to pass through most of north Salida Del Sol to make it to the highest point of the Villa. Aurelius couldn't determine the exact distance but knew he have to fight lots of Ghost People on the way and even then he was going to a Bell-tower, if that ran out the Ghost People would come from all around to find out what is causing the noise then kill whatever is causing it.


Aurelius thought that the fans in Salida Del South probably didn't affect the north so the Cloud could still be thick in here which made Aurelius worry at how hard it would be to navigate through here.


But Aurelius couldn't sit around waiting to find the best route he had to act and act now. Aurelius headed down the stairs into the streets keeping alert for any Ghost People he could hear them breathing so he knew they were near so he kept his pistol in hand quickly checked and saw he had about two-hundred rounds left which should be enough to get him in and out of the Bell-tower but he did still have that Holorifle with some Microfusion cells that he could use if he ran out of ammo for his pistol.


The streets were clear when Aurelius first walked out there but once he looked east he could see a Hunter with a gas canister look straight at him. Aurelius lifted his pistol and began to fire the Hunter threw its canister but was shot mid-flight and then Aurelius fired the last five shots of his magazine into the Hunter's head. It was killed with its head blown apart but during the battle another Hunter managed to rush down some pillars covering it from Aurelius's view until it had its spear ready to stab Aurelius. The Ghost Person charged with even heavier breathing which got Aurelius's attention.


As Aurelius spun to face the Hunter he raised his hand grabbing the wooden shaft of the spear close to the blade and held it there as he grasped his knife, pushing the spear to thrust past him Aurelius then sliced his knife through the Hunter's neck and kept slicing till the head was severed from its body. Only then did Aurelius gain moment of rest from the relentless beasts known as Ghost People. Calling people even made Aurelius curl his lip in disgust but he'd seen what people could do to each other and wondered if these Ghost People did anything worse than what actually people do to each other.


Aurelius quickly pushed back these thoughts as now wasn't the time to philosophical it was time for action. There were three corridors, north lead into the Cloud, west into a barred gate which wasn't able to the opened and east lead into more open streets.


So rather than risk going into the Cloud Aurelius headed east where no doubt more Ghost People lay in wait for their victims.


Passing to where the Ghost People had once stood they was three more paths open to Aurelius, another stairway into a building, next to that was an archway leading to another stairway to another building or behind a wall next to where he now stood was a broken down wall which once held a shop.


Aurelius decided to head towards the first stairway he saw to look for anything that could be salvaged to help him make it through this hell he found himself in.


The building held nothing in there of use but there was a stairway down directly infront of Aurelius, down there a Trapper was awaited. It charged Aurelius but ran in a straight line with its head bowed. Aurelius fired three shots and its head exploded and fell at his feet.


The Aurelius descended into held nothing of importance except for it lead back onto the streets. From what Aurelius could see there was nothing out there but carried on following its path until he had to turn back.


The street lead to some stairs lead up to another section of Salida Del Sol north but still nothing looked like it was taking Aurelius any closer to his Gala Event location. Aurelius then checked his maps and saw he'd made almost no progress so far. Aurelius didn't despair though he doubled his resolve to get through this and moved onwards or more precisely upwards.


Aurelius found nothing except for a corridor which had a speaker or radio nearby since his collar began beeping if he entered the corridor.


Aurelius decided to pull back a little and consult his maps and he looked he could see this point converged as the point he'd have to get through somehow so he pulled back to see if the other routes like the other building and broken down wall had an easier passage through towards the Bell-tower.


Aurelius moved up the other stairs he'd seen before and knew there was a radio or speaker in there as he collar began to beep once more. Aurelius took a deep breath and ran into the one roomed building to look for this speaker or radio.


As Aurelius ran in he couldn't see anything then checked behind a counter and turned off a radio that had been left on behind there. Perhaps the Ghost People planned that or perhaps someone set it up before the bombs fell but whatever it was it wasn't going to harm Aurelius now.


The room with the broken down wall was clearly a shop and had a vending machine which Aurelius used to get some more 357. Rounds. It did have a Speaker sat on the Wall Aurelius only realised once he turned around.


Aurelius fired a single shot and blew it apart. Now Aurelius only have an extra hundred and nineteen 357. Rounds.


Shortly after the speaker had been shot a Hunter ran in throwing spears at Aurelius, Aurelius raised his pistol and put one right between its eyes and it was sent crashing down to the ground. Aurelius quickly ran over and sliced its head off with his Cosmic Knife before it got back up.


Aurelius then moved into the street it came from cautiously in case of any other Ghost People hanging around there.


There Aurelius had another two options. Go into another building directly opposite him or use some stairs just outside of the room he was in and take them.


Aurelius could see a radio sat on a counter in the opposite building which he shot apart. Didn't seem to gather any more attention from the Ghost People so Aurelius moved into the building which held nothing of interest but there were some stairs in there leading upwards.


The room upstairs had a computer in there which had a file about the infrastructure of the Villa.


Seemed to be someone explaining that the support beams for these buildings were pretty shoddy but it seems that the ventilation system for the Villa was worse. Word seemed to have spread about the gas leak in Puesta Del Sol and this person seemed to agree that the bonus they got for working here were nice but not so good if you're coughing to death. This person also went on to explain that they'd hate to see what'd happened if someone let the ventilation system stay on for a few years as they have another "Greener Pastures" on their hands easily also piles of bodies.


Aurelius didn't know what that Greener Pastures was, assumed it must have been a dumping ground from before the war or something. Who knows might still exist somewhere within the Wastelands.


Other than that the room wasn't noteworthy but did have a balcony that was above what must have been the Cloud Aurelius saw earlier when he first walked in the northern part of Puesta Del Sol. Good thing Aurelius didn't try going through there as it covered to the point he could see nowhere to hide from the cloud down there.


Only thing that caught Aurelius's eyes were skeletons that were sat and laid around. The gate had a skeleton that appeared to be grasping onto the bars trying to get out.


Aurelius knew better than to jump into there and headed back to use the other stairway he'd seen next to the shop he'd killed the Hunter in.


Going up the stairs Aurelius found nothing but the location the map had as the passage point to make it to the Bell-tower. The only way forward was to go up some more stairs into a building. Inside the building were some more stairs leading up and a room through a broken wall that led outside. Aurelius decided to head up the stairs but could hear the heavy breathing of Ghost People now as well.


The stairs led to what looked like a room for resting in as there was just sofas and books in there but also some stairs leading up as well. Aurelius continued his ascension up these stairs with the breathing getting louder.


This appeared to be the top floor and the only thing that caught Aurelius's attention was a terminal that had a personal log on it.


Seems to be one of the workers asked the Foreman how come no one had wised up to their actions in pretty much doing a half-arsed job and Foreman explained they've got someone watching out for them or as the log put it "An ace in the hole". So they were good until show time then the Villa is going to become the biggest con of all time. It seems it’s going to be that way since half of the maintenance shipments haven't come through and Sinclair is blinded by his starlet Vera Keys to see anything beyond the Casino. This allowed the workers to cut corners when they need to and then no one is going to look into the budgets until after the Gala Event and by that time these workers would be long gone.


Aurelius read more and more of the corruption that plagued the old world and his distaste for the NCR grew, they wanted to bring back this, this world of decadence and greed. If it was worthy of being saved they'd have done it in 2077. These people were the ones who caused its downfall with their greed always wanting more and that’s how their governments acted.


