YOur life was always hard..but that story doesnt matter nos does it. after your sentenncing and the brutal asswhuppinbg put on you by the guards, you were collared, shoved into a bus and taken to the cage. After yet another pounding by the guards, you and 30 other inmates are shoved into a cargo container and put on a boat. It was a sickening ride, with your comrades puking and wetting thesmemlves from fear or sickness. Eventually after waht felt like days, you feel the container shake and you can hear the roars of an arena down below.
"Annnnnnd lets gewt ready for the next flux of prisoners"
a voice from outside yells to uproarious applause. There is a teeth shaking jar as the container is set down and you can hear locks being disengaged as your fellow inmates begin to stand, readying to burst out agaisnt anything waiting in front of them