The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 02 July 2018 - 04:21 AM
“Momma told me I should gather you up and go talk to her but I’m afraid.... I never speak to her and she never comes to my school stuff.... I want her to be proud of me.”
She looks up at secs and smiles slightly.
“ can you come with me?”
Posted 02 July 2018 - 06:06 AM
Sevatheda didn't react, not for several moments. While any other person would immediately reassure the girl and agree to go meet her mother, Sevatheda couldn't figure out what the peculiar feeling in her stomach was. Even though it wasn't pleasant and a fairly simple emotion, she didn't immediately recognize it as discomfort. She didn't want to see the usually cheerful Googy look so forlorn and .. Afraid?
Gritting her teeth, she stiffly nodded, her fingers curling into loose fists. Some part of her wanted to reach out and comfort Googy, but she couldn't. What would she do? Pat her head? Pull her into a hug? It wasn't something the albino was familiar with. She didn't understand how she could help. But she would go with Googy to meet her mother, that part was easy.
Posted 02 July 2018 - 06:14 AM
googy didnt need much at that moment, but she laces her fingers aroudn the albinos and begins to walk.
"THank you."
she says with a smile as she meets the gase of the cujo compound where Yuko is waiting.
"Did you have a nice walk cujo?"
she asks wiuth a bow.
"I see you foudn the madam too.."
Posted 03 July 2018 - 12:26 AM
Sevatheda squeezed Googy's hand as they exited the alleyway, remaining silent as they walked. It wasn't until the compound came into sight that the Cujo remembered her split lip, the blood having coagulated leaving just the mild burn. With a glance at her hand curled around Googy's, or more specifically, the sanguine ring, she ghosted her free hand over the tender flesh of her lip.
Focusing on the flow of blood just below the surface, hyper tuned to each beat of her heart, was easy enough. Blocking out the rest of her senses as she just followed Googy's lead, mindful to leave her eyes open but unseeing. She visualized the skin as fabric, her lip merely torn open an in need of being sewn closed. If she didn't learn how to make use of the sanguinmancy, then she would never live up to her title.
Sevatheda's eyes suddenly refocused on Yuno, eyes narrowing slightly as she pulled Googy closer into her side. "It was informative, I suppose. I should have expected aggressive tutors."
Posted 03 July 2018 - 03:11 AM
The woman says with a smile as she turns and stands by the door.
“ come ... I’ve laid the bed linens and set some very nice lavender oil to the bed pots..... it’s been a long day.”
Posted 03 July 2018 - 06:27 AM
Sevatheda chuckles, but the sound is humorless. "I'm assuming that you told him then. You called him there."
Shrugging, she let Googy lead the way inside the building. It wasn't her home, and she still didn't want to be surrounded by so many people. It was too many variables and being around people was draining. At least sleep sounded pleasant, she could feel her muscles aching.
Posted 04 July 2018 - 03:25 AM
googy leads you to your room, and you see that it is filled with everything from your apartment.
"here you go sevy!"
she says excitedly as she waves her arms.
'Are youy going right to bed?...acuz i would like to get a bath before i lay down."
the maid appears briefly with a bag containing sevas clothes and googy giggles.
"Kamui is gonna be home soon too!"
Posted 05 July 2018 - 04:51 AM
Sevatheda's apprehension was containable until she saw her scarce belongings from her apartment littered around the room. The albino didn't have many possessions, much less things that she felt some attachment to. The little rabbit plush, equipped with a little sword, was the one thing Seva cherished. And it didn't belong here. This was not her home, and she didn't appreciate having others mess with the stuffed animal.
".. No, I'm not going to bed yet." Her eyes flicked to Yuno, her glare the coldest it's been yet. She wasn't going to cause a scene; there was nothing to gain from it.
Posted 06 July 2018 - 05:09 AM
the main kneels perfectly, fixsing her dress around her knees as she puts a pillow behind her back.
"WOuld you like a bath? i can run the water .... OR if youd like i can set up the television with one of googys video games."
Almost as if on queue the pink haird girl pops her head out, in her pajamas.
Posted 06 July 2018 - 05:28 AM
There was no point in being harsh, as much as Sevatheda didn't want to be in this compound. She'd rather relax with a book, but she had a feeling that she wouldn't be able to focus on the story in the new environment. Suppressing the urge to sigh, she glanced sideways at Googy, shrugging indifferently. She could sit still while the kid played her games, and let her mind process everything.
"If you would like."
Posted 17 July 2018 - 02:51 AM
The maid goes to the living room and begins to set up games and hggoogy runs to the pantry and comes back weith a small car worth of snacks and drinks.
It takes almost an hour, but soon the girl, now dressed as a tiny shark is laying agasint sevatheda playign the newest strategy game from a major japanese company.
And that is how it is for hours. Quiet, unevenful, making small talk with the girl and learning about her life.
She had been with kamui since she was small, he functioning as her tutor and mentor. She had been there when he had proposed to yukari, and there the first time yuno had dropped her first stack of plates. Its amazing really, the scope of wehat she had been through was far worse than anything or anyone her age should know. SHe could easily give an entire chronoology of family events until....She passed out.
right there, mid sentence. The cute girls head bobs twice and she is out .