Aurelius's thoughts were interrupted by a tolling of a bell. Knew he must be close now but that bell must have been calling the horde. Who knew how many were up there at the Bell-tower awaiting but Aurelius didn't care he had his job and he'd do it or die trying. Hell if he didn't he'd die somewhere in the Villa instead.


A broken wall near the terminal led to a rooftop that gave a clear view of the Sierra Madre Casino which Aurelius admitted must have looked incredible when it was first built, Aurelius agreed even now it still looked incredible but let's face it the competition of the Villa was nothing in comparison but a shanty town.


The rooftop led to nowhere but the rooftop did lead down to a broken wall a floor below which Aurelius dropped down to. There was a tripwire sitting at the broken wall waiting for some victim to approach.


Aurelius quickly surveyed the area before venturing forward and saw the tripwire held a large metal girder that would swing down once the wire breaks for the look of the arc on the chains holding the girder it'd hit Aurelius in the chest and no doubt throw him out of the building onto the street below.


Aurelius moved into the building, there were some stairs leading downwards which with a broken wall where Ghost People were stumbling outside and had noticed Aurelius immediately.


A Trapper charged through the broken wall hungering for Aurelius with a Hunter shortly behind the Trapper no doubt with the same intention.


Aurelius knew he'd fail to kill them in close combat with the amount rushing him so he pulled back going up the stairs and jumped out broken wall landing on the street and moved to get a shot on the Trapper that was following him. The Trapper fell into the street and collapsed. It slowly started to get back on its feet as Aurelius fired round after round at it. Each one seemed to hit but it must have had a really hard head.


Eventually after the seventh round its head blew apart.


The other Ghost People following the Trapper must have known better than to run out of a building. Who knew they had some intelligence.


Aurelius noticed a makeshift wooden walkway to get back up to the broken wall he'd jumped out of or he could follow the street.


Aurelius decided to follow the street for now since the Ghost People were probably still waiting in that building he'd just been in wondering where he'd gone.


The street had a Radroach crawling around which Aurelius shot once then it stopped motionless and the street led into a the shop Aurelius had seen before he went up the stairs to make it to the rooftop just a few minutes ago.


Aurelius decided to use the makeshift walkway since there was no other way to make it through towards the Bell-tower.


As Aurelius was moving towards the walkway a Hunter was stood at the broken wall with spear in hand. Aurelius noticed the Hunter too quickly and opened fire hitting it twice in the head with his pistol but it jumped out of the wall coming for him. It landed better than the previous Ghost Person who jumped out into the streets but was a still target for Aurelius to fire another three rounds into and that is where its head blew apart then Aurelius for the time was safe from being stabbed, punched and blown apart.


The Bell-tower was so close now, Aurelius went through the broken wall looking out for more Ghost People that were no doubt lurking.


The room below had nothing in there but some Sierra Madre chips in a cash register. No enemies or anything else. Aurelius headed outside and saw the Cloud covering some stairs leading down and thought to himself that better the Cloud is covering down rather than up.


Aurelius moved in the courtyard a little bit more and noticed he'd made it to the Bell-tower. He could see some stairs leading towards the centre of the Bell-tower, so cautiously advancing Aurelius ascended the steps.


There was a wooden walkway all around the second floor but Aurelius saw no way of getting to them. Looking around a little Aurelius saw a way to get into the building but some of its inhabitations realised they had a guest.


Aurelius saw a Trapper coming through a broken wall on the second story. It jumped over the wooden walkway so eager to get him. Aurelius fired his magazine into the Trapper's right arm and it had been blown off and the life within seemed to fade, there was a Hunter though that was still up on the walkway throwing spears at Aurelius, it was sloppy and not that good at throwing spears while Aurelius was an expert with rifles and handguns he fired a single shot and the Hunter was blown headless backwards.


No more came out to see their guest but Aurelius knew that couldn't have been all of them and they must be inside waiting for him.


Aurelius saw a broken wall leading into the Bell-tower which seemed to have an altar and seats that'd been thrown around the room but these room continued downwards in what Aurelius hoped was just a cellar and not a morgue. Make more sense they'd have a cellar and not a morgue but it wouldn't have surprised Aurelius since this place was a nightmare.


The room next to the altar room held three long dead skeletons within. Aurelius didn't know if they'd be placed there by the Ghost People or if they'd been laid there since before the bombs fell and Aurelius really didn't have time to learn as he had to get to his Gala position already. There were some stairs that descended to where Aurelius didn't know but Aurelius was going to keep following them till he made it to his location.


The stairs led into a cellar and not a morgue thankfully but no Ghost People were here, perhaps they'd all ran away or knew of what Aurelius was doing and planned to follow him into the Casino. Then again Aurelius was boxing himself into a dead end so perhaps they had the plan of waiting for Aurelius to leave himself with nowhere to run then they'd attack with him cornered.


Whatever the reason Aurelius had his mission and set off to get on with it.


The cellar had some stairs ascending on the opposite side which led to another skeleton on a counter. Aurelius was rather confused by this but carried on up some more stairs that ascended. But as Aurelius made it out on the walkway two Hunters must have been pretty eager as they waited for Aurelius but Aurelius fired four shots two for each head and then there laid two dead Ghost People.


The walkway Aurelius followed but saw two broken walls one to the left and one straight ahead. Aurelius took a peak into the one of the left but saw nothing of use but the broken wall straight ahead seemed to lead into what once was some sleeping quarters but there wasn't other in there worth taking or using so Aurelius passed through towards the Bell-tower itself.


The only way forwards Aurelius could see was a corridor but his collar started beeping when he got close to it. Aurelius had made it this far and wasn't going to let some damn speakers of radios stop him and took a deep breath than ran into the building. He ran through the corridor up to some stairs where the beeping all of a sudden stopped.


Aurelius took a few more breaths then advanced again, his collar beeping again and there was the culprit a radio which Aurelius turned off with the press of a button.


The room Aurelius had run into led out onto a shingle rooftop which could lead towards a balcony which the Bell-tower sat atop.


The balcony led to a room with a ladder which was the way to make it to the Bell-tower and so Aurelius had finally made but getting out of here would be a different situation all together.


"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

#23 dx144


    Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Red Army Choir and Ensiferum Fan

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 05:01 PM

December 4th 2281 (Continued):


Aurelius ascended the ladder towards the top of the Bell-tower. There was a console which activated the Gala Event as well as two codes for vending machines sat on the floor, one for a modification for the Holorifle and the other a code for Super-Stimpaks.


Aurelius got ready to activate the Gala Event console when he looked back at the Bell-tower's courtyard area he saw the dead Ghost People he'd fought earlier and his mind ran thinking how many would be within there once the Gala Event started.


Aurelius knew he had to activate the Gala Event and to be this close and still waiting was pointless so he moved his hand over the console searching for the right buttons and levels to use.


Elijah's voice picked up coming through a speaker on the console but then patched into the collars of the crew instead.


Some tapping could then be heard through the speaker and Aurelius assumed it was the Muted Woman then told her that it'd only be a little longer and then they'd open the casino.


Then a single tap came back followed by silence.


God then spoke up saying that both of them were ready. He'd keep Dog locked in his cage and Aurelius just needs to open up the Sierra Madre.


Dean who then spoke up seemed to come through more than just one speaker asked what Aurelius was waiting for and he should just "Strike up the band" already.


Then finally Elijah spoke again, he warned the crew that if they thought the Villa was bad now, then they were going to be shocked at how bad it’s going to get.


