my loyalty isnt to the arbiters."
she says bluntly, removing her iron helmet to reveal a young woman, at least 17 with a bright red eye hidden behind a mop of blue hair.
"If you make a stupid move it isnt your drachens that will be put to the fire because of your cushy place as a PDF. its the Cujo. Kamuhi is doing something we all beleive in, so if i have to save some scummy butcher ill do so."
she points to the street outsuide the school.
"Youve got some vassals coming to try and help...Id advise getting your man and getting an ambush moving."
the blades meet the staff hard with a loud clang, the man gaining his footing quicjkly as he bears down on you with his weight, trying to get you into an awkward recoil.
"DOnt worry about the little freak."
he hisses in annyoance as he presses harder.
"Focus right here you little bitch..... I want to know i had your full attention when i kill you."