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The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda

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#1 Thugren


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 04:55 PM

The night was cold as the hand brought the prisoner forward through the walls of the tokyo sanctum, into the private estate of the Daiymo of the area cujo. This was your job as one of his enforcers, bring him anyone who dares stand against his family, anyone who sought to cut in on his profits and his seat on the tokyo council. Amd that is one thing you know Full well about your lord... Kujo has absolutely no tlerance for competitors that arent on the council.


Before you, Toya, the head of the blooded shoves the man forward, elicting a pained groan as he speaks, his voice and english hard and ragged.


'Move it round eye....YOu really fucked up this time."


The man looks around nervously as he toya looks back at you and sneers.


"You did good seva.."


He said, a small smile on his face.


"Cujo will hear of it."


YOu can only nod as you all walk into the main room where a small staircase leads up. FLanked on either side by men in skintight bodysuits, a single figure sits crosslegged on the tatami mats.  He is fully armored in heavy combat plate, gifted and forged for him by the Shogun  Omatsu, and as you all come forward, he raises his helmed head.




he says quietly, his hand resting on a blade in front of him.


"THis too ka bit longer than you where given...WHy.."




YOu think back and remember, the man had takewn you through the streets and traded fire with your group for a full twenty minutes before his weapon came dry. Besides that, the police force had made it difficult to move safely with the cargo while remaining concelaed. YOu can choose to be honest or  place the blame squarely on the squads in compotence, but the look of nervousness on toyas face speaks volumes.



he is afraid.




You Knew Cujos methods. He had picked you up as a child when you had been caught murdering another child in the embassy. It was by his hand that yuou lived, and he has since put you to work, using your "skills " to further his criminal empire. YOu rose quickly to a position of power and respect without once having to resort to the methods other women foolishely used before their heads where taken, and it was well known, that the little forign girl held the warlord ear.




he says, breaking yo ufrom your musings.


"I told you i want an answer."



#2 Oce



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Posted 30 December 2016 - 02:15 PM

Sevatheda wasn't very fond of Toya, or anyone really. Toya treated her like a dog, though she supposed that was exactly what she was to these people. They bones that they threw her were jobs that kept her amused and when she was finished, they'd pet her head and call her a good girl. Too bad that she wouldn't be able to bite his hand again, when he had actually dared to touch her. Good times, even though the punishment nearly knocked out a couple of teeth. 


She respected what Cujo was capable of, and that is why she hadn't tried to kill him yet. He gave her a purpose and seemed to enjoy her specific skill set. She figured that she wouldn't have nearly as much fun on her own: no point in picking up random people off the street to play with. There needed to be a goal set in place otherwise she would just be wasting her time to satiate her bloodlust. She did enjoy reading as well, so it would be a pain to balance if it weren't for Cujo throwing her jobs.


The question from Cujo didn't bring any anxiety; there wasn't much to fear ultimately. There also was no reason to answer falsely either. "He had half of his weight in ammunition, and I believe no one wanted to risk shooting his shoulder and causing him to bleed out. Would have been too messy anyways." Seva shrugged nonchalantly, not very disturbed by the tense situation. 

#3 Thugren


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 02:21 PM

SLowly, Cujo removes his helmet, revealing a middle aged man. His face had a long scar running over his right eye that shouldve left him blind, but prostetics had brought the old warrior back more times than once.

"COme here darling.."

he says in a fatherly tone. The same tone he had always used when he was going to impart a lesson or mete out punishment."

toya take his body to the river and remove his hands."

Toyoa looks at this confusedly, looking from his lord to the man.


"but sir hes not dead ye.."


With a simple motion of his hand, the mans head burst inside the bag with a moist squelch. Blood pours down out of the bag and the body slumps as toyas eyes widen.

'SIr youre not even going to?"


The daiymo looks at his charge calmly, raising his hand and in response the mans blood lifts into the air, making an orb that forms itself into an oni mask.


"DO not question me again toya...DO as i said."