Aurelius spoke into the speaker telling everyone he was ready and everyone to trigger their event.


Elijah much louder spoke up about the gates now will be open.


Immediately music began playing all over the Villa which could be heard clearly within the Bell-tower, the Sierra Madre had lights shining around it and then noises Aurelius hadn't heard before showed explosives flying into the skies then bursting into many different colours. Must have been some pre-war celebration devices that had been sat in storage for over two hundred years.


Aurelius took another look at the courtyard of the Bell-tower and already he could see eight of the Ghost People all drawn by the noise.


Aurelius rather than rush down there began shooting down at them. A couple were killed but they had enough wits about them to take cover from Aurelius.


After that Aurelius knew it was time to make his escape into the Sierra Madre to end this nightmare by putting a bullet in Elijah's brain or perhaps two since one didn't stop Aurelius.


As Aurelius came down the ladder he saw a Trapper just outside the room with the ladder as if it was waiting for him.


Quick on the draw Aurelius fired four rounds into the head of the Trapper and it fell lifeless to the ground and Aurelius rushed off to make it out as fast as he could.


Then a Hunter was walking through the broken wall Aurelius had come through earlier but was quickly dispatched as Aurelius shot its gas canister then as it was blown apart Aurelius carried onwards but instead of passing through the now burning room the Hunter was walking in Aurelius jumped down to make a quicker escape.


Aurelius made it to the walk ways above the courtyard of the Bell-tower where a few more Ghost People corpses laid but at least for now the area was clear of them.


Aurelius wasted no time and set off once again to make it out as soon as possible. As Aurelius passed down the steps out of the courtyard another two Ghost People a Hunter and a Trapper were leaving the Cloud stumbling towards Aurelius.


Aurelius wasn't taking chances and fired a full magazine of six 357. Rounds into the Trapper causing its head to explode while the Hunter began throwing spears. Aurelius reloaded his pistol then when the Hunter threw its next spear Aurelius jumped out and fired all six shots into its head causing that one to fall as well.


Aurelius decided to follow the path he'd use to make it here since he knew the way rather than trying to forge a new path while killing endless Ghost People.


Aurelius rushed into a broken down wall and up the stairs passing the metal girder that still was attacthed to the celling and as he moved to pass through the broken down wall at the end of the room noticed a Hunter walking on the wooden walkway outside.


Aurelius grasped his pistol shooting it down to the ground and shot off its left leg. Even if it could regain consciousness it wouldn't be able to chase him and that was all Aurelius needed to do, escape to the Sierra Madre.


After the Hunter was killed Aurelius dropped into the street from the broken wall and carried onwards down the street into a shop where he was clear until he passed through and noticed two more Ghost People.


Both of them Trapper who instantly began to charge him with their beartrap fists. Aurelius shot three shots ripping off the leg of the first one, the second who seemed to just run over the corpses of its fallen kin then had its right leg shot off with the three remaining shots.


Aurelius quickly reloaded and carried on. Then at a crossroads Aurelius chose to not try and make it through the corridor where that radio signal stopped him before and made his way down the stairs opposite the corridor.


There a Trapper waited at the bottom of the stairs for Aurelius. It charged him only to be greeted by a hail of 357. Rounds. There its headless corpse fell.


The only problem it was close to another three. Two more Trappers and a Hunter. Aurelius noticed all three were rather close to the Hunter's gas canister and quickly fired his rounds into it and the gas canister blew all three of them apart but the explosion caught the attention of another Hunter which rushed to join in the slaughter.


Aurelius quickly put in the missing rounds from his magazine then shot the Hunter's leg with all his pistol's magazine causing it to fall.


The street Aurelius was going to use was filled with Ghost People. Aurelius knew he could possibly kill them all but he'd have pretty much no ammo left and then he'd still have to make it through the south of Salida Del Sol and then make it all the way to the Fountain to get to the gates of the Sierra Madre.


Aurelius decided to do something stupid, crazy and possibly smart. He decided to drop down into the skeleton infested Cloud area he'd seen before. He knew he could break open those gates. Whatever locked them he'd shoot it off, and then hopefully make a break for it from there.


As Aurelius dropped down a shine caught in his eyes from a skeleton in a corner. It held the key to the courtyard and it appeared to be holding tightly when it died.


Aurelius ripped the key from its lifeless hand and made it to the gate which was clear of the Cloud and opened it to make his way out.


To Aurelius's surprise this gateway led right next to the South's entrance to the Villa. He couldn't believe his luck in skipping through the entire South Salida. Who knows how many Ghost People were in there hungering for Aurelius.


None were in the street near Aurelius anyway. Aurelius did wonder where God was and if the others made it out but he didn't want to sound cowardly but he knew it might be fruitless going into Puesta Del Sol just to be swamped by more and more Ghost People.


Aurelius made it into the main street of the Villa rather easily compared to make it to the south of Salida Del Sol all he had now was a sprint to the Sierra Madre's gates.


Another Ghost People waited outside the entrance to the Villa and it was eager for Aurelius. Still was quite eager even when Aurelius shot off its legs but it was in no way to catch him.


A bit further down the street another Ghost Person waited for Aurelius, threw some spears at him but Aurelius easily dodged them and blew its head off.


As Aurelius advanced his collar began to beep, he pulled back and noticed a speaker of the wall in the direction he had to go but it was shielded. Only one solution, run through it.


Nothing way around it so it was try that or stay here and get ripped apart by the Ghost People. Aurelius would prefer for his head to be blown apart rather than have his body become a plaything for the Ghost People.


Aurelius passed the Residential District entrance and his collar ceased beeping. He was grateful for that but more Ghost People awaited him two more to be precise. They charged Aurelius with their spears but he kept shooting and shooting. Took a spear in his left arm which well was painful but Aurelius had been taught to fight through the pain as all good Legionaries should.


After the emptying of his second magazine both of the Hunters were dead and he was now with it reach of the Hologram of Vera Keys, he'd finally made to hopefully safety.


As Aurelius approached the Hologram his collar began to beep again. A speaker sat on the wall just next to him, shielded of course.


Aurelius had no choice he had to run through it again. Aurelius made it to the Hologram of Vera Keys and his collar stopped if he went south, east or west his collar began to beep. The only way he could go was north, to the Sierra Madre where would finally meet Elijah and end the madman.


"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

#24 dx144


    Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Red Army Choir and Ensiferum Fan

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Posted 13 July 2015 - 04:21 PM

December 4th 2281 (Continued... Again):


The gates just past the Vera Keys Hologram had a path leading towards the Sierra Madre, it was clear of Ghost People and to be honest was a pleasant walk Aurelius had to the Sierra Madre.


The Cloud also didn't seem to really be there in large pockets as well so Aurelius didn't have to go through the Cloud any more either.


The doors to the Sierra Madre were still open, Aurelius rushed in since he had no idea how much longer he had before the power supply faltered or changed its flow and the gates sealed themselves again.


Although when Aurelius entered he was sprayed with some kind of gas. Similar to the gas he'd been sprayed with when he went into that bunker in the Mojave. He fell unconscious but awoke shortly after.


Aurelius swore he saw the Crew on the floor before he awoke. Perhaps they'd all made it but were greeted by the same trap Aurelius met but since awaking Aurelius had no sight of them, perhaps they'd been killed but Aurelius hadn't and there was no indication of enemies that were anywhere near here so Aurelius was hopeful his Crew had survived.


