if things go bad....Im to link up with a few other operatives with similar powers to force a final solution.. We march into an certain food storage and poision it. Leave it uninhabitable, and force a famine. "
talos looks at the room where kombuse sleeps.
"THis will force out people who havent been seen since the infectio nstarted...And from there shits going to go from bad to worse fast."

The wolf at the door-Talos/Kombuse
Posted 24 February 2017 - 04:25 PM
Posted 24 February 2017 - 11:58 PM
Nash whistled after Talos was done explaning what he was suppose to do. "Well, that sounds fucking dark and it's exactly what I thought you would have to do." she commented before taking spoon full of soup. "I guess we'll just have to make sure things don't get worse, not after we just got your wife out. Not to mention we both know Kombuse won't take it well if that has to happen, and now with that armor, hate to be the asshole that ordered you to go hiroshima on some food stuffs." she smirked, trying to be a little more light hearted after that revelation about Talos. ".....So, what about the stuff you did for hoboken? Orders or did you actually want to do that?"
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Posted 26 February 2017 - 04:06 PM
i did all that becasue hoboken was where i was born when the bombs dropped... Its always been a poor area. So i figured id help making my old home good."
Talos sips slowly on his soup and looks to the sky.
"YOu people....You get to live..Inhotep has to be stopped..."
Posted 04 March 2017 - 05:17 AM
"What, you want us to ditch you now so you can go all nuclear on some suit and tie wearing fucks or something? How about no dumbass." Nash said rather angrily. "Kombuse will try to follow you like the lost puppy the poor kid is. Not to mention you think I'll be able to stop your wife from going with you? You know the one with radiation powers like you? Face it, you going have the help of your friends and your wither or not you wanted it or not. And hey, that's my home too, this is the least I could do for you for helping it out." She reasoned before finishing her soup, wondering how he was going to react to that.
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Posted 23 March 2017 - 02:14 PM
Talos rolls his eues and shakes his head.
"Youll not be....Fuck it FIne."
he chuckles and leans back a bit.
"So, can somone explain why he just kinda grabbed the scary armor no one rational would have touched?
Posted 23 March 2017 - 04:19 PM
"Come on, even that should be obvious to you. He grew up on a whole bunch of kids stories, ones with Knights and shit. Probably thought he could be one even if it looked like that. Like a Black Knight sort of thing." Nash reminded him with a grin, knowing it was something Kombuse talked about with Talos before too. "And if I were to make some sort of educated psychological guess, so don't hold me on this, he was raised by a bunch of nuns with guns and armor. That probably had a helping hand in his decision making, as bad as it was." She guessed, being a little more serious in that statement.
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Posted 23 March 2017 - 06:39 PM
who are we to burst his bubble."
talos says with a smile.
"It may be a good thing if we can stop it from eating him... I mean we can use the muscle."
he remembered the first time he had met the ghoul and chuckles.
"Hes a simple bastard."
Posted 23 March 2017 - 07:13 PM
Nash laughed at what Talos said. "Maybe, but at least he's a little sweetheart." She reminded him, knowing he was right though. But it was one of the reasons she liked him so much in the first place. "Ozzie on the other hand, hard to know what he even wants half the time....I don't think he knew what the armor was, but I also doubt he didn't have a part in getting Kombuse in touching the suit either." She sighed. Even if they did find the help they need for Kombuse, she will still worry about what the armor would do to him and there wasn't a contraption or device she could make to help him either. "But hey, that's said and done. We still got a tomorrow at least, speaking of which. What are you planning we do when morning rolls around?" She asked him, now that he knew he'll have to have the other three with him and he didn't have much of a say in that.
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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:36 PM
well well take coreus to the hellforge.. ANd have the specialist do waht she can.. Than from there im going to have to link up with krieg."
he stirs his soup slowly and smiles.
'Once kombuse is alright i have to get to work."
Posted 23 April 2017 - 02:54 AM
"Hellforge. Sounds like an awesome place." Nash said with obvious sarcasm before standing up from the ground and stretching a bit. "Hope your specialist friend can so something for him, you know he'll want to tag along and help ya." She reminded him with a chuckle before she started heading toward Kombuse's cabin. "See ya in the morning Talos, if anything goes wrong, well you'll hear me yelling hopefully." She said as a goodnight before reaching the door. Inside she could see Kombuse fast asleep on the dusty bed, laying on his side in the dark metal armor that was now apart of him. It was hard to tell if he was breathing since the armor hide it, but she could hear his breathing after stepping towards the bed. Seeing that he was fine and as if nothing was out of the ordinary helped her relax a little after thinking of what could happen to him because of that thing that latched onto him. "Sleep well little guy." She said softly before crawling into bed next to him, resting for the first time since she left to follow the two to the White House.
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Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:14 PM
For a long time, talos sits at the fire, a solitary figure against the night as the embers die.
Fior a long time there is no sound but the chiping of birds and a figure comes into the camp. it is a solitary figure, one in all black, its face obscured byb a bundle of rags. Talos gets up and goes to thefigure who hands him a parcel and nods, leaving without a word.
as the figure retreats, talos casts coreus a glance and the wolf nods in understanding as he slides the parcel under his shirt and returns to the fire, leaning against the log and drifting to sleep .
The night passes without much event and soon the sun peeks in talos is still by the fire as his wife wakes up, bundled up in blankets as she comes to the room, gently rousing kombuse from sleep.
"its morning...Wake up... We have to."
she turns and sees talos.
" he was up all night.."
