Orochi stared at the other varghen for a moment, his strange behavior infuriating him further, as if he owed him for 'sparing' his friend's life right now or something. Without a further word to the executioner, the pyromancer walked out to the doorway while straighting out his Vorboten coat as the other man had suggested without taking an eye off him as well. Him being a mutagen user was also something to take into consideration, especially someone who might be brotherhood. That above all didn't make sense, someone like that running around with gangers and acting as an executioner. Though his curiosity was still barely outweighed by his mood to burn the man to a crisp for Guzza.

The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 22 April 2017 - 05:32 PM
Sevatheda smiled under her mask, and her voice reflected it, albeit borderline condescending though she still appeared amuse to the onlookers. "If that is all your clan has to offer, then yes. That would be beneficial for both of us." Her gaze wavered as she witnessed Googy's sugar covered face. 'Silly child.'
Posted 29 April 2017 - 02:33 PM
the varghen smiles, hefting his weight easily as he heads outside and leans against a wall.
"ooooo Ive made the Commander angry."
he stomps his foot and a length of stone comes upm forming into a fist that is lanched at you.
The woman nods, but its what happens next that startles you.
"Im bored."
googy says with an almost childlike innocence, and her tendrils lash out. They ensare the groom who screams and thrashes , and googly licks some icing off her fingers.
" If were done here.."
there is a sickening trio of pops as the tendrils constrict and she begins to visibly wrench as if breaking a toy, trying to pull the man in half as he screams.
'Stop resisting!"
she huffs.
"ITll hurt less!"
Posted 29 April 2017 - 02:59 PM
Sevatheda was somewhere between vague amusement and disdain by Googy's impulsiveness. She nearly shrugged at the bride, "Saves you the effort I suppose." Her casual tone seemed more fitting for someone taking away her empty glass rather than ending the life of a treacherous coward, and that was one of the reasons this Cujo was intimidating; callus indifference. The sickening popping of joints and squelching of blood disturbed her no more than witnessing a mock argument between lovers.
Posted 30 April 2017 - 08:09 PM
"Stow the shit!" Orochi growled as he swung around the Kanabo like he was swinging a baseball bat for a homerun on the flying stone fist. Probably not the brightest idea, but spur of the moment didn't really give time to form anything better than either dodging or deflecting the projectile. 'Better than nothing' popped into his mind as an after thought as the swing was carried out.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 05 May 2017 - 12:15 AM
the fist explodes at the contact, and the man is already attacking. as you get your bearing he brings another explusion of rock toward your stomach, , moving along the stones surface easily.
"Ill stow it whe nyou do something other than bore me foreigner!"
googy finalyl rips the man in half and hurls his body in differing directions, as another presence makes itself known in the room.
"disrupting the flow of power.."
the voice was like ice, the arbiter from before walks out from the other side of the room, a long length of chain in his hands..
"I think im going to puit a quash to this uprising myself... kamui be damned."
Posted 05 May 2017 - 08:01 PM
Sevatheda wasn't overly surprised when the arbiter strode dramatically into the room, of course attracting attention from more than just the Cujo. "Poor impulsion control. However did you make arbiter?" The condescending tone which the albino had mastered was intended for the man to not just fray at the edges- but cause him to lose his composure however unlikely that it was. "Abandoning your duties because you couldn't sit on your hands like a good boy."
Posted 12 May 2017 - 01:27 AM
"Do you even understand the irony of you saying that?!" Orochi shouted, or roar depending on how people hear it, as he tried to immediately lower his body and turned his shoulder to barge directly at the sliding stone user and hoped the other rock projectile either glanced him or missed completely during his own offensive against the other varghen. He never fought a stone user before, and now he wished had learned a tip or two during his training.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 19 May 2017 - 12:46 PM
seeing your shoulder check, the man jumps over and grabs the scruff of your neck as he comes down, yanking you back and onto your back hard as he moves a safe distance away.
"Ohh..Is that the extent of your powewr enflamed one?"
he chuckles and makes a seat of stone, sitting lazily.
"I guess all those legends we hear about that round eye.. buria...Burial....That fucking round eye are all bs ney?"
The arbiter motions for everyone to go and they file out.
The arbiter unfurls a whip and chuckles.
"Im going to enjoy beating you into shape cujo... Beleive that."
Googy smiles and cocks her head.
"Hey Cujo.... You know.... I dont like this mans face.. Lets fix it up for him."
