the car ride takes a few days, avoiding ghoul herds and ho siht factions, but soon your little convor makes it to the outskirts of detroid and melinko stops the jeep.
"Look alive tater tits..Lets ride"
yuko and jeckel are the first to jump out as caitlyn wakes up, her veil obscuring her face.
"FIve more minutes."

Fury made manifest- Aella
Posted 24 February 2017 - 04:15 PM
Posted 25 February 2017 - 01:41 PM
Being contained in a small space with three "smelly dudes" for days was not as challenging as Aella once thought. Of course it shortened her attention span and she mastered the act of spacing out, but it just seemed reminiscent of the basement her squad spent time in. However it didn't make her edgy; just caused her muscles to stiffen to the point that she actually considered giving up her seat and having Caitlyn sit on her so they both could stretch out a bit. It was extremely tempting.
"Tater *CENSORED* is the best that you have? I am disappointed in you. And hungry." She frowned as she climbed out herself, immediately stretching to crack and pop her joints pleasantly. As she took in their surroundings, the scowl that formed was necessary. "Certainly doesn't look impressive from a distance."
Posted 26 February 2017 - 01:16 PM
melinko goes to speak, but a sniper round rips through the fat of his side, making his scream out in pain and duck under a car for cover as the sqaid follws. a savo of bullets fill the air, and just as everything seems to be hopeless, you hear it.
The clanging of blades, melinko leans agaisnt rthe back of a jeep, gritting his teeth in pain as he draws his machetes and begins to clang his weapons together, falling into the headtaker tradition of the drums of war.
The sound fills and drops. Rises in your chest like a war cry that aches to be loosed. As the silencers take up positions, melinko rises, his face and hands bathed in the crimson fluid and shout.
"headtakers...TO ME."
almost mechanically the three headtakers of your squad begin to move as the drumbeat continutues, almost xcompelling you to follow
Posted 26 February 2017 - 01:38 PM
Aella's eyes widened as Melinko screamed, her muscles immediately causing her to go rigid despite her hands fumbling for her own machetes. As she pulled them free and curled her fingers so tightly around the hilts that her knuckles went white, her eyes were searching for the location of the assailant, partially expecting to see the glint of a scope in the distance. She was the last to duck behind cover, her body trembling in anticipation for the bloodshed of their enemies.
As the familiar sparking of metal clashing overrode the shots flying above her head, she watched Melinko stand fearlessly and her squad follow without hesitation. She briefly weighed the benefits of following over providing support on her own before she stood to follow the siren's call, a manic smile that bared her teeth ferally revealing herself as she fell in step behind her squad, weapons raised.
Posted 26 February 2017 - 01:59 PM
as you all begin to come together, jeckel moves to melinkos side and they begin to move forward, bullets are fired but never seem tro collide as impossibly fast blurs swat them from the air, caitlin moves to the middle of the squad and begins to sing.
The dirge is quiet and soulful. Complimenting the intense drumbeats that fill the air with their heart pounding resonance. It feels like the stories of demons that obrieg spoke of where coming to life, as if the squad was becoming something else...... A host for a force they couldnt possibly understand, until...
you see something. To your right, two men chage with spears. One comes to your ight as the other goes cor caitlyn, his spear aiming for the back of her neck
Posted 28 February 2017 - 01:41 PM
Aella's chest felt like it was overflowing as Caitlyn's song accompanied the rhythmic beats of the drum. Bloodlust and fearlessness made her feel invulnerable. Everything smelt sweet, especially the blood that flowed from Melinko. It was like a drug that she couldn't resist, and honestly, she didn't want to.
The two spear-wielders that gained her attention made her bare her teeth in a feral smile until she realized that one of them chose to target Caitlyn. A chuckle crept up her throat as she lifted one of her machetes to knock the spearhead away from her lover, using the back of the blade. She then threw herself towards him as she brought her other hand up to slash at his side before he could recover, choosing to ignore the other threat entirely for a moment.
Edited by Oce, 28 February 2017 - 02:01 PM.
Posted 28 February 2017 - 09:47 PM
the strike sends the spear wild and you collide with the man, bearing him to the ground as the group stops.
thrask reacts by striking out with his dull, shark toothed axes, smashing the second mans skull in and sending his scalp flying in a spray of gore and vicera.
melinko and jeckel stay in place as yuko can be seen, fighting with three men, weatching the spectacle of the war drums as the man struggles with aella atop him, reaching andd clawing for her weapons
Posted 22 March 2017 - 04:58 AM
Aella shifts on top of the man, holding one of her machetes out to the side as he tried to curl his fingers around the hilt, until she can run her blade across his neck, trying to push the blade deep into his neck, her teeth bared in his face. Trying to kill what was hers.. What a fool. Truly, ignoring the threats surrounding the singing Caitlyn was an idiotic move that deserved to be rewarded with death.