Only thing to greet Aurelius was Elijah's voice and Skeletons of the long dead clinging to the Sierra Madre's entrance as if trying to leave.


The darkness of the Casino fled as the power came to lights around the Sierra Madre's lobby with it becoming much clearer to see.


Elijah noticed Aurelius had made it into the Casino and began to speak to him of thinking Aurelius might have died when he entered in and that his "Friends" which Elijah spoke of differently to other words he was saying.

Also explained that the thing that'd hit Aurelius was the Casino's security system that attempts to remove radioactive materials and then subdues and moves them if necessary.


Seems that the security moved Aurelius Crew around as well, Elijah said they could be of use or not, depends if they came here to help or kill Aurelius.


Elijah also spoke of his signal now being able to come through the speakers within the Sierra Madre and then welcomed Aurelius to the Sierra Madre casino in all its glory. This is what the Old World stood for even with Atomic fire about to rain down upon it.


Then spoke of how everyone inside here was dead now, quiet and beautiful, that is how the Mojave should be.


Elijah explained that the Casino was still sleeping and they needed to wake it up and the switches to active the internal power for the Sierra Madre was within the Casino section of the Sierra Madre so Aurelius needed to head into there. The Sierra Madre was running on emergency power only at the moment.


Aurelius saw the casino entrance directly in front of him but couldn't explore any other part of the lobby at the moment since if he went towards another section his collar began to beep. Even managed to see a speaker within the Restaurant entrance that was shielded so Aurelius knew he had to make it into the casino first then work his way from there.


The casino was darkened but there were still Holograms that walked its halls. These ones were security, one stood at the entrance of the casino but paid no mind to Aurelius, if not ignored him. Aurelius didn't walk up to inspect the Hologram just in case but there was the intercom just right of him he went over to so Elijah could explain what Aurelius needed to do.


Elijah spoke up explaining this was the past Aurelius was walking through that few had ever seen and no else would. Elijah then spoke of how hard he worked to get into here and it would now always welcome him back.


Then Elijah commanded Aurelius to wake this ghost up as it still had guests.


Aurelius noticed a terminal which controlled the Hologram Aurelius had just seen. Its last order was to guard the stairs to the bar but Aurelius changed that around to patrol the west floor of the casino which could allow Aurelius passage to the bar area so he could survey the area easier.


Aurelius stepped away from the terminal and waited for the Hologram to turn and walk into the west of the casino then ran up the stairs to make it towards the bar.


Aurelius made it up the stairs unnoticed but there was a beeping that from his collar when he approached the bar. He stood up and looked around the bar area as his collar beeped faster and faster.


As Aurelius ran to entrance of the bar his collar stopped beeping and he could see the speaker sat above a fridge. Aurelius had no choice he had to blow the speaker apart but the noise created by it could alert the Holograms there was someone who was "Vandalising" the casino but whatever choice did Aurelius have...


As Aurelius blew apart the speaker nothing seemed to change around with the Holograms. None came to investigate so Aurelius continued into the bar area.


There was another Skeleton there, this one had about five empty bottles of whiskey next to it. Seems that some of the old world's richest and finest died in a worse way than those who'd been hit by the bombs. At least for them it was instant rather than possibly a lifetime of starving to death, being trapped in a room unable to leave because of the Holograms and what other horrors were waiting Aurelius within this den of greed.


There was a door next to the Skeleton which Aurelius opened and followed. As Aurelius followed the corridor he noticed a Hologram walking down a connecting corridor. Didn't seem to notice or care about Aurelius.


Aurelius quickly ran past the corridor as the Hologram turned away and shot up some stairs. There was a locked metal door which Aurelius just left alone but there were two more doorways ahead of him, if Aurelius entered the first door his collar beeped but he couldn't see a speaker or a radio anywhere inside.


So Aurelius moved over to the other doorway opened the door, pulled back to calm his collar down then moved in again to search the room. The moment Aurelius came in he saw a radio sat atop a cabinet which Aurelius just switched off.


Nothing really in there except an old fashioned Auto-Doc, a first generation one to be precise. Still was functional though and the scanner upon it showed it could inject adrenaline to cure some of the exhaustion Aurelius was feeling.

The Auto-Doc activated and gave Aurelius a single injection and with that Aurelius felt energised again.


The room Aurelius couldn't get into before because of the radio was now cleared to be searched and Aurelius found in there two terminals, one which was locked controlled the Hologram that was walking the corridor Aurelius saw just after passing the bar.


The Hologram's current status was to patrol the security offices but Aurelius changed that to guard the Bar Door since he noticed some stairs within the Auto-Doc room he'd just been in.


There was also a security memo that was addressed to all of the Sierra Madre employees. Seems that Mr. Sinclair requests that the employees should try not to tamper or destroy the Hologram emitters as the Holograms keep them and their guests safe. With thanks from the Sierra Madre management.


The other terminal wasn't locked and had two files on there one about some emergency protocol notes which seemed explained about "Fire, Chemical Leak, Nuclear Attack, or other threat to the casino the doors will hermetically seal to prevent harm coming to the guests. During this time, Holograms will be deployed and assume threat status until the lockdown is ended."


The person who put in this entry went on to explain that they can't be too careful these days but even if there was another leak like at the Switching Station or even if the gas valves in the kitchen as if those got hit the entire Sierra Madre would turn into a torch.


Aurelius wondered if that would be best solution to this hellhole but at the moment he still had his collar to remove.


The other file was about Hologram: Service Protocols 2.3


Seems that the service protocol Holograms can only really perform certain functions, greeters, and vendors and for the Sierra Madre casino monitors of the gambling tables. These Holograms follow simple routines and are incapable of performing any security functions and aren't able to move beyond range of their emitters and are best used in simple localised functions.


Aurelius moved out from the room and went passed the Auto-Doc then down the stairs but all he found was three more Skeletons next to a locked door.


There was only one option for Aurelius which was to make it past the Hologram which now guarded the Bar Door. Rather easy as the Holograms down turn around to look at what caused a noise they just carry on business as usual which makes it quite easy to get past them if they aren't looking at you.


Aurelius made it down the corridor and into what appeared to be some security offices. Had a terminal that was locked, a door that was locked, a corridor leading to somewhere beyond and an Automatic Rifle sitting there. Aurelius didn't care for the rifle but the terminal he got to work on, he knew he'd be uninterrupted as the Holograms didn't change their movements unless programmed to.


Once Aurelius broke into the terminal it had a few functions, changing around a Hologram's status, unlocking the Electrical Closer Door and a couple of security logs.


The first log was about a complaint of someone known as Mrs. Purvis who was drunk and disorderly. The Sierra Madre Security Log was updated at 11:02pm with the guard on call a Morris, Tyler.


The incident was that at 10pm the security received a complaint about noise about the upper bar then received an emergency call from a cashier on the main floor who was quoted as saying "Old bat on celling" and when this was investigated they found guests had cheered Mrs. Millicent Purvis who was 72 climbed over the upper bar railing and then walked on the support beams. Then she was quoted as saying "She was going to join the circus and she'd already tripped over a Holo-emitter but was unhurt and then invited other guests up onto the beams so they could "use them like monkey bars".


The security climbed after her cornered her near the rafter by the cashier's area then brought Mrs. Purvis to a holding cell where they called her daughter to escort her to her room. No damage was done to rafters or the emitter. Mrs. Purvis's daughter was visibly annoyed by the incident that'd happened and was too embarrassed to take any legal action by saying that she "Didn't want to cause any more trouble for Mr. Sinclair." The report finished by saying they needed to gate off the rafter area to prevent repeat incidents.