The oni mask mimics the lord words with its own mouth and toya nods, dragging the body away without another word


#4 Oce



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Posted 30 December 2016 - 02:33 PM

Sevatheda took a few steps forward, not quite reaching his side but still close enough to be within arms reach. "Yes sir?" She wasn't afraid, or at least not overly so. Cujo could make her death somewhat painful, if he put his mind to it and didn't rush like he had just done with the poor bastard who just lost his head. Sort of. 'Poor' was a bit of a stretch. It was simply a waste of fun. 


Cujo was a fan of theatrics and displays of control. He likely wouldn't be challenging to manipulate, if Seva could be bothered to attempt it. As is, there was simply no point, even though it was likely that she was going to be facing some 'fun' of her own for the untimely manner that she retrieved the stick that he had thrown for her. 

#5 Thugren


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 02:39 PM

"Not diffcult control...Is that waht you think."

the  warlord says with a smile as he pours some tea, motioning for her to sit. Now it was no longer a nicety, he was TELLING her to sit. He smiles as he poours her some tea and moves over some biscuts, smiling as the blood of the mask he made slowly drops to the floor in a harmless puddle.


"Try not to come near me with open woulds...It makes you to oeasy to ready."


he smiles and motions to an open scratch on your forearm from the struggle with the deadman  and continues.


"Seva....WHy would i keep such a dangerous hound like you near me  hm?"


he asks as he sips calmly and looks at her.


"YOu have no loiyalty to me besides amusement...So why would i keep a purifier like you within striking distance to me at all times?


#6 Oce



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Posted 30 December 2016 - 02:58 PM

Yet another command. Sevatheda obeyed without an expression or much of anything. It was routine by now, and though that was bland and tasteless, she would put up with it for a while longer since the jobs were worth it. Unless Cujo saw fit to kill her now, she supposed. At least he offered her tea, which she nursed delicately, brushing back the white strands that had escaped her bun in a gentle yet calculating action. She didn't avoid his gaze. 


A scratch? Did it really bother him, or was it yet another pathetic attempt at intimidation? Her lips curled upwards the smallest amount at the thought. "I would assume it is solely because of my lethality. If I was weak and predictable like Toya, you would have disposed of me already. Besides, my blood is my leash, isn't it?" Her smile widened.

#7 Thugren


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 03:04 PM

No Girl."


he says simply, his smile slight as he sips slowly.


"I keep you around because you are good....You do your work and do not hide your intentions. I have no doubt one day if i ever weaken you will be there to find my ribs with one of your knives... But even in your cold calculations. YOo know that you cannot kill me now.. Youre not strong enough."


the blood from her wound bubbles and heals , covering her skin.


'i tell you not to come near me with cuts, because i do not like my mind intruded with others blood.. it is the one problem with being a Sanguine."


he smiles warmly, with an almost fatherly kind of tone.


"Its been what ..Seventeen years since i brought you here? YOu murderous little hound.... its about time you whewre rewarded for your service, and sent for more than just distractions ."


#8 Oce



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 03:11 PM

She wasn't disturbed that he knew this, she figured that it was fairly obvious so there was no reason to feel exposed. There wasn't a real reason that Sevatheda would kill Cujo other than the fact that he was stronger than her at one point. It was like a test to prove herself, though she found it fairly superficial. 


It was a strange sensation to be forcibly healed, though it was nothing when compared to how unfitting the fatherly tone was for Cujo. She loathed it, as much as any other pretense humans seemed to use. Seva found it to be condescending but figured it was fitting since he was ultimately stronger than she was. Though a more exciting job sounded quite fun.


"What do you have in mind?"

#9 Thugren


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Posted 01 January 2017 - 04:54 PM

you will come with me to take the head of someone ive wanted to end for a very long time child."


he says warmly, standiong and grabbing the long blade in front of him.

"What better wway to test my newly promoted second hand."


#10 Oce



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 06:57 PM

It sounded like a challenge, if it was held off for any period of time. Then he confirmed it himself: it was a test. The promotion was essentially useless, and she briefly wondered if he was planning on killing her off. She figured it wouldn't matter any way and it would give her a challenge after all. 


"Sounds fun. Where am I going?"

#11 Thugren


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Posted 01 January 2017 - 09:01 PM

he stands and walks to a small balcony behind his seat. Below tokyo glitters, the maqssive sanctum s walls glittering , containing the sprawling metropolis of the town.