"About time....The sugar crash took so long."
yuno says with a smile as she lifts googy.
"Are you heading to bed now?"
she asks as she looks up and still sees the mnoon high overhead.
"Lord kamui is still a day out...maybe we could take the madam to a waterpark tomorrow."
Posted 25 July 2018 - 02:48 AM
Sevatheda stood stiffly next to a wall as both Yuno and Googy scurried around to prepare for the night, only sitting on the couch once Googy threw herself down. Tucking her legs underneath her as she leaned into a corner of the couch, she raised an eyebrow as the kid leaned into her side. Why did she have a tiny shark trying to snuggle into her? Fortunately, the game wasn't the worst thing Sevatheda had been subjected to. It was far from interesting, but once she worked out the base format of the game, she would occasionally murmur a suggestion if Googy seemed to hesitate for too long.
Then Googy was talking, and Sevatheda listened silently, her hand gradually crawling up Googy's neck until she was idly massaging the muscles. Young Kamui and Yukari running around "in love" was interesting to hear from the perspective of a child, and it was even better to hear about how Yuno once was a novice. It was almost saddening hearing the girl ramble on without bitterness, almost as if not comprehending how grave her life has been.
Sevatheda had noticed Googy growing tired as her speech slurred and she moved around less and less, so when the girl nodded off against her shoulder, she had a faint smile on her lips. Sleepy shark. But when Yuno spoke, the smile faded, having forgotten about the ever present maid until she was reaching out to pick up Googy. The albino's hand twitched before she realized it, gripping Yuno's wrist before she could touch the girl.
Tightening her jaw, Sevatheda realized what she had done and released Yuno, muttering an apology and allowing the girl to be taken to bed. "She would like that."
Posted 25 July 2018 - 03:27 AM
yuno watches the cujos hand for a long while.....and calmly, she sets the girl back into sevas chest and smiles.
"I am going to bring a blanket for ythe both of you....and i will set up the room so that it can only be opened from within."
she bows deeply as she leaves and soon comes back with the large warm sheets.
"Is this all cujo?"
she asks with a gentle smile
Posted 25 July 2018 - 03:37 AM
Sevatheda didn't meet Yuno's gaze, though half of her body tensed as if expecting a fight, so when Yuno stepped back, she glanced upwards, winding her arm completely around Googy in some semblance of a hug. "That.. is acceptable," it felt odd to be accepting this, but there wasn't much of a reason for Sevatheda to rouse the girl, especially since she had made Yuno wary of her.
By the time Yuno had returned, Sevatheda had shifted until she was partially laying down, with the girl resting on top of her, gently working her fingers through Googy's hair. "... Thank you," she mumbled, not enjoying having to speak the words, but not vindictive enough to remain silent, as she d*CENSORED*d the sheets over herself and the girl, settling back against the arm of the couch.
Posted 26 July 2018 - 02:12 AM
the night passes without incident, and soon you awake to see googy is still asleep in your arms. There is a small trio of knocks at the door that was closed when the maid last night and yunos voice fills the room.
"Is anyone awake?"
she asks with a small whisper.
"Should i get breakfast started."
Posted 26 July 2018 - 11:41 PM
Sevatheda slowly stretched out, trying to relieve the kink from her spine, careful not to jostle Googy much. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest move, having the girl sleep with her on the couch. The emotions hit her quickly then, stifling and smothering. The anxiety, fear, disgust, frustration, and anger berated her immediately, prompting her body to stiffen as she tried to ward off the barrage. It was the knock that snapped her out of it, her eyes flicking to the locked door, muscles already tensed to greet the danger.
She didn't immediately relax when Yuno's voice filtered through, but part of her settled enough that she could once more breathe. A raspy "Yeah," was the only response she gave, her voice gravelly from disuse.
Posted 26 July 2018 - 11:55 PM
googy stirs and sits up in her shark pajamas, rubbing her eyes.
"is it breakfast time.."
she slurrs tiredly, scratching at her tummy as she hears yunos voice.
"TOday i wanna sleep in...im tired from yesterday.."
she whines as yunos voice filters throug hthe door again.
"Were going to the water park young miss."
googy goes stiff...absolutely stock still.
she lifts her herad and loks into sevas eyes, with a burning hot intensity.
"is this true...'
she asks, her voice barely above a whisper
Posted 27 July 2018 - 12:22 AM
Sevatheda merely hummed, releasing the girl rather than trying to pull her back. It was obvious that Googy was awake now, so Sevatheda leaned forward herself, sliding her legs off the couch. "Yep," she shrugged.
Posted 27 July 2018 - 02:17 AM
the scream of excitement is insane as the small girl leaps off the couch and blitzes out the door, leaving yuno giggling.
"well...that is the fastest ive seen her move in a while."
Posted 27 July 2018 - 02:26 AM
Sevatheda slumped back into the couch as Googy leaps away, head hanging back as her eyes fell shut momentarily. "She wasn't that close to bouncing off the walls with all the sugar last night..." The Cujo sighed, taking another moment to collect herself before pushing herself up, stretching out her limbs. She figured that she may as well go shower and grab her bikini before Googy could rush her.