Posted 01 May 2017 - 05:19 AM
Nash was the first one to wake up, sleeping lighter than usual while wearing just her sleeveless muscle shirt and the ghoul gore stained pants of yesterday with the rest of her gear within reach of the bed, while groaning a bit as she sat up to look out the window to see what Lucy just told them. "What? Why would he...sigh." She muttered as she brushed aside her orange hair, the only thoughts she was capable of this early in the morning. Leaning over towards Kombuse, she starts rocking his shoulder to stir the two up. "It's morning guys, time to wake up kombuse, get the fuck up Ozer-ga." she greeted them with their usual wake up calls. Giving a moan of his own, Kombuse gets up sluggishly due to both not wanting to get up and the weight of the living armor still something to get use to for him. "Oh, hi lucy. Wait, where's Talos?" He asked before yawning to the point that his gasmask maw was almost open to a 180 degrees, confused seeing only his wife here. The ghoul just grumbled as it stirred, taking its sweet time since they couldn't physically force him awake but with Kombuse active it's going to be harder to try to get any more rest. Nash pointed out towards the campfire. "Didn't even sleep, from what Lucy said." She said to catch Kombuse up. With that, the boy stood up unsteadily at first before walking out and over to Talos as Nash fished through her bag. "Want anything to eat there Lucy? Got some field stuff. Not great but better than nothing." she offered, knowing what Kombuse was already doing.
Finally reaching where Talos was sitting, Kombuse sat next to him with a thunk of metal on ground and sat there quietly for a bit of time before speaking to him. "Sooooo, why we out here and not in a bed, sleepings? This can't be good for you." He asked him, worried for him even if he shouldn't be.
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Posted 06 May 2017 - 02:20 PM
Talos bings kombuse dead in the center of the head with a tin cup .
"Shaddup. Worry about yourself."
he gets up and goes to the water spigot, pulling out a hygeine kit and brushing his teeth.
"Dont mind him"
lucy says , coming over and sitting on the log where talos had been asleep.
"YOu probably know him alot better than i do right now.. but when he gets something in his head he does it.. GOod bad or indifferent."
Posted 12 May 2017 - 01:08 AM
"Owww, he didn't have to mean about it though." Kombuse grumbled as he rubbed his head. It didn't really hurt, not with the usual advantages being a ghoul had, it was more out of old habits to things like that. He shrugged at what lucy said, not sure what to say about it since he didn't understand what she meant by knowing him better than her. "I don't really know much about anything, but that does sound right." the boy admitted before sighing. "But if he does stuff like staying up all night, how does he expect to do things then?" he asked, honestly confused at the mindset.
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Posted 10 June 2017 - 12:59 PM
lucy grabs the cup and goes to a well, dipping the cup inside and closing her eyes. For a moment she seems t o concentrate hard and steam begins to rise until she comes back.
"Do you have any bullion cubes?"
she asks with a smile, setting the cup down as the water becasme to hot for her sensitive hands.
"Id really prefer a heartier meal.... But i cant seem to stomach anything heavy yet."
Posted 13 June 2017 - 09:44 PM
Kombuse looked down at himself, seeing the armor that had enveloped him and his living faux clothes he had on...blocking getting anything he had on. "Uh...one second...I think." Kombuse try to say as he shifted his body bits, reaching down the armor's gorget and patting down his chest to find that certain pouch. Ozer-ga just sighed and had the flesh clothes move to he could finally reach it, rewarding the boy's otherwise vain efforts. "Is that...hah! Got it!" He said pulling his hand back out with sealed food packets in its grasp. He handed them to her after making sure they were clean. "Hope they help. Guess sleeping in ice isn't so fun." he said, making a guess why she felt the way she did.
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Posted 16 June 2017 - 05:29 PM
i now know how freezeburned steak feels."
she smiles and places a hand on your shoulder, closing her eyes as she makes a slow humm of radiation run along the armor, making the tendrils retract a bit so kombuse can move more comfortably. Talos sees this and spits out a wad of toothpaste as coreus wakes up.
The great bast shakes his thick scraggly mane and looks at the group with a smirk.
"Ive see n worse."
Posted 19 June 2017 - 01:33 AM
"Oh, thank you!" Kombuse said after Lucy made the armor pulls itself back, already feeling the difference as heat escaped from underneath the plates and his skin breathed easier now while having access to his 'pockets' again. "It doesn't sound like sleeping was all much fun....how did you and Talos get picked? Was it because of your radio powers?" Kombuse asked. "Radiation." Ozer-ga mumbled as a correction for the boy, who just nodded after realizing his mistake.
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Posted 23 June 2017 - 02:50 AM
talos and i have two completely different forms of radiation.... HIs is explosive.... Better for large groups... I can direct mine far better."
she makes the tendrils retract completely so that his body isnt being impaled and siops her soup.
"You should be fine for a while."
Posted 24 June 2017 - 07:21 PM
"Yeay!" Kombuse cheered. "Thank fucking gods." Ozer-ga grumbled as the invasive spikes retreated from their body. "But still...did you guys just wake up one day and could go 'fwooosh, pew pew, kaboom!'. Cause that would be cool too." The boy asked, still set on knowing the question he had asked earlier as he made himself more comfortable now that the suit wasn't making him into a pin cushion. Nash was walking out of the cabin, all of her stuff on her and ready to go when they needed to go, and was able to overhear what the ghoulboy was asking.
"Bud, if she don't wanna answer, she don't wanna answer. Remember what I said about pushing for something?" She reminded him, thinking that was what was going on if Lucy didn't answer that yet.
Kombuse looked at the ground for a moment. "Sorry lucy, didn't mean to be pushy." he apologized after realizing it thanks to Nash.
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