Posted 26 May 2017 - 04:13 PM
Sevatheda forms a metallic pole, hollow enough not to weigh too much, but weighted on a side, figuring it would be easier to deal with his whip if it was required of her. "And here you are, allowing yourself to be stripped of the positioning as an Arbiter for little old me. How flattering."
Posted 26 May 2017 - 05:40 PM
"Listen here you fucking knockoff shonen bullshit anime character." Orochi grumbled, letting his temper slip now as flames started to build up on and around his body. "You want to play with fire? Then let's play." He growled before letting loose a shockwave of flame from himself. But he didn't just let the fire fade after the ring passes through an area, he kept them going, to create the entire area a vision of hell on earth to deny the stone user any sort of reprieve and turn their little battlefield to his homefield advantage instead.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 28 May 2017 - 01:13 PM
for a moment, the arbiter says nothing.
"Kamui will understand me stepping down briefly to beat you rabble into the floor... I mean it was him who has been systematically dissecting you worthless criminals."
with a grandiose sweep of his arm he removes the heavy armor plated vest he wears and it smashes intoi the wall with a loud crash.
"'Kamui do you want in on..."
kamui walks in, but something makes the arbiter stop. BNoth he, and the other arbiter are stained with blood. With a careful motion, the heir of cujo reaches back and touches the womans stomach, saying the word.
"Pandora reform.... Butchers nails."
the woman lets our an odd groan, a mix of intense pleasure and pain and her body visibly reshapes, becoming a long, wickedly barbed wheel in the fashion of the old breaking wheels.
"YOu talk too much jishima... Cujo.. Im going ro be your arbiter for this altercation. Jishima nogoshima has interred himself in the law of this land, he can no longer remain neutral. If you kill him, i will remove all bounties on your families head. Do we have a deal?"
The arbiter turns and looks at him as cujho keys something in, making the mans armor fizzle.
"You traitorous dog!"
the warrior tries to move within the fire, but like he hit a wall of force, he slams int othe flames and rolls to a stop, swearing and swatting at the pain
"ouch..Damn you fucking round eye !"
he growls as the rocks lift him straight up and out of the flame, giving him the berth to jump back swo he can get space.
"No more games, im going to break you in half!"
Posted 29 May 2017 - 06:25 PM
Orochi didn't speak this time, his temper past the trash talking phase with the other varghen, as he strode forth while moving the ring of flame with him towards the brotherhood member. In the inferno, Orochi formed a large serpentine construct with his pyromancy reminiscent of the Eastern dragons with intensely burning orbs of fire for eyes. It uncoiled itself before rushing through the air toward its target, coiling and snaking in its movements, mouth agape in a roar of ignited air.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 03 June 2017 - 04:19 AM
Sevatheda was tired of this arbiter and redundant words. There was no reasoning nor goading with the man, so she opted to simply save her breath. Though when Kamui and a woman entered the room, her smirk returned underneath her mask. She placed an end of her staff on the ground, leaning against it casually. The female arbiter's transformation was... interesting, to say the least. Her stomach did not tighten in disgust; her mind wondered about the science behind it. That was her ability? Relying on another.
"You have a deal, arbiter."
Posted 03 June 2017 - 12:03 PM
the man screams as one of the flames get to him and sink its teeth in, burning and charring flesh i nseconds before something flashes and slams into your side, sending you spralwing with a sharp pain in your side.
"Now now.... I understand you absolutely hate this spit fuck."
an armored figure says calmly, six orbs orbiting behind it as it walks into view.
"But to kill him is an act of war that your drachens arent fully committed to."
the figure bows deeply as the varghen groans in pain and clutches its ruined leg.
"Please let us talk this out rationally."
(Retconning the name from Wrack to pandora.)
the arbiter goes to speak, turning baround and bringing his whip around in a whistling arc toward kamui who doesnt seem to move.
"You traitorsous dog! i knew you where in bed with these mongrels!"
a skull on the breaking wheel flashes and it moves without kamui moving a musckle, long scythe like blades protruding from the wheels spokes as it moves in blurs, blocking the wickedly sharp weapon with ease.
"Jishima..YOu know you cant get past Pandoras defensive transformation... I could go offensive if you want."
an off dry sound comes from the wheel, a sound like the nails of a torturers wheel grinding and you could tell... SHe wals laughing.
In that moment, you felt something in that mask. Something.. Was afraid. Visions fill your mind of guillotines, of stretching slabs and water boards. of brazen bulls and choking pears. This woman, this thing was all of these given form, and it was LAUGHING.
kamui says calmly, removing his helmet and startling you from your reverie.
