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Six rounds in the chamber, ones gonna find you

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#101 Thugren


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Posted 13 May 2017 - 02:51 PM

Because i didn't only make sure to upgrade your eyes when i first started this."


warwick says calmly as he continues to lead them through the pipes.


"I blocked him from acessing certain things...ANd its becasue of WHO this is that i dont want him dead."

warwick stops and turns to the gunslinger.


"WHy, should i be worried now that you know this?"


#102 Armoured Priest

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Posted 22 May 2017 - 07:39 PM

"No, I just want to make sure I'm landing into another pile of shit of a situation like we just did a few minutes ago, incase you forgot already." Dervenin grumbled, jerking a thumb over his shoulder for emphasis. Its true and while the F.U.B.A.R. operation that Thrazzdra gotten them into might have earned a scolding and some form of punishment from bossman, the old ghoul didn't want to think what would happen if he knew that his Shadow guard were harboring someone he would normally kill on sight. It didn't paint a pretty picture really. "What I do want to know is the why here Warwick." he said, obviously wanting an answer to that.

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#103 Thugren


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Posted 10 June 2017 - 01:06 PM

warwick sighs, as if caught in something.


"Dervenin.... Were here for somone who has been compiling data over a very long time. Both on the area, and nightmare. I hide this human here becasue he knows how to kill nightmare . And nightmare doesnt want any mortal giving up that information."


he lets the words sink in for a moment before speaking.


"I am loyal.. but there are things nightmare keeps even from us. Something that dont make sense. Sometimes i see things ... Things that dont make sense and clash with reality. If something happened, i want this knowlege."


#104 Armoured Priest

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Posted 14 June 2017 - 05:16 AM

"You.....are playing with some serious fucking fire, you know that right?" Dervenin sighed, scratching the back of his head out of habit when something this heavy get laid on him and he was out of sight of Bossman. While he had no love for the ghoul king bastard, this practically counts as being a traitorous bastard no matter how it's laid out. And if anyone found out.....the thought alone sent a shiver down his spine despite the heat and humidity of the old sewer system. "...Fine, lets just hurry up and leave as quick as possible. I don't want to be seen anywhere near here and get accused of something later if the shit hits the fan about this." He grumbled to Warwick.

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#105 Thugren


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Posted 16 June 2017 - 05:24 PM

Oh ho.... YOu dont want to be found out..."


the words dance like knives around your throat, and from behind a bunch of crates in an all white suit comes nightmare.


 warwick stands in shock, backing up a step out of reflex as nightmare chuckles.


"Oh my boy... Dont look so shocked..Im not upset at all... If youre not trying to put knives in your masters back you have no aspiration."


he twirls the cane and sets it on a crate.


" I began to worry when you didnt come back from such simple work so i came a looking..... I found thrazzda gutted and in a worm state... Your body destroyed... Can somone tell me what happened?"


he removes his glove and begins to fgile his nails , waiting for an answer calmly


#106 Armoured Priest

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Posted 16 June 2017 - 11:15 PM

Dervenin wanted to curse out Warwick right then and there but kept his trap shut on it. It was one thing if it was just the sidetrack with Thrazzdra's badly thought out raid on the trap of a convoy, but to be caught with warwick red handed on something like this....it screamed like life itself was trying to fuck him over....again. "....I'm not gonna lie, I side tracked us with with Thazzdra's wanting to raid a convoy for a gun or something. Turned out to be full of Angels, who knew right?" Dervenin explained first, wanting to get what happened to the ghoul lord out of the way since it was really a foot note in their tale. "And then Warwick decided he wanted to investigate some shit, probably about the Angels that tried to capture us. And now we're here, outside the residence of a man that I had no idea existed till now." he said, wrapping it up there. "So in short, I got nothing to fucking do with this one." the man who shoot high level ghouls when he got the chance after having his patience giving way to sheer annoyance.

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#107 Thugren


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 11:52 AM

for a moment, nightmare says nothing. His eyes are locked on warwick whos body is physically trembling. He is gripped by an unimaginable terror, something primal and all consuming like a yawning maw of  darkness.


"YOu are good my son.."


nightmare says finally, breaking eye contact and releasing warwick from his purgatory as the warrior slumps tiredly.


" YOu said something about  angels.... Specifically was there one named micheal?" 


Nightmare levels his gaze on his newest guard, as if studying his every movement.


'Flaming sword... SPeaks with authority and a booming voice....  ANd he had another angel with him right..A gunslinger?"


#108 Armoured Priest

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Posted 02 July 2017 - 06:34 PM

"Yea, Micheal, the gunslinger who called himself Ezekyle, and a third blonde headed one with a shield. Didn't exactly catch that one's name after getting slammed through a truck." He shrugged, confirming what Bossman seemed to know about what happened already. He wasn't really surprised, he was probably in their heads right now looking over what happen. And whatever Warwick had did to block that sort of connection wouldn't matter when they were this close to him.

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#109 Thugren


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Posted 06 July 2017 - 04:28 PM

well Augustus made very good clones of you both."


Nightmare sighs tiwling his cane,making you notice that it is convered in blood , something you quickly pick up on on.


'Sir...The blood where did it.."


Nightmare chuckles and twirls the cane, sending an arc of blood splattering across the wall.


"I beat your little friend to death..... That informatiuon you think he had he didnt have, he was using it to buy him life under your curiosity.. If you wanted to know how to kill me id tell you boy, you dont need some wretch hiding in the dark to tell you."


