The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 05 December 2017 - 06:23 PM
He says , catching her glare as he cradled her to his side.
“ she may be crazy .... but she’s my wife and I have to take care of her.”
Yuno smiles at the words, beaming with happiness as she continues to cook meat for everyone.
“ so madam cujo... we’ve got control of the illegal medicine ... what avenue should we go to next? I’d suggest hitting the company jerochotech.”
Posted 05 December 2017 - 10:20 PM
She refocused on her bowl of ramen, and noticing that was out of noodles, discreetly reached for the skewer she had set on the flames several minutes prior.
Posted 07 December 2017 - 04:10 PM
Yuno nods as she taps the table, pouring herself a glass of tea.
"its a clone making facility that funds menial labor... Trash people, line work..Etc. If you can hit them...Maybe get control of their means of operation..YOu could turn the economy of this area on its head."
Kamui nods a bit and makes a skewer.
"YOu could start a worker revolution too."
Posted 07 December 2017 - 08:49 PM
"But only if there is nothing else pressing. Jerochotech is unlikely to raise their defenses in the midst of a war. At least not to the extent of say, a weapon factory."
Posted 08 December 2017 - 04:51 AM
i mean if you want to attack a weapons factory with a hand ful of yakuza thuigs fine..But the damage may be astronomical."
kamui says as he gnaws on some peppers.
"I think bolstering your forces with some clones may be a good idea."
Posted 12 December 2017 - 05:20 AM
Sevatheda popped the last vegetable into her mouth as she shrugged indifferently. It was a reasonable suggestion, she wouldn't deny that. She swallowed before she verbally agreed, displaying a wide pleased grin for Yuno. It was dazzling, but it didn't reach her eyes, and that always seemed to be the case when the sociopath pretended to display emotions. She was a rather poor actor, despite having spent years trying to study human expressions and imitate them.
It made her appear miserable, if anyone were to pay her forced grin any attention. Few would dare to pity her, lest they earned her full ire, but the lack of emotion in her eyes was almost heartbreaking. Her facial muscles were too stiff to pull off a proper smile, though it was her beauty that kept it from appearing too much like a grimace.
Posted 15 December 2017 - 03:47 PM
if youre going to fake a smile madam cujo, make it a small one.... Otherwise you just appear oafish and crude."
a slender hand reaches out of her yukata and she almost touches sevas face but stops.
"If you would like to bolster forces..I will arrange a meeting with the head..We can lock him in the room with us while we "talk."
googy lays back into seva and gnaws on a kabob, a content look on her face.
"Maybe we can bring in howl....ANd you and he can have a heart to heart."
Posted 15 December 2017 - 09:31 PM
The albino raised an eyebrow at Yuno's hand, almost as if she was daring the woman to touch her. Her sharp features prevented her from appearing oafish, or so she believed, but it still was not a pleasant thing to hear. She was almost insulted, though her expression simple dropped back into neutral, her eyes never leaving Yuno's face until after the Cujo wrapped an arm around Googy. At least the girl wouldn't fall and make a scene, she reasoned.
"Howl? What do you mean a 'heart to heart'?"
Posted 24 December 2017 - 03:26 AM
Googy says as she eats a pepper.
“ he’s a bio weapon that was captured by ho
Siht and able to evolve as needed. Byt as a crime lord he’s pretty shitty.”
Yuno goes back to preparing food as kamui nods.
“ he would be a good asset for you. And I believe your arrangement will be mutually beneficial. More so for you .”
Posted 31 December 2017 - 09:34 AM
Sevatheda scowled a bit, flicking Googy's cheek gently. "Don't curse," she muttered, her gaze wandering back to Yuno as she considered this information. For the lack of better phrasing, Kamui was offering up his own flesh and blood as an asset. It was intriguing, to say in the least. Perhaps even more so than what exactly Howl was. Ho Siht captured him, perhaps because he was foolish, and Kamui left him there. Must have been that the government would use many resources in his 'evolution' while using him as an attack dog. It was a bit heartless, or so she supposed, but it was a clever plan.
"I see," was all she said.
Posted 05 January 2018 - 07:35 PM
Googy chuckles as you see her poke kamui, who begins to cook another skewer, plate it infront of kamui.
“ I’ve gotta day you’re becoming one hell of a crime boss.... we’ll have you running drugs and trafficking arms in no time”
Yuno nods as she bows her head to seva, reaching her hands into her sleeve and producing a small box.
“ thank you for all our hard work.”
Posted 10 January 2018 - 05:17 AM
Sevatheda sighed quietly, placing her slender fingers over Googy's mouth, deliberately splayed as to clearly not suffocate the girl, nor stifle her speech, just a deliberate reminder not to be crude. And perhaps mildly work as a muzzle, to annoy Googy. She even went as far as to rest her cheek on the girl's head, innocent looking, but playfully trying to smother the girl with her neck muscles. "Why must you rebel, my dearest Googy," she drawled dramatically, momentarily glaring at Yuno still.
"With you as my adviser, I would hope I would not just ruin my already established empire."
Then she lifted her head off of Googy, brow furrowing just slightly as she slowly reached out to accept the small box, scanning it with both her eyes and fingers for anything that would give it away as a cruel joke. Surely she wouldn't be rewarded for doing such simple tasks.