"The deal was made. Im not here to watch you stand and be albino and pretty."
Posted 04 June 2017 - 07:00 PM
Orochi grumbled mostly at first, getting up off from the simmering ground with help of his club while his side was still pulsing with some pain from the iron projectile. "Oh sure, when I finally hit back the fight gets stopped." He said with no small measure of spite in his tone. It was still mostly aimed at the brotherhood varghen, but the woman's earlier action didn't exactly help his mood. "And just who does this fuckup belong to and why would he be worth a war for them? Far as I can tell he's just another thug in the street that needs his face caved in for the shit he just did." The Drachen patriarch said, not letting go of what the other did to Guzza who still might not make it as far as he knows right now.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 03 August 2017 - 10:35 PM
If Sevatheda were just the slightest bit less in control of herself, her mind would have wandered to the night Kamui's betrothed snuck into her apartment, and sub-consequently, her bed. Her brow nearly furrowed at the arbiter's words. Kamui wasn't in bed with them, what did he-- oh.
The Cujo mask confused her, it was radiating something decidedly unpleasant, but Sevatheda couldn't easily distinguish what exactly it was that made her muscles tighten yet simultaneously send a shiver up her spine. It was easy enough to come up with an image in her mind, of what kind of expression would be made to accompany this sensation. And then it dawned on her; it was fear. Previous Cujos were afraid of torture? The pain they likely inflicted on countless of others? Pathetic.
Aside from the forced reaction Seva felt, Pandora's laugh seemed uncomfortably rough in this form. She briefly wondered what kind of smile the woman had when she laughed in her humanoid form before mentally resetting and refocusing on the task at hand. Sevatheda's smirk returned at Kamui's comment, and she pulled aside her mask, exposing the lower half of her face before she spoke her last comment. "You think that I'm pretty?" Yuki was probably going to murder her if she managed to catch wind of his comment.
She picked up her staff, holding it horizontally in front of her. "Come on, Arbiter. Face your death with honor."
Posted 04 August 2017 - 03:19 AM
the woman sighs and opens her hand, a black ring surrounding the man as he goes frantic, confused as he is swallowed whole and vanishes.
"Gungari himura family....The ones who work with the chinese mainland to translate history and medical books..... If you kill him now it will spark a war you dont need."
the arbiter turns and reaches into her pouch and tosses it to the larger warrior.
"YOur little street friend...Give him this m it should heal up the worst of the damage..... WHen youre bigger, i will get you into theat families stronghold for that sack of garbage..it just cant be now."
the arbitwer, fdoesnt waste time, lunging forward as he draws two long knives from his belt, he launches himself directly at the cujo, moving like a man posessed.
"I am going to end you both here and now!"
he hisses as googy rolls her eyes, barely stopping herself from easily pummeling the larger man.
"Seva he prefers his right hand for deathblows, watch his left for feints."
the lilttle girl swats at some goo on her dress hem and huffs .
"Please kill him fast! i want lunch! and apple juice! YOure buying me apple juice seva!"
she calls in a cheer, four tendrils lifting into the air like a cheerleaders pom poms
Posted 04 August 2017 - 04:21 AM
The flames Orochi become extinguished after the Drachen commander gave a slight huff as he caught the pouch. At least it was something for Guzma. "Fine, I'll forget about the pissant for now. If anything, I'm kind of surprised you would do that for me. Isn't that somewhat against being neutral thing Arbiters have to be?" He questioned her, noting the last bit she said. Breaking every bone in that little bastard's body is what he wanted, but he wouldn't want it costing his own people, so her offer seemed more than helpful to him. "Oh, neat trick by the way." He said, pointing at the ground where said pissant was before being devoured by some hole.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 04 August 2017 - 04:54 AM
Sevatheda didn't reply to Googy's comments, at least not right away. Her indifferent gaze was glued to her opponent, her twisted smile meant to appear antagonistic in the perfect taunt. While the albino was more than sufficient in combat, she excelled at manipulating her enemies and those that would ever consider calling themselves a friend to her. Fighting someone who is livid typically made them more impulsive and predictable.
As she went to swat aside the Arbiter who was hurtling forward, she took a couple sidesteps to make it so that she wasn't deadcenter of his path. "You already had desert, love. Cake before lunch? I dare say that your brother is far too lenient with you." Sevatheda was in her element, and it was hard to act like her regular nonchalant self, regardless of her lack of emotions.