The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 28 July 2018 - 09:50 PM
“ I will as well madam... by your leave”
She says carefully as she curtsies and vanished from the room.
As you leave the room you see Yukari making a cup of coffee, already in a bikini that compliments her beautiful form.
“ what’s up?”
She asks with a smile, favoring her arm.
Posted 28 July 2018 - 11:14 PM
Sevatheda was silent as she slowly followed Yuno out of the room, to leisurely begin the search for her own. She had been told it was nearby, so when Yukari rounded the corner and came into sight, she halted in front of the door she assumed to be hers, glancing sideways at the woman.
"I see that you're recovering well," the Cujo answered in an even tone, barely acknowledging the woman as she twisted the handle and entered the room, already scanning the room for her belongings before moving in to rifle through the hastily packed bags for the pale gray bikini.
Posted 29 July 2018 - 03:30 AM
Yukari leans on the wallaas you go into your room, noticing your choice of attire.
"Ooooo...A day out in the sun..Im in..Lemme go get my baag."
she smiles and leaves as googyu comes in.
her bathing suit is a normal one peice like a schools, but on her head is the hood that makes her look like a crab.
"How do i look!@"
sahe asks excitedly
Posted 29 July 2018 - 05:27 AM
At first the albino didn't react to Yukari invading her room without invitation; she hadn't slammed the door in the woman's face, so that alone could be perceived as an invitation. She felt no need to respond as Yukari hurried out the room, Sevatheda only chuckling under her breath as she picked up her suit as Googy entered the room, taking Yukari's place and showing off her crab suit.
"Adorable as always," she said gently, crossing the room to ruffle Googy's hair under the hood. Then, firmly shutting the door behind the girl and twisting Googy to face the wall with a quickly murmured "don't peek", Sevatheda quickly switched into her suit, slipping into some loose white shorts and a matching linen shirt over it.
With another breath, she turned the girl back around to face her, a thin white eyebrow arched while a small smirk tugged at her lips. "Ready to go?"
Posted 30 July 2018 - 05:44 AM
The little girl giggles as she opens the door and walks face first into Tunis chest, visibly getting stuck in the maids more than ample cleavage that is covered in a tasteful black bikini.
“ now young madam you have to watch where your going!”
She says with a laugh as she adjusts her towel to be a bit more modest.
“ you look well too cujo.”
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:30 PM
Sevatheda raised an eyebrow at Googy's expression, an unimpressed pursing of her lips forming when she realized what had occurred. Placing her hands on the girl's shoulders and pulling Googy a couple step backs, out of Yuno's cleavage. She hummed in acknowledgement of the words, slipping around the maid and the child and out into the hallway, only pausing momentarily to hold her hand out to Googy.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:42 PM
“ want to walk or take the limo?”
Yukari asks , looking at the sun overhead .
“ it’s not too far but it’s hot.”
Posted 30 July 2018 - 11:39 PM
Sevatheda wasn't one to be around so many half naked people, never having been to a waterpark or beach. She wasn't entirely certain what to expect beyond the definition. With a mild grimace, she voiced her preference for the limo, considering her colorless skin tone. It made being in the sun altogether unpleasant, and she certainly was going to avoid the sun as much as she could.
Posted 08 August 2018 - 06:35 PM
the trip is exciting and full of googys energy. She runs aroiund the limo like a live wire, untiol you come to the gate of the waterpark.
Massive roller coasters and slides are in the background, and past the gates are dozxens of pools, beaches, and shady sports to make camp at.
"Come ladies."
yuno says with a smile as she goes to a shady area for the cujo.
"Let the young miss play....We will be right over here madam ..."
she says as googy jumps into the water in front of where the group i camped.
Posted 10 August 2018 - 03:24 AM
Sevatheda sits stiffly in the limo, tucked away in the corner while ensuring no one sat close enough to touch her. While it was still uncomfortable, she didn't appear ready to stab a bitch, so it was still an improvement.
She followed Yuno to the shady area, claiming one of the lounge chairs for herself and curling up on it neatly, appearing somewhat docile as she watched over the younger girl.
