The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 08 March 2018 - 10:33 PM
“ I will take my medication ..... thank you for covering for me.”
She looks at the table embarassedly.
“ kamui deals with so much .... even when we where kids.... and it feels like I just weigh on him... so to help him and make him happy... I’m going to make your life easier.”
Posted 10 March 2018 - 08:11 AM
Sevatheda's gaze followed Googy as she leaves, the Cujo waiting for nearly a minute after the girl is after exits the building to shift her focus over to Yukari. However, that didn't mean that she was ignoring Yukari; she was keenly aware of the woman beside her. If she hadn't been so injured and calm, Seva might have expected to be attacked or put in some kind of undesirable situation.
"I believe that you promised to never break into my apartment again?"
Posted 14 March 2018 - 12:04 AM
oh absolutley i wont watch you whiel you sleep in your apartment... But..Youre staying in kamuis hoime now...So the offer doesnt go there."
SHe smiles softly and leans back a bit, melting a fork and making odd shapes with it.
"I promise youre going to not regret this..I promise."
Posted 05 April 2018 - 07:18 AM
Sevatheda blinked, once, twice, before her brow furrowed, staring at Yukari in confusion. "I'm sorry? I seem to be having delusions. Staying at Kamui's place? One of us is delusional, and I am fairly confident that it is you. You are not going to go back on your promise- you cannot have this damned work around. I refuse."
Her posture stiffened, laying her hands flat on the table top rather than allowing her fingers to curl into fists. She wouldn't get anywhere threatening the woman with violence; nor would it be great for her image, considering that they were still in public. "You deceived me."
Posted 07 April 2018 - 03:53 AM
Yukari looks at sevatheda carefully.
There is a feline..animal intelligence in her eyes. If she wanted to she could twist this conversations through many of the cooridoors of delusion in her mind, bnut you can see that she is being upfront.
"Im not deceiving you at all . At your apartment i wont burst in anymore..But with things at you are, you have to stay at the cujo compound... Relax it was a joke."
she cooks a bell pepper and grins.
'youll die early if you dont relax."
Posted 13 April 2018 - 03:49 AM
Sevatheda's eyes hardened, the peculiar blue and red mixture causing her eyes to almost glow a soft pink in the light. "Relax?" Her voice didn't shift with the disbelief, nor did she raise her voice. The woman wasn't angry; she wasn't fully capable of feeling many emotions. It was more or less a 'what did you expect, you knew this would happen' moment. Yukari was a psychotic. Seva already knew that Yukari wouldn't stick to her word, so there wasn't even a real reason for her to be upset. However, appearances were important. If she didn't put pressure on the woman, then she would take advantage more often.
"I fail to recognize the joke, but I will have to decline your.. Offer."
Posted 15 April 2018 - 07:41 PM
yukaris face brightens up.
"Thats great that you do! Thats the mark of a good boss..However...YOu staying in the cujo mansion is non negotiable...YOu will stay there until weve established enough of a force and a puppet you can proxy through. Otherwise we risk you being killed....So like i said..i will not intrude in your room as weve agreed... But once your room is yours again i may just sneak into it."
Posted 26 April 2018 - 07:32 AM
Sevatheda's only tell was her jaw clenching, her posture naturally stiff, and her eyes cold and unforgiving. "I would prefer not to," she stated bluntly, for the third time. She knew better than to make a scene, so she kept her voice soft. Still, she shook her head, discouraging further conversation. "Are you finished eating? Shall we leave now?"
Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:06 AM
“ cmon boss.... let’s get you home and tucked in..”
She chuckles as yuno cleans her fingers and stands
Posted 05 May 2018 - 07:40 AM
Sevatheda froze, her piercing gaze staring directly in front of her, rather than focusing on Yukari's face. The albino was not very receptive to being touched, it startled her and almost made her feel smothered. Her movements were stiff as she stood, already turning on her heel and beginning to walk towards the exit. She only halted for a couple of moments, right by the door, glancing back at Yuno as her hand twitched. Yuno was less psychotic, and was easier to tolerate.
It was a subtle gesture, one that Sevatheda was too late to catch. She almost had waved Yuno over, solely so that Yukari would be forced to give the Cujo some space, but replacing one problem with another was hardly solving her issue with them.
Posted 11 May 2018 - 11:33 PM
The maid asks carefully as she stands between the cusp and yukari.
“ you should be consolidating your own families power.... I will lead the Fuji home.... ok?”
A look of realization spreads across yukaris face she nods and heads out, leaving the young woman there .