Posted 23 March 2017 - 02:11 PM
he dies in a gurgle of blood and his nails dig deep, raking along your forearms, leaving angry red weals in the flesh as thrask pulls you back ionto formation. finally you get tyo the building and melinko motions at everyone to go in, keeping the drumbeat going as the tone picks up.
Your vision tinges red, everything covered i nthe crimson hue and Caitlyns song grows louder. Every bone seems to vibrate as melion points to a set of stairs, motioning you to go upward amd caitlin breaks beat for a moment to send you a wink
Posted 06 April 2017 - 12:20 AM
Aella didn't acknowledge the marks left in her skin; it was too minor of an injury for her to even be bothered by it. As Thrask tugged her back onto her feet, she flicked some of the blood off of her machete and onto the grass, glaring at where the men had emerged, not really expecting any more to attack them from the same place but annoyed by it nonetheless.
The beat was almost suffocating, cutting off parts of her senses to make her more sharper and durable. It was so easy to imagine the red tint was just blood of her enemies coating every surface she could see. Aella wasn't capable of reacting to Caitlyn's wink aside from the smirk she wore.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 12:58 AM
you get to the staioirs and begin to move up and are slammed hard into the wall by two men, one digs a knife hard into your hsoulder as the other wrestles to try to keep you pinned to the wall
"Die bitch!"
the man with the knife snarls as he twists the knife, and the other tightens his grip .
"SHes like tryign to reign in a damn bear!"
Posted 06 April 2017 - 02:49 AM
As Aella was slammed into a wall, she leaned forward into the man's face, teeth bared and snarling, even as the knife dug into her shoulder. It kind of reminded her of Caitlyn, but at least Caitlyn was pretty to look at. She didn't clutch at the hand wielding the knife; instead she simply raised one of her hands and tried to cleave theirs off, hissing in his face as the knife twisted.
"Please tell me this isn't the best you've got."
Posted 08 April 2017 - 12:52 PM
the machete goes through the mans arm as if it where twine, and he falls back screaming as the other twists the knife harder, going from mnageable to white hot pain as he yanks it out and fbrings it down quickly.
"Die bitch!"
Posted 10 April 2017 - 09:11 PM
Aella nearly cried out at the pain, but she knew if she flinched and willingly blinded herself it was a death sentence. She lifted the hand she had used to cleave off the hand just to weaken the attack just slightly, using the back of her machete towards the hand wielding the knife. Meanwhile, she pushed herself forward, trying to slam her injured shoulder into him to at least dislodge the blow so it glanced off of her shoulder blade instead.
The growl she released was low, the words barely able to be made out; "You can fucking try."
Posted 11 April 2017 - 12:11 AM
you manage to force the man back and you both go tumbling down the stiars. YOu land atop him with a hard crack,m your blades lodged in his neck as he claws at his neck in pain.
to your left you hear a loud crack and suddenly see something move between you and wahtever made the noise.
"Up sister.."
thrask huffs. a fresh bullethole in his shoulder that he can see through.
"THe dance continues."
Posted 11 April 2017 - 06:21 AM
While falling down the stairs made her muscles a bit too stiff, she smirked down at her assailant as she landed on top of him, wiggling her blades to further open the wounds in his neck. "Die bitch," she growled out before twitching at the loud crack, shifting her focus to Thrask who was suddenly standing beside her.
It took her a second to realize that the gaping hole in Thrask's shoulder was because of her. As she pushed herself to her feet, pushing up from her hands which nearly decapitated the guy under her, she nodded to her brother, the closest he would get to a 'thanks'. "Of course," was how she responded, glancing up the stairs to where the rest of her squad was.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 11:13 PM
gunfire rakes the hallway and you see jeckel leaping from floor to floor as he lkands hard, a head hanging from his belt.
" ten upstairs...we need your girlfriend for the chant, go get her, but we need you and melinko out front... they got me pretty bad."
he grips his arm, cradling bullet wounds that bleed profusely.
Posted 13 April 2017 - 05:27 PM
She pulled a face as a bloodied Jeckel landed in front of her, not taking much notice to the severed head and the time he had took to take it. She bent over the freshly killed corpse at her feet and tore away a relatively clean strip of cloth from his shirt before taking ten seconds in which she spent frantically tying up Jeckel's arm to stem the blood loss. Then she launched herself up the stairs, readjusting the grips she had on her machetes in preparation to kill quickly.
Posted 20 April 2017 - 12:06 PM
a body is at the landing, its head taken from its shoulders, and you can see two men notice you, and run down a hallway, trying to get some kind of communicator to work.
"Damnit no! Fuck!"
the one man yeslls as he hits the receiver.
'i cant get it to work!"
Posted 20 April 2017 - 12:54 PM
Aella rolled her eyes as the two men fled, quickly following behind them with thundering steps. She wasn't foolish enough to rush into any rooms or turn a corner where a potential trap could lie, but she tried her damnedest to catch up with one of the men to drive one of her machetes through his back- or throw one of her heavy blades if she could get close enough to guarantee a shot.