The second security log was a complaint about a purse that had been lost and found. The Sierra Madre Security Log was updated at 08:07am with the guard on call Morris, Tyler again.


The incident was that Mrs. Purvis's daughter was called was called down to ask if the security had found Mrs. Purvis's purse which might have fallen during her "Stroll" last night. The purse was found on the main floor, none of the valuables were inside and might have been taken when the purse was dropped or Mrs. Purvis might have emptied the purse contents during last night's incident.


Aurelius tired of reading about the decadence of the past so he unlocked the Electrical Closet Door and changed the Hologram's status from guarding the Electrical Switch Room to patrol the Cashier's Counter.


Aurelius moved down the corridor and came to another room which had a terminal in there which had a file on there about the Security Measure Meeting.


So it seems that the person who used this terminal missed the meeting and had been sent this outlining the meeting.


Sinclair apparently outlined the security measures and wasn't blind to what was happening within the news and planned out steps in case the Chinese got a foothold on American soil. Sinclair ran the security through the added functions of the Holograms and then explained the casino's construction and its emergency protocols and then explained they were going to use the broadcast signal for the Gala Event.


The file went onto explain that this person thought Sinclair was a "nutjob" but seemed to have the bases covered and the isolation of the Sierra Madre was intentional but wasn't sure what Sinclair was trying to protect but he seemed quite obsessed with whatever it was.


The room held nothing else so Aurelius head out to the corridor looked down the way he came from and notice a Holo-emitter on the wall. It wasn't shielded and Aurelius didn't care the Holograms so he blew it apart. One less that could get in his way he thought.


There were two doors down the corridor which Aurelius hadn't been down yet. Both were locked. One of them much more secure than what Aurelius could pick but the other was a simpler and easier lock which he could easily break through.


The room was used a eating area for the security but held nothing of use in there and so Aurelius headed back.


The Hologram that had been set to watch the Bar Door had gone, with its emitter destroyed it wasn't able to be projected and it faded away.


Aurelius went through the Bar Door and climbed up onto the upper bar's railings, he noticed another Holo-emitter which he blew apart the other Hologram turned from blue to red as it looked around for what had happened.


Aurelius hid for some time and went down the stairs he'd rushed up earlier. The ground floor was still pitch black. Only lighting was if Aurelius turned on his Pip-boy's light and the last Hologram that walked back and forth the Cashier's Counter.


Aurelius easily slipped past the Hologram with all the pillars that were between Aurelius and the Hologram and then he came to the Electrical Closet Door where he could reactive the power to the Sierra Madre.


The right wall into the closet had the electrical switch which Aurelius just had to switch.


Elijah spoke up seeing the power activating, spoke of emitters lighting up and that when Aurelius is ready he should head to the lobby as then they'd deal with his "Friends".


Aurelius didn't care for the Holograms and moved on there was a vending machine which Aurelius got some ten more Stimpaks, three Doctor's Bags and a hundred and twenty 357. Rounds from the vending machine but then left for the lobby and to deal with Elijah.


"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

#25 dx144


    Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Red Army Choir and Ensiferum Fan

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Posted 14 July 2015 - 07:47 PM

December 4th 2281 (Continued... Again):


Aurelius moved into the lobby of the Sierra Madre where Elijah spoke to Aurelius explaining that the entire Sierra Madre was now waking up and he was able to see where each of Aurelius's friends collar's had been moved to different floors and then mumbled to himself a few yeses and that's why before speaking to Aurelius again.


Elijah assumed it was the Sierra Madre thinking Aurelius's crew resembled or sounded like some of the guests and moved them to the locations it thought they belonged. Elijah also hoped that if with the power restored he could access the sound files but something was interfering with the link.



Elijah assumed it must be the collars of Aurelius's crew on the different levels. Elijah talked of how it was white noise from the speakers within the collars that blocked certain connections but Aurelius didn't really care why.


The thing that did catch Aurelius attention was that the Collars needed to be recalibrated or destroyed both would require Aurelius to get close enough to his crew.


Elijah advised Aurelius to kill his crew since they were no longer of use. Then explained that the collars didn't work between floors because of whatever the floors were made out of. Elijah went to explain if the floors weren't interfering he'd have already blown the collars apart.


Elijah then put three locations onto Aurelius's Pip-boy, each the location of his crew. One in the Cantina Madrid, one within the Executive Suites and one within the Tampico Theatre.


Aurelius had no idea who was in the Cantina Madrid or Executive Suites but Dean must have been taken to the Tampico Theatre.


That is where Aurelius decided to start he search for his crew, he had no interest in killing the people who'd helped him get into here. Seemed pointless killing people for the sake of killing. Already enough of that nonsense outside of Legion territory. Every time the Legion kills they kill for a reason not just bloodlust or anger although some see the Legion as just that bloodthirsty killers, if only they knew the truth and civilization that the Legion brings with them to the lands they conquer. Too many people clinging to the Old World wanting to have it return.


Aurelius thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang, then another and another. It was coming from outside the entrance.


It could only be one group, the Ghost People they'd seen the lights of the Sierra Madre and wanted to get inside to do whatever it is Ghost People do when they're alone as they didn't seem to do much whenever Aurelius saw them apart from die.


Aurelius couldn't spend all day waiting for the hordes to break down the doors he turned away from the doors ascended some steps and headed off to the theatre to find Dean.


Hopefully Dean wouldn't try to kill him but you never know, he has been obsessed with the Sierra Madre for about two-hundred years...


As Aurelius entered Elijah spoke up that if the Ghoul was still alive Aurelius should fix that or break him.


There a small lobby leading into the theatre which had a working terminal sat on a counter which Aurelius took a quick look at.


The terminal had a few options available:

The Tampico's Shows List

The Tampico's Performance Protocols

Sierra Madre's Lobby Security Code

Urgent Message for Mrs. E. Sainz


Aurelius looked at the Tampico's shows list, seems that it still had the file from the Gala Event that never happened, with the Sierra Madre opening its doors to the world and with this there were artists of world renown such as Vera Keys, Mr. Dean Domino, Joey Baxter and Wilfred the Wizard.


Then told people to join them at the "Grandest event in the history of the West". Aurelius chuckled to himself apart from the Nuclear Holocaust...


The Tampico's Performance Protocol was just what happened when a show was being prepared:

Doors to the Tampico's stage are open, Hologram Sentries are on, the ambient audio system is on and the stage audio is off.


When a show was in progress:

Doors to the Tampico's stage are closed, Hologram Sentries are off, the ambient audio system is off and the stage audio is on.


None of it really meant anything to Aurelius apart from the Hologram sentries and ambient audio system as they could both kill Aurelius if he was careless.


The Sierra Madre's lobby security code Aurelius took which might come in useful soon and the urgent message for Mrs. E. Sainz was from a John K. Lester saying he was on his way which was file 10/23/77.


Continued on to say he'd be right there Eve, just hide until he gets there and do whatever she needed to do. Finished off with him saying he'd not let anything happen to her.


More files of the long dead which Aurelius didn't know how to feel about. He could delete them but that is like removing the thread of knowledge that person or people ever existed even though Aurelius was a member of the Legion he didn't think anyone really had that level of power to remove people from history.