#110 Armoured Priest

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Posted 18 July 2017 - 04:16 PM

"Wait, why the hell would you tell anyone something like that? That...that just seems like one of those bad villain tropes from movies and shit." Dervenin asked the ghoul lord, obviously taken back by his casual attitude toward sharing a weakness let alone one that could kill him. It had to be something absurdly specific and roundabout if he was this sure of himself....at least that's what the old ghoul was thinking to himself.

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#111 Thugren


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Posted 18 July 2017 - 08:16 PM

the ghoul king smiles and shakes his head.


"Dervenin my boy...THink lng and hard about the man in front of you.. DO i look likre somones whos afraid?"


his eyes glow and your body moves on its own, drwawing a revolver and placing it to his head.


"I could tell you how to kill me...DOesnt mean you are able to."


against your will, your finger thumbs the hammer and your trigger finger pulls, shattering the silencer with a loud bang and sending a spray of black vicera into the wall. but oddly enough.... Nightmare stands. His eyes bore into you with white hot intesnity and he smirks.


"to kill me youd have to kill every alpha creature.... or cut my main bodies ties to the ghoul network.... Problem is..I dont even know where it is... So i can freely tell you that and not worry...Becasue my body.... WHerever it is , is buyried under so much earth i could survive several blasts on top of one another and still be ok."he shakes his head, showing the gaping hole in his skull as it slowly heals.


"DIfference beteen super villians and gods boy...We know the extent of our power... YOu should learn that."


#112 Armoured Priest

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Posted 19 July 2017 - 09:37 PM

"...Right boss." Dervenin managed to say with hesitation, too scatterbrained by the whole ordeal to say anything else but still had enough there to realize that not saying nothing was probably a worse option, slowly re holstering his firearm back to his side. "So uh, about the whole clone angel thing mentioned earlier...guess that makes some sense." He brought up again, trying to put the conversation back to somewhere where he wasn't going to shit his pants again and just wanting to go back on the job about dealing with some humans at a monastery.

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#113 Thugren


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Posted 22 July 2017 - 01:42 PM

They must have had some of your dna from pre inception ... He used youre natural skills to make those angels..  Guess he was wistful."


nightmare leans agaisnt the crate as his skull heals and he smirks.


"Well be going to that monastary... Ill go with you just in case those angels planned that too."


Warwick shifts side to side uncomfortably but nods as he peeks his head into the mans room and winces, having seen the extent of the violence


#114 Armoured Priest

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Posted 27 July 2017 - 03:49 AM

"....Well ain't that fan-fucking-tastic of him." Dervenin said at the idea of having a clone of him running around being all glittery and with cliche angel wings. Without really much to add (What was he going to say to his boss? No?), he went ahead and started heading back out of the sewer system, nudging warwick with and elbow on the way to get him moving already instead of looking at whatever Nightmare did to the poor s.o.b. in that little house. 

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#115 Thugren


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Posted 28 July 2017 - 11:44 AM

Warwick steps back from the carnage and is lead out as nightmare follows closely behind, twirling his cane as he moves.


"So Dervenin...How was it meeting your old nemises warriors... Sparked a fire in you? Reawakened that killer i saw so long ago?"


#116 Armoured Priest

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 11:20 PM

Dervenin wasn't even sure what got reawakened after meeting those angels and then finding out what they were. Disgust? Hate? Indignation? Or something all three mixed together. What he did know right now was that he just wanted to get this little trip done as soon as possible, cause the longer boss was around, the more he was sure that warwick would get unnerved through the whole thing and that's the last thing he wanted. "Maybe,  miffed that they had the drop on us mostly." He said, mostly to keep the conversation going. 

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#117 Thugren


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Posted 31 August 2017 - 01:20 PM

nightmare smirks and leads you through the wasteland, his very presence scaring away anything foolish enough to get within range of his sight.


Warwick is silent the entire time, but he gradually recovers his normal demeanor until the mountain comes into sight. ITs obviopusly being watched by some form  of local militia, but you doubt that they are the augustus funded force that initially was intended to be the target.


"well it looks like these are ionly a local branch."


nightmare says with an exhasperated sigh.


'but it seems like this can still be helpful....Go on you two...Im going to go talkto a thrazzda about failing."


#118 Armoured Priest

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Posted 06 September 2017 - 07:07 PM

'That poor bastard.' Dervenin thought to himself upon hearing that, betting Thrazzdra is going to have it worse then them with their little 'talk'. He did wonder for a moment why or who was here for them to kill if the local guard is barely enough for...something. Either way, the old ghoul went forth, sneaking and stealthing his way forward for a better view on the place and the placement of the guards, trying to get a lay of the land before making a plan and going in.

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#119 Thugren


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Posted 13 October 2017 - 12:18 PM

as you move along the path, you are suddenly stopped by two guards on the southern entrance. THey have their backs to you, and over their shoulders you can see rifles slung.


"Just a few more minutes and were out of here.."


one guard says as he sweeps his gaze around.


"than were moving to the base in taiwan right? Or the one in subic."


#120 Armoured Priest

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Posted 13 October 2017 - 07:37 PM

Keeping a mental note about looking for bases in Taiwan and Subic, Dervenin decided to stealth off the path and around the two guards instead of engaging them, keeping to the concealment of bushes and rocks. If he really only had minutes to slay the main targets inside the complex, he wanted to do it when they were busy packing and not trying to rush off in whatever transport they had when alarms go off.

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