“ figured you could use some space...”
She says with a smile
Posted 11 May 2018 - 11:47 PM
There was no dramatic sigh of relief as Sevatheda and Yuno exited the restaurant; she was far too conscious of her body language to give herself away. The only detail that slipped was minute and nearly impossible to catch except by someone who was already used to the albino's stiff posture. Her shoulders dropped, maybe a centimeter or two, as she took in the fresh air and 'escaped' the confines of being indoors.
She didn't thank Yuno, not directly at least. "How considerate," she murmured almost with the bite of condescending sarcasm. At least it didn't feel like she was being smothered anymore.
Posted 11 May 2018 - 11:50 PM
The maid says softly as she leads yukari out to the street and returns.
“ I’ll escort you home.....”
She packs up all the food in a small bag and takes a small drink in a cup, moving into the abandoned streets quietly , a content look on her face.
Posted 12 May 2018 - 12:26 AM
Sevatheda wasn't one to chatter unnecessarily, so when Yuno returned she didn't respond as humming was too undignified and she didn't have the energy to spare. She hadn't realized how exhausted she was until her feet began to drag. She caught herself after she almost stumbled, her movements becoming mechanically stiff to correct herself. Unfortunately, she realized that conversing would at least give her mind something to focus on.
""Why didn't you accompany Yukari? She was fairly injured, and I'm sure that-- ahh. I assume it would just lead into another fight."
Posted 12 May 2018 - 05:09 PM
The maid says with a smile on her face as she chews on a green onion.
“ and lord kamui isn’t here , so madam yukaris psychosis is pretty safe... in fact her and I usually can enjoy a nice lunch when the lord is away from the manor.”
She comes to a crosswalk and stops as some cars pass.
“ you’ll learn how to deal with her.”
Posted 16 May 2018 - 06:55 AM
"However she could collapse," Sevatheda countered quietly, sparing the woman a glance. She wasn't worried about Yukari, not really, perhaps the albino would even be relieved to be rid of her. Though it ultimately would weaken their overall force as well as lower morale. It wouldn't be tactical.
It was interesting to confirm her suspicion about Kamui being the catalyst to her.. state. The woman broke into her apartment solely due to jealousy on behalf of Kamui, after all. Though it was still partially unexpected that Yukari could be much more mild when Kamui wasn't the main focus of her thoughts.
"I would prefer it if she would simply allow me space. There is no friction if she would stop rubbing on me. That is, two objects.." Sevatheda sighed, her shoulders dropping. She was exhausted. Her brain seemed to be failing her, so she subjected herself to remaining silent as they waited for the light to turn.
Posted 17 May 2018 - 02:24 AM
the maid is careful, but as the light turns green, she walks down the street calmly.
"If you want her to keep her hands off of you... Just ask her how kamui would feel."
she looks over her shoulder and buys two sodas from a cart , holding it out for her.
"Her best way of controlling her...Is how kamui perceives her.... She is so obsessed she would change any aspect of herself if he perceives it badly."
Posted 21 May 2018 - 01:06 AM
"Ask her how he would feel, when she is doing it out of jealousy? That could very easily backfire," Sevatheda sighed, coming to a halt a couple of feet behind Yuno as she looked over the cart. When she was offered the soda, she accepted it with a small murmur that could be taken as gratitude or disdain. Carbonated sugar was hardly her thing, but she figured that it would be rude to refuse it, and she could just give it to Googy later. She'd likely enjoy it, or so Seva deemed it safe to assume.
"That doesn't sound healthy. At this rate Kamui and Yukari both would have benefited from him choosing you."
Posted 21 May 2018 - 01:33 AM
She says as she sips at her soda.
“ everyone has a role in life cujo... everyone has a purpose ... mine is to be his maid... I am happy about it. My sister was not ... that’s why I am here and she is in the United States . He does not feel the same way about me as he does yukari, and that is fine ... I am content .”
She continues to walk as she smiles to herself.
“ you will learn.... sometimes, things aren’t cut and dry.”
Posted 21 May 2018 - 03:35 AM
Sevatheda's fingers tightened around the unopened soda as her gaze flickered towards Yuno. "You misunderstood." Her tone had dropped a few notes, annoyance causing her pupils to narrow and her almost monotone voice to have even more of a bite to it. Petty insults flickered through her mind, but rather than 'so you're a servant just to remain by his side after he rejected you? Isn't that pathetic?' twisting her lips, it was an almost feral smile.
"I think I can manage the walk to my apartment by myself from here, thanks," her tone dismissive.