Aurelius left the terminal and went into a hall with a couple of corridors leading to the Tampico Theatre he noticed some skeletons piled up next to the main entrance of the Tampico Theatre. Aurelius tried the main entrance the door wouldn't budge.


Aurelius saw a vending machine down a corridor right to the main entrance and thought he'd have a look down there but when he got half way the collar on his neck began to beep so he pulled back and noticed another corridor to the left of the entrance and tried his luck that way instead.


But the exact same happened but he did seen an open doorway which he knew he'd be able to find the speaker from.


So Aurelius grabbed pistol and ran forward looking for the speaker. Running through the doorway and looking to his left Aurelius noticed a speaker sat next to the door frame which he blew apart and his collar return its dormant state.


Advancing a few steps forward and his collar began to beep again. There was a small wall in front of him but Aurelius decided to go left into the seating area of the Tampico Theatre.


Aurelius's collar stopped beeping once he made it to the middle of the theatre and found some old music book which when he investigated found a key that must have been for the backstage area.


Shortly after finding it Dean shouted out to Aurelius.


Dean called Aurelius his partner and spoke of how nice it was to find a friendly face, Dean spoke of a little issue they he was having as he'd had to go backstage since the audience was a little murderous tonight.


Aurelius wondered how Dean got up there but Dean had no idea, thought he'd been in a dream as now he was backstage. Dean had been thinking he was back at the "Fronds" well except for their being no audience, he used to pack theatres back then then he walked up onto the stage to check things out when suddenly Holograms began walking out of the wings then raised their hands to their heads which was quiet creepy-like and never a good sign.


Aurelius didn't properly understand as he'd not see Holograms and the only security were the speakers.


Dean then told Aurelius that in a minute or two those Old World Ghosts are going to come out of the wings behind him, security types and not the friendly bald ones. Then because Aurelius was in here now the doors probably locked behind him so he was also locked within here so Aurelius shouldn't back up or run for the exit since he will not be able to make it.


Dean then told Aurelius to trust him and when he can Aurelius should run to the door left which will lead onto to the backstage. Aurelius was also told to take the key out of the music sheet and use that if he hadn't taken it out already.


It might be bad now but if either of us "Pops" as Dean put it, it’s going to get a whole lot worse so Aurelius should get backstage until we could think of a better plan.


Aurelius thought of something that probably just saved them both and wondered which left Dean wanted Aurelius to run towards, his left or Dean's left.


Dean chuckled a little bit and said it was his left which was Aurelius's right, so run to your right. Dean was still laughing how he almost accidently got Aurelius killed and thus both of them.


Aurelius agreed and began making his way to the right. He ran fast just past a speaker which didn't start to set off his collar thankfully and turned around to see the blue glow of the Holograms walking into the theatre. With that Aurelius unlocked the backstage door and went in.


There was a Holo-emitter on a wall inside the backstage area Aurelius had just walked into which Aurelius blew apart. He was starting to get real pissed off with the Sierra Madre's security systems.


As Aurelius walked down the corridor towards Dean his collar began to beep so doing as he'd found effective he pulled back and then surveyed the area. Seeing nothing he took a peak around the next corner with his collar starting to beep.


He saw nothing but opened a door to Dean's dressing room which was only shown by a star next to the door with the name Dean above it. Aurelius rushed back until his collar calmed down again and then rushed into Dean's room searching for a speaker or radio to stop the beeping.


As Aurelius went into the room he saw a radio which he turned off but his collar continued to beep. Aurelius ran fast as he could back to the entrance to the backstage area and felt his heart pounding faster and faster as the beeping of the collar grew faster and faster.


The collar stopped abruptly as Aurelius made it back to the entrance and felt his heart still thudding in his chest. He took a couple of minutes to calm himself. Once Aurelius had his breath back he ran back into the beeping and passed Dean's room to see what was past it and there was a unshielded speaker which Aurelius fired four shots into showing his rage with how the speaker almost got him killed.


With that speaker destroyed his collar fell silent and Aurelius investigated Dean's room to see if there was anything of importance in there.


There was a key with a note explaining it was the same as the previous key Aurelius picked up as it was another backstage key, there was also a safe which wasn't locked that hard that Aurelius broke into pretty quickly.


Nothing of real interest in there except for a Holotape named "Dean Domino's Blackmail Tape". Aurelius played the Holotape but was only a few seconds long and was just Dean saying "Pretty as a picture".


Aurelius had no idea what he was speaking off and disregarded it as pre-war nonsense.


Walking out of Dean's room and passing the broken speaker Aurelius had destroyed his collar began to beep again. He couldn't see anything down the corridor apart from a few skeletons with a Doctor's Bag. He saw a room to the right of the corridor which must have held the radio or speaker that was causing Aurelius's collar to beep.


Aurelius then moved into the room with his collar beeping looking for the speaker or radio. At first Aurelius saw nothing and his collar began beeping faster and as he turned to leave he noticed on the wall the doorway was in a speaker sat in the middle of the wall which Aurelius blew apart with a couple of shots and proceeded to replace the missing five shots from his magazine.


The room the speaker was in seemed to be a storage room with nothing of interest in so Aurelius went and picked up the Doctor's Bag from underneath the Skeletons then carried on down the corridor.


As Aurelius approached Vera's room which was shown by another star next to the door with Vera's name written on it his Collar began to beep again.


Aurelius pulled back waited till his collar stopped and move forward checking the corridor to make sure there weren't any speakers, there weren't any and so Aurelius pulled back again to make sure his collar wasn't already beeping when he went into Vera's room while he searched for the radio or speaker.


With his collar silent Aurelius rushed to Vera's room door and unlocked the door with key he'd picked up and saw a radio on a table which he turned off but his collar kept beeping and again he ran heart pounding until he made his way out of the interference range.


Luckily Aurelius made it but there was a terminal in the corridor he'd checked but thought nothing of it. He assumed that must the controller turn off or switched the ambient speakers to the stage speakers.


Aurelius rushed and the terminal was unlocked he quickly searched and saw the turn off ambient speakers blinking. Aurelius quickly turned it off and his collar fell silent. With that done Aurelius could feel the sweet sliding down his face, only a few droplets but the Holograms weren't going to be the death of him it would be these damned speakers.


Aurelius then walked into Vera's room looking around for anything of use but there wasn't much. Was a picture of Dean before his ghoulification on the table next to the radio. Aurelius had seen posters of Dean within the Sierra Madre as well as in the Mojave so he knew it was Dean but ne noticed next to the radio a Holodisk that contained Dean Domino's melody, "Saw Her Yesterday".


Aurelius took it but didn't properly know what use it had. Who knows maybe someone in the Mojave could help him out with if not Dean could help him.


There was also another key next to the Holodisk, this one was a different cut to the others Aurelius had found and it didn't seem to work on the doorway to the stage as it remained locked and there wasn't any way to open it up, Dean spoke to Aurelius through the door telling him he might need to find a Holodisk to put into the stage project out in the theatre and that might change around the settings allowing the stage to be unlocked.


Aurelius told Dean he'd found a Holodisk which he'd put in as soon as possible. As Aurelius went back he took another look in that storage room since there was a vending machine but saw a blue glow coming from behind a sofa that was damaged.


It was a Holo-emitter which Aurelius blew apart. That means that two of the Holograms were destroyed making it much easier for Aurelius to get around the Theatre so long as he avoided the other Holograms depending on how many were left.