Posted 11 August 2018 - 11:14 PM
googy jumps into the water to play as yukari removes her robe and lays out in the sun, holding a bottle out to yukari.
"SPread some lotion on me yuno?"
the woman nods as she applies the sunscreen and another set of beach goers walks past. SOmething about them draws sevas attention as a radiant white haired woman sits beside her in a chair, flanked by another woman, a slim woman with purple hair who is watching everyone.
"Hello ladies."
The wait haired woman says in an accent you cant place.
"Came ouyt to enjoy the light today?"
Posted 12 August 2018 - 03:59 AM
It was easy for the Cujo to tune out Yukari's request, most of her attention focused on Googy splashing about in the water. Something felt off, but it could have just been Sevatheda being unused to being out around so many people with the sunlight berating down on her. She almost felt confined to the shade. When a woman sharing her own hair color passed by, that alone was enough to make Sevatheda to spare the woman a glance.
But something felt wrong about her. Too powerful and observant, the action of choosing the seat right beside Seva far too deliberate. Hackles raised, she refocused her gaze on Googy instead of gawking at the two females beside her. She assumed that Yukari and Yuno weren't so oblivious to need an alert, so instead she sighed, resting her chin on her palm.
"As much as I can at least," she responded somewhat sullenly.
Posted 16 August 2018 - 10:46 PM
The woman says, the white haired woman says as she leans back, and she snaps her fingers.
Everything seems to stop for a moment ....The children in the water stop in the middle of what they are doing, as if somone paused a vcr. All except googy who turns around and looks at them with a look of confusion.
she says wit ha content sigh, her friend reaching into a cooler and beginning to make a drink for her.
"Its nice to meet you...raikou said id meet you with the girl.... I hope i didnt meet you at a wrong time."
googy leaves the water and comes over.
"This woman.....Is like me."
she says making the white haired woman let out a laugh....THat was almost too perfect..... No change or drop in tone... Like a predator that had mimicked prey so long it was essentially invisible amongst them.
"Oh Old one....I am nothing like you..but id like to be friends..."
Posted 10 September 2018 - 12:59 AM
Sevatheda's head tilted as their guests seemed to stop time around them. She could no longer hear Yuno and Yukari rustling about behind her, as well as the cries of the children playing about in the water. "How ominous," she murmured softly, still relaxed on the lounge chair. There was no point in tensing up for a fight; she would be dead either way if these strangers intended to do harm.
Stretching her hand out towards Googy as she approached, Seva wanted the child closer to her. Not to use the girl as a human shield, but having her close calmed the Cujo's nerves. "If she's an Old One, and you aren't..." She hummed, pondering what this woman could be. "People usually have a reason for seeking out 'friends'. I wonder if Raikou was the only motivation you needed?"
Posted 08 October 2018 - 02:09 AM
Raikou.....THe priestess of destruction...herald of the void.....Mother of the yawning maw, and the endless void."
the woamns snaps and her servant fin ishes a drink.
the blonde considers it for a long moment before pouring it out with a look of distatste that even startlles googy for a moment. A look similar to waht a lion would give an ant gnawing at its paw.
"Do it again..."
she hisses with horrible venom , before looking at the cujo.
"I am here....to propose a deal on her behalf."
she looks at the cujo with a soft smile as the woman begins t remake the drink.
"my name ..and rank is the first of nephilim....Heralder of the morning star and head of the lord choir...I am lucifer....May i know your name.."
Posted 18 October 2018 - 01:23 AM
Sevatheda had expected that a person couldn't possibly look disgusted and elegant at the same time, but this woman, Lucifer apparently, managed to pull it off with ease. Elegance coupled with high standards, there was no questioning Lucifer's strength. Fucking with her wouldn't just end with simple death; you would be crushed into dust. A person like this would find deceiving you as easy as breathing. The Cujo briefly wondered if Lucifier simply had specific tastes, or if she was trying to make a show of disposing of something that displeased her.
Leaning back into her seat, