the metal melts back, covering the mans fist who roars in fury and charges, his heavy steps clanging hard on the ground as he makes his way toward her, swinging his good fist like a wild beast

The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 05 January 2017 - 08:28 PM
Posted 08 January 2017 - 05:51 PM
Sevatheda threw one of the thick needles towards one of his knees, melting the metal and trying to solidify it around the joint to inhibit his lumbering steps. She smirked at him then, even going as far as to wink.
Posted 08 January 2017 - 06:45 PM
the metal goes through the mans leg and does exaxtly as intended, sending the lumbering behemoth tumbling and smashing face first into a fryer, tipping it over and sending boiling hot oil onto his flesh and eyes.
he roars in pain and thrashes amidst the soup, flesh coming away like wax as he screams in dury, lashing at you with his good arm.
Posted 08 January 2017 - 07:22 PM
Sevatheda jumped back out of his reach, mildly surprised at how well it worked out. "Maybe keep the oil off of the floor next time?" She raised her last needle defensively, arm tensed and ready to stab his knuckle if he continued to attempt to punch her.
Edited by Oce, 08 January 2017 - 07:59 PM.
Posted 08 January 2017 - 08:38 PM
eventually the flailing stops and the main goes still. The oil had done a horriblly efficent job at eating his flesh to the bone.
Outside you hear gunsfire, but somethings wrong. Theres far too much, it sounds organized, as if this was planned for and the group is meeting resistance.
Posted 08 January 2017 - 09:36 PM
Sevatheda tilted her head, holding her breath in order to hear the sound as clearly as she could. "Sounds like betrayal," she whispered, stepping around the limp body as she continued towards where her target must be.
Posted 09 January 2017 - 04:08 AM
you run out and see the full extent of the scene. The clan is being thinned out. THe SHoguns forces being killed by men from all three other families. Standing alone amidst the carnage . Enemies press in all around him and you can see there is no hope for CUjo, but the ancient warrior fights on agasint the odds.
suddenly gunfire rakes up the side of the wall beside you and you see two mens coming toward you, guns raised.
Posted 11 January 2017 - 01:39 AM
It was certainly an image of death, but it didn't disturb Sevatheda in the slightest. She was comfortable around the carnage, even if it was her side that was being butchered so mercilessly. The two men approaching her made her raise her hands, eyebrows raised. There wouldn't be much of a point in finishing her objective if Cujo had foolishly gotten himself killed. "Don't shoot me."
Posted 12 January 2017 - 01:07 AM
the men move to shoot but two swords are shoved through their throats, making the men gurgle and spit as one of Cujos warriors stands over them, his weapons slick with blood.
"come.....This is lost, the lord will fall ."
a few more fem come up, bearing the clans mark as below you hear a roar of pain.
Kujo has been run through by a blade, with a vicous headbutt he sends the man reeling back into his comrades and fights harder until he is borne down by the blades of a few more men and finally silenced.
Posted 12 January 2017 - 04:37 AM
Sevatheda raised an eyebrow, her hands still held up though she was prepared to shove metal into the gun barrels. It seemed that it was unneeded however as the warrior nearly had blood splatter on her cheeks due to the close proximity. "Bastard never was subtle, was he?" she murmured as her hands fell back to their proper place at her sides. She followed the man, several steps behind, as she refused to be held as a meatshield once more.
"What do you have in mind?"
Posted 12 January 2017 - 05:27 PM
the warrior cleans the blades with a casual flick, moving to the door bewhind the corpses and peeks through.
"COme hound... There will be a witch hunt tonight...Every one of us will die that came here if we do not go.'
he retreives a hook from his belt and tosses it over the railing to the zen garden below.
"Go...I will bring up the rear."
Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:32 AM
Sevatheda picked up the rope attached to the hook, raising an eyebrow as she cleanly flipped over the railing, one of her hands clutching at the rail itself. "I assume you aren't going to cut the rope and get yourself killed." She said it in such a nonchalant voice that it was out of place among the sounds of chaos around them, though she began climbing down quickly, mindful not to get a friction burn.
Posted 14 January 2017 - 06:33 PM
below you can hear a tell tale sound. something that chills your body to the very core. The telltale roar of a high firepower wwepon and the screams of terror and suprise that come after its announcement. The assassin looks back and his head is suddenly snapped backwards and he falls, laninding beside you in the garden, his brains leaking to the sand without a sound.
the garden splits two ways, you can head to the sound of the gunfire or into the building again on the same floor where vujo had just been killed
Posted 15 January 2017 - 06:54 AM
The adrenaline that coursed through her veins at the sound left her hands shaking as she eyed the assassin's corpse in distaste. Sevatheda refused to die in a situation like this, under some idiot's orders, especially after that idiot had already gotten himself killed. There was no point in remaining that dedicated to a plan unless it served herself, and killing some posh council member was currently not on her bucket list. Her head turning as she contemplated which way she would go, she ultimately decided on the direction of the gunfire.
Posted 15 January 2017 - 01:12 PM
it becomes deafening as you get closer, but in the middle of the street, standing amoungst the cars of the clan you see....A little girl with bright pink pigtals, holding a gun much bigger than she is and firing with it into the building. Wall, mortar, marble and stone are pulverized under her salvos, and any human foolish enough to stand in the way of her attacks is reduced tio jelly in seconds.
As you come into the open you see a group of survivors come free from the other side as well, and the girl smiles.
'CMon guys! TIme to go gho go ! Kamui didnt risk his life to save slowpokes! lessgo!"
Posted 20 January 2017 - 12:40 PM
A little girl with a big gun, what a peculiar sight. It brought a smile to Sevatheda's lips, though the obnoxious hair color influenced it the most. She tried to stay out of the girl's vision, but not overly hard. Her stride was casual before her curiosity got the better of her and she moved to approach the strange girl. Seva held no weapon, and even announced her presence with a polite cough.
"Nicely done," she greeted.
Posted 20 January 2017 - 12:54 PM
she smiles and waves.
"HI hi hi there!"
she says, puttin a small pink tophat on her head and motioning her over.
"YOure seva right? come come ! We cant be here by the time the cops come !"
she smiles wide but her attentio is stolen as a man charges out at her with a sword.
she shouts, firing a massive salvo and shooting him to paste.
'Cmon who charges the girl with the gun.."
Posted 22 January 2017 - 10:03 AM
It certainly wasn't a greeting that Seva expected. Her brow furrowed as she responded with: "Sevatheda, yes, and you are?" The charging man drew her gaze, and she smirked at the little girl's retort. "Grunts aren't there to think I'm afraid. Or to remain hygienic, honestly. Filthy beings like that deserve to die."
Posted 27 January 2017 - 04:47 PM
she reaches into her purse and hurls a grenade into the doorway, the explosion collapsing the doorway as she pulls a frog hoodie over her head , placing the pink tophat atop it.
"Im GOogy! Im kaumuis little sister!"
she shoulders the weapon with suprising ease and smiles.
"and youre Daddies wardog yea! Well its nice to meet you!"
without the gubnfiure you can see the girl is no more than a teenager, she even had smiley face stickers on her weapon.
"cmon lady..Lets haul buns."
Posted 29 January 2017 - 09:34 PM
"It seems that you came prepared. Nicely planned, Cujo," she muttered the last part, the condescension in her voice nearly painful. As she glanced away from the explosion to the little girl in the ridiculous outfit, her eyebrow raised. "I'm someone's pet once more? I didn't even sign a contract." Sevatheda clicked her tongue.
Googy was a mere child, lethal or not. The disrespect that was shown .. Seva nearly wanted to end her right there, but her curiosity won out and she followed along obediently.