Aurelius followed the right side since he'd come in from the left and found no way to ascend but the right side did have some steps which Aurelius followed and he only saw a single Hologram that was walking back and forth on the stage but didn't seem to notice Aurelius.


As Aurelius went up the stairs in went through a small corridor to a door which was locked and Aurelius tried the key he'd found in Vera's room which worked perfectly and opened the door.


It was a very small area with only a few useless machines sat at the back on the corridor like area with a projector point down at the stage awaiting a Holodisk. Aurelius put in the Holodisk of Dean's song and watched as the Hologram changed from a security Hologram into Dean's Hologram singing and several more Holograms sitting in the audience.


Then after the song finished they all disappeared. All of the Holograms but none of the security returned and it was now just Aurelius and Dean.


Elijah's voice poked in and told Aurelius that this had gone on long enough and that he should deal with the Ghoul.


With Vera's key Aurelius opened up the left side of the backstage and saved himself the time of running all the way round the backstage area to then talk to Dean.


The moment Aurelius opened the stage door which had unlocked itself Dean spoke to Aurelius that he was glad the "electric ghost" as he put the Holograms were gone. Then spoke of how he didn't like the Holograms at the best of times at least the ones in the Villa had manners.


Dean didn't even know how he came to be up there, but assumed that even after all this time the Sierra Madre still recognises quests. Finished off by saying "How's that for history".


Aurelius just spoke back that he loves how lucky he is to be getting shot at by pre-war ghosts.


Dean explained he preferred short goodbyes to long thankful speeches but did thank Aurelius for bailing him out of a tight spot. Then continued by telling Aurelius that he knew he didn't doing out of kindness so he Dean gave Aurelius something a little bit more practical so they as Dean put it "Both come out ahead".


Aurelius wanted to know what Dean meant by that.


Dean said he wasn't an idiot, he knew why he was in here and it was because of the old guy and Aurelius but Aurelius was wearing a collar so Dean could trust Aurelius a little more than the old guy. He was more controlling that Dean liked. This is where Dean told Aurelius being his partner pays off as he knew how to get into the Sierra Madre's vault.


Aurelius still was confused a bit and wanted to know what Dean meant. Dean explained there's a private elevator, Sinclair's elevator and it is up in the Executive Suites within Vera's room and that isn't a coincidence. Dean went onto explain that Vera was his partner before the bombs fell and she took some legwork... Convincing but Dean made it happen.


Aurelius wanted to know how. Dean continued with his history lesson and that Sinclair was already smitten with Vera and all Dean had to do was make the introductions, then all Vera had to do was flutter her eyes, smile and show a bit of leg and then Sinclair built this whole place for Vera. Even made Vera the key to his vault like a joke because of her name, which was a fake "Hollywood" name. Except that Dean had got to Vera first and he could twist her in whatever direction he wanted.


Aurelius asked Dean to go on and Dean did, seems that all Vera had to do was use her voice to get into the vault during the Gala Event and after that it'd be smooth sailing. That would have been the biggest heist in history, with Sinclair left holding the bag, ruined.


Aurelius asked Dean what happened then, Dean was rather somber about it and just said the bomb. That's happened first and Vera was trapped inside a few hundred years went by and almost end of the story, until Aurelius that is arrives. Dean now wanted to finish the job, they were going to rob the Sierra Madre, rip out its heart and that'd be the last chapter of Fredrick Sinclair.


Dean's obsession with the Sierra Madre seemed to run deeper as in he had a resentment of Sinclair and Aurelius asked him why that was, Dean was slightly annoyed. His problem with Sinclair was that he was always acting so high and mighty, lording over everyone and acting so self-righteous as if nothing could touch him. Dean explained Sinclair was the one with the problems.


Sinclair never got mad at anything and nothing seemed to shake him even after his life was destroyed again and again. Always kept his eyes out for a bright shining future in everywhere and everything he did. So Dean decided to take everything from him.


Aurelius understood that but wanted to know what Sinclair did to Dean specifically. Dean's voice had changed to a bitter tone, even asked Aurelius by what he meant Sinclair did to him, wasn't Aurelius listening? Sinclair thought he was better than Dean and if you don't believe it look around. This casino, this colossal monument, it wasn't for some woman it was all because of his ego. All of it self-righteous-in-lights and fit him perfectly. So because of this Dean had to take him down a few pegs and bring him down to his level. "Begin again?" There are some things that you don't get back up from and Dean was going to prove it.

Aurelius told Dean to forget Sinclair since Vera was the key and now she's dead. Dean responded with I only saw her yesterday, well a few yesterdays. Then went onto explain that the woman with us who made all the hand signs and was a little tight around the mouth, Dean put her in the Clinic and tuned her like an instrument. Then if she heals up it will not be her voice she'll speak anymore. Unless the Sierra Madre got her if it did that'd be a shame but there was enough of Vera around her for Dean to spend the next few years opening up the Vault.


Aurelius then asked what if she was still alive. Dean just said she could make some beautiful music then but he wasn't counting on it. So Dean explained the plan which was to piece together little Miss Vera Keys's song in the right order and then the Sierra Madre will open its legs and they'd be in business.


Aurelius told Dean that he'd head out then and see what he could do.


Dean told Aurelius to go on ahead and he'd just catch his breath here since the last performance was a bit more pressure that he was use to.


Aurelius then fixed Dean's collar and moved onwards back into the Lobby where he know knew where the Woman was and where God was.


Aurelius's freedom was so close he could almost taste it.


"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

#26 dx144


    Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Red Army Choir and Ensiferum Fan

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 02:27 PM

December 4th 2281 (Continued... Again):


Aurelius entered into the lobby of the Sierra Madre Elijah spoke up of now having one of the floors reconnected but there were two more to go and the Sierra Madre seems to have unwanted guests, the inhabitants from the Villa.


Aurelius had one Ghost Person, a Hunter just outside the Theatre who Aurelius blew away with a couple of shots from his Police Pistol but the noise attracted another Hunter rushed towards Aurelius before he could react and charged Aurelius into a wall.


The Hunter was flailing at Aurelius but Aurelius hit it a few times with his Pistol's handle and it seemed to feel it as the Hunter feel backwards bit giving Aurelius some breathing room from where he fired a single shot blowing the Hunter's head apart.


Aurelius reloaded the missing rounds from his Pistol and headed into the lobby where another Hunter was in the main area of the lobby near the entrance that had noticed Aurelius and began its silly looking run towards him.


The lobby might have some lights on but it was quite dark with no real idea of where the Ghost People were only visible when their eyes were upon Aurelius as they glowed bright neon green from whatever had spawned the abominations.


The Hunter was charging up the stairs towards Aurelius but the Hunter wasn't exactly alert for Aurelius's boot which sent it straight back down the stairs. It started to get back up but Aurelius just fired a couple of shots and its head was then broken apart.


Silence returned to the lobby for a time, until a bang was heard. More of the Ghost People wanting to get it. Aurelius had no idea of where the Ghost People broke in from and it seems neither did the Ghost People still at the front door.


Aurelius went up a lobby terminal, the Hologram security wasn't working kept stating the code was incomplete but the Hologram greeter worked, perhaps that might keep the Ghost People at bay but the other thing the lobby terminal could do was play and access the ambient music from the floors Aurelius's crew were on.


So Aurelius started playing the Theatre's music which seemed to work fine without starting his collar to beep. Might even keep the Ghost People from running amuck within the Sierra Madre when they next break in. Aurelius knew that group wouldn't be the last, if they broke in before then they'll break in again.