Posted 10 January 2018 - 06:08 AM
The box opens as googy strains in the cujos grip, flailing her arms cutely. Kamui chuckles as you see a small ring in the box, with a silver gem resting in tyhe center.
"THis is a purifer signet ring...It allows for further control and light sanguimancy...The cujo is known to be a bloodbender... With this you can mimic the baseline abilities... Maybe one day master a ferw of them."
Googy huffs but smiles in sevas hands, closing her eyes contently
Posted 10 January 2018 - 10:04 AM
Sevatheda blinked slowly as she gazed upon the ring. This was not a gift to be taken lightly, she realized. Glancing up at Yuno once more, losing the hostility, she couldn't help but ask the question that rang so clearly in her mind. "May I ask why you had this?" It was important, and definitely would help her retain her position as well as allow her to grow in strength. The former Cujo had been almost frightening with his sanguimancy, and now she had access to it at a base level.
Snapping the box closed and stowing it away on the inside of her robes without removing the ring, she hugged Googy loosely. At least this kid made some sense. Rather than continuing to smother her, she delicately cradled the girl into her side, relaxing just enough that it wouldn't feel like Googy was leaning against an unyielding tree. It was solely because the girl was digging uncomfortably into her ribs, Sevatheda told herself. She had no reason to lower her guard around these people, people she barely knew. Yet it didn't keep her from nuzzling the girl's hair. The albino was comfortable, but she didn't want to admit it to herself.
Posted 16 January 2018 - 04:27 AM
i got it the same way anyone else would. I waited for him to die and then recovered it from his vault.... He had long ago outgrown his need of this ring, so it was cusytomry for me to recover it from the safe place where it is kept..."
she tips back some tea as googy began to snore softly, her head tucked into the cujos side as yukari starts awake,
"you better not have.... Eaten...ALl the..Daikon."
she looks at the plate and smiles at kamui as he pats the top of her head and she begins to eat.
"Did you really roll a ferrari through the gates?"
he asks with a chuckle as she nods.
"Seventeen times!"
Posted 01 February 2018 - 07:51 AM
Sevatheda is mindful not to jostle the sleeping girl much as she considers Yuno's explanation. It seemed like a reasonable explanation for Yuno to have access to the Cujo's vault. It also implied that the previous Cujo was incapable of manipulating blood at first, which was something that the albino had theorized just once. It would undoubtedly be useful to her, but there was little point in trying it out publicly. She would simply make a fool of herself, not to mention she would likely harm those around her. Too many unstable variables.
Idly rubbing her thumb along Googy's side as she slept, Sevatheda glanced over towards the now awake Yukari, a barely present smile gracing her lips before the mocking smirk took over. "Seventeen times seems a bit excessive," Sevatheda chimed in quietly, though her attention flickered back to Googy to ensure that she hadn't woken the child up. "Perhaps next time you should just walk in? You know, on foot?" Sevatheda was aware that Yukari had to create a diversion, but ribbing her over it was second nature.
Posted 06 February 2018 - 12:51 AM
exactly seventeen times."
Yukari says with pride as she begins to eat, leaning agasint kamui who for a moment, looks human.
THe layers have peeled away in this moment of quiet, he is not the son of cujo, he is not some killing machine or arbiter. He is simply a young man sitting with his wife and enjoying a meal.
He turns and looks at you and holds out his fist .
"SUrpass my father in every way seva."
Posted 05 March 2018 - 06:01 AM
Sevatheda blinked, clearly taken aback by the gesture, and even more so by the words. Not only was it abrupt, but it was completely out of Seva's field of comfort. She had no idea what the fist meant, so she simply stared at it wearily rather than bumping it, her confused tone make it painfully clear that the albino had no idea what was going on. "I .. Will try?"
Posted 06 March 2018 - 02:07 AM
shes a dork kamui.."
googy says with a chuckle as a tentacle comes from her sleeve anbd noops her brothers hand, making him laugh as pandora wal;ks into the room, her corset creaking as she enters.
"Milord..... It is time for madam googys little show with howl.... Shall i take her?"
kamui nods and kisses his wifes foprehead softly ass he gets up to leave.
Take care of seva yukari..Ill be back in a week...Move to the next part of the plan without me ok?"
yukari nods as googy pats sevas thigh.
"Ill be back in a few hours...Be good sevy!"
she says as she bounces up and bounds away, lleaving yuno laughing.
Posted 08 March 2018 - 08:04 AM
Sevatheda's brow furrowed as her focus shifted to Googy, her hand that was stroking the girl's side immediately dropping as if burned. "I am not a 'dork'." It was defensive, but lacked any real bite, just causing the albino's posture to return rigid. She wouldn't crack again, barely registering Googy's shenanigans, nor Pandora's arrival.
She bit her tongue, as if Yukari could or needed to take care of her. Seva was more likely required to take care of Yukari. But she wasn't allowed much time to dwell, as Googy was touching her thigh, efficiently dragging her from her thoughts. "Me? Behave? I'm the leader of a powerful gang. You're the child here, and you're more likely to explode things." If the Cujo was more relaxed, she would have stuck her tongue out.