Very slowly, he points to a tower, not far off that housed another head of the counsel, the hoshida clan.

"His head rolls tonight..."

he says as he replaces his helmet and his guards begin to follow in step behind you both, each drawing weapons.


#12 Oce



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 09:09 PM

Sevatheda found the view boring. Various lights and tiny figures of people scurrying about, ignorant of themselves. The view would never change, always remaining nearly the same with just a few bigger towers as time passed. Predictable. At least her target would be a challenge. Somewhat. It wasn't hard to assume that he had grown cozy in his lavish lifestyle, or perhaps he was paranoid with excessive guard routes and trinkets.


"Sounds fun," was her only response. 

#13 Thugren


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Posted 01 January 2017 - 09:22 PM

you and the entire clan move as one, walking through the streets as one cohesive group.

Cujo is flanked on all sides by his men, black and red clad warriors, each wearing the old swords of history, and the demon mask that Cujos Hayada clan where known for. Civililians all vanish from you as they see you, and soon you are at the large wooden gates.

"how do you want to go in Seva."

cujo asks, idly thumbling the biting edge of his blade to produce cuts he could later use.

"DO you want to be in the initial assault or killing silently while we draw the attention."


#14 Oce



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 09:39 PM

Ah, so the display of power route rather than the subtlety. Their target would likely be well prepared by the time they got there. In the very least Cujo was giving her an option in this. "I'd prefer not to get nicked by our side again, so I will go in on my own, if you do not mind." 

#15 Thugren


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Posted 01 January 2017 - 09:44 PM

at this, one of the black suited men open a utility grate and he motions for you to go inside as cujo says something n japanese you cannot understand.

This is soon followed by a roar of approval and a hard explosion .

The utility closet is cold and dark, but you move quickly.soon you come to a three pronged fork.

One leads into some kind of living room, one is a room with the telltale sounds of butchering, and the last leads to a completely silent room with waht feels like cold air filtering through the slits.


WHich way do you choose?


#16 Oce



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Posted 02 January 2017 - 11:08 PM

Utility grates; Sevatheda's favorite. In the very least she would know if someone was in there with her, though she loathed giving the enemy a chance to prod at her with spears and swords. It was far more annoying then accidentally crawling towards a dead end and having to wiggle backwards awkwardly. Damn, Seva wasn't fond of vents. At least they would be doing their part.


The living room was an unknown, the cold room was likely storage or a walk in fridge or something. At least with the butcher room she could anticipate where at least one person was if she listened closely, so she headed straight for it. 

#17 Thugren


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Posted 02 January 2017 - 11:38 PM

the room smells like gore, and horrible violence . you lift the grate lightly and you see a single man. He is heavy and corpulent. He hacks at the corpse of a man who you had seen running drugs on the street with a massive cleaver until the mans head comes away with a sick crack and rolls forward.

"SHoulda kept your nose outta da lords buisness natto..... Now youre gonna feed his hounds."

the big man chuckles as he gathers some hacked chunks and goes over to a pot and drops the peices in.


you see the room is a  cafeteria of some type, you can easily hide between the rows and go through the doors, but the big man is blocking easy movement


#18 Oce



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Posted 05 January 2017 - 04:37 PM

The stench wasn't the worst that she had to deal with, having familiarized herself with decaying flesh and infected wounds, but it still tickled her throat slightly. Cannibalism? No, for the dogs. The decapitation was pretty excessive though... Sevatheda focused on his cleaver as she crept forward into the rows, out of sight. She aimed to melt his weapon and solidify it around his elbow, rendering his dominant hand relatively immobile, while she pulled some metal from the tables and racks around her. She formed five chopstick sized needles as her weapon, waiting for the butcher to look for her. 

#19 Thugren


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Posted 05 January 2017 - 04:48 PM

the metal forms and the big man yelps in suprise as his arm is restrained.


"Da fuck is this?!"

he yells as he reaches for a pan.

"whos here!"


#20 Oce



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Posted 05 January 2017 - 05:35 PM

She tried to melt the pan, reforming the metal around his fingers as she stood, wielding her needles. "Have you pissed on anyone's boots recently?" Seva wore an easy smile that looked maniacal on her. 

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