With his work within the lobby done for now Aurelius quickly ran over to the Cantina Madrid to find God.


Aurelius heard the voice of Dog not God and Dog spoke of how he was going to burn the Sierra Madre.


Elijah interrupted and told Aurelius to deal with the FEV reject as he is of no use to "us".


Aurelius wanted to know what was going through God and Dog's mind in thinking burning the Sierra Madre was the best thing to do also stop him from killing Aurelius is possible.


There was a speaker that Aurelius saw above the entrance to the toiletries, Aurelius fired a single shot and entered the doorway but his collar began beeping. Aurelius rushed into the toilets to the left and a radio sat atop a rubbish bin which he quickly shut off then his collar stopped beeping.


Aurelius rushed towards the doorway into the kitchen and heard God speak up of trying to put Dog back in the cage but Dog spoke back saying he could here you but not for much longer.


God and Dog were having a back and forth conversation, God spoke about tiring from being Dog's minder and tired of but was interrupted by Dog saying God was tired of putting Dog to sleep where he wakes up hungry in the cage but Dog wants... God then interrupted saying he wanted to protect Dog, as he always wanted to protect Dog and that is the reason he has to take control but Dog then spoke of the Master being the one who set him free and Dog needs to but then God told Dog to listen to him that if he did this they'd both... Dog then spoke up die and Dog wants to die as he doesn't care anymore and that he's tired of God and of this place.


God was pleading for Dog to help him help them but the door towards the kitchen wouldn't budge.


It was hermetically sealed due to a gas leak within the kitchen Aurelius would need to find a maintenance key that could override the locks in place or wait until the gas leak is shit off. Aurelius wondered if there was another entrance into the kitchen.


Aurelius remembered there was that door locked with the Casino area which was occupied by security that might have been a way down and it was better to check that way rather than standing here waiting for Dog to burn down the Casino.


Aurelius thought they might have a key in the signing in area of the restaurant and there it was hung up with the words emergency door to key to the Kitchen. With that knowledge Aurelius knew he'd have to go to the door he'd found in the Casino to get down there and Aurelius ran there, no more Ghost People had broken into the Sierra Madre yet thankfully.


On the way Aurelius did wonder if burning down this untouched pre-war jewel would be the best thing that would ever happen to it.


Aurelius didn't have time to think about this though as he had to make it into the kitchen quickly if he wanted to stop God from killing everyone.


The door was sealed same as the door to the kitchen in the Cantina but the key Aurelius picked up worked and was already moved down to deal with Dog and God.


As Aurelius entered the kitchen Elijah's voice spoke up with a great concern.


Elijah said that the FEV Reject idiot has opened the gas values and a single spark or the destruction of his collar and the entire Casino's going to burn. Elijah then told Aurelius to shut off the gas values or kill the FEV Reject.


Aurelius ran into the kitchen where he was hit by the taste of gas that'd been building up. Aurelius spoke to Dog and God to asking what was wrong but before he could Dog spoke up asking if Aurelius was the Master but then realised Aurelius wasn't and knew that Aurelius was the one who left Dog in the cage and was mean to Dog.


God then broke through and struggled to speak but managed to tell Aurelius that Dog would kill us both unless Aurelius can do something and continued by saying he'd never Dog so strong before and isn't listening to God's voice any more.


God tried to continue but then Dog spoke again stating he was hungry, so that Aurelius should come here or Dog would hunt him down and break him so he can't run any more.


Aurelius cleared his throat and like his Legionary trainer all those years ago would be proud of the command he held within his voice. Aurelius commanded Dog to stay, stating if he didn't Master would be mad with him.


Dog seemed confused by the statement but was stopped from trying to kill Aurelius, he seemed to wanted to not anger Master and asked what Master wanted from Dog.


God broke through again and told Aurelius to pull on his chain as hard as... but was cut off by Dog asking what Master wants, whatever it is Dog can do it. Dog doesn't want Master to be mad with him.


Aurelius was conflicted over making Dog kill himself with the chain around his neck but Aurelius couldn't risk fighting Dog or Aurelius could possibly die or even have the whole Casino burn down if he fired a shot from his pistol.


Aurelius wondered if he could continue with the commanding sense of his voice and stop Dog from being in control and let God take control again. So Aurelius told Dog that the Master sent him and commands Dog to listen to Aurelius from now on.


Dog again was confused said Master a couple of times then Dog a couple of times but said he was listening.


God broke through and said both of them were listening and that Aurelius should tell him to listen to God then they could get out of this... Finally... and...


Dog cut off God stating he was listening to voice, Aurelius's voice only.


Aurelius told Dog to not view the voice as a voice but... Water. Then to look at the voice and tell him what he sees.


Dog said he could see the voice but it looked just like Dog.


God then spoke up saying that Dog looks just like him and said that Dog had hurt himself, inside. Do you see know Dog?


Dog said that in the water he understood now and Dog knows what happened.


Aurelius then told Dog to walk into the water and into himself.


Dog then spoke that if Dog goes into the water then Dog can't help Master if he gets mad and Aurelius was nice to Dog now and Dog wanted to help.


God then said that Dog was right, if Aurelius merged God and Dog then they'd be unable to help Aurelius when he reaches whatever is at the end of the Sierra Madre.


Dog then said that he didn't want to unremember Aurelius as he may forget him.


God then explained that they will forget almost all that has happened here and then Aurelius would be alone at the Old Man's mercy, like Dog and like God.


Aurelius didn't Dog and God to be under anyone's control, even his own.


Dog said to Aurelius that he was there all the time.


God spoke up shortly after Dog finished saying that all the time... You were there and so close... Together.


Aurelius asked if they were alright.


It was God's voice but this wasn't God. This new mutant asked who Aurelius was and what this place was.


Aurelius knew he could try to explain what'd happened to this mutant and that they were trapped in a casino in a poisonous city but that'd take far too long to explain.


The mutant just spoke that he'd felt as if he'd just woken up. Then continued saying he didn't know Aurelius but felt like he did and felt like he owed Aurelius a debt of gratitude then asked if Aurelius would forgive him as he just discovered he's wounded by these chains and a bear trap on his arm. The Mutant then carried on asking how he ever made it this far as the pain was excruciating and he need a moment to rest.


Aurelius said it was ok for him to go and rest, as Aurelius still had something to take care of.


Before Aurelius went to shut off the gas values the mutant thanked Aurelius for whatever he'd done and that he'd remain here until he gathered his strength back.


As Aurelius was shutting off the gas he found a working terminal that had a downloadable Starlet Hologram Code Snippet which Aurelius took just in case it became of use to him at some point.


There were two files on the terminal as well one was confused about another shipment of kitchen knives for the Cantina Madrid as they were made of "Space Age" alloy and they've got more than enough for the Gala Event already even if everyone had three steak knives. The file then finished off with it always has to be the best for Sinclair, always must be and that Sinclair insists on everything being perfect.


The other file was about the knives being too sharp and one of the chefs had almost lost their thumb when they were dicing vegetables and they were losing cutting boards at about one a day as the knives just through them. They were also starting to run out of dishrags to mop up all the blood from the knives...


With the gas shut off Aurelius headed back into the Casino section of the Sierra Madre to make it to the lobby where no doubt more Ghost People had made their way in from and then he could make his way up the executive suites so he could see if the Muted Woman had survived her transition into the Sierra Madre.


Edited by dx144, 17 July 2015 - 02:29 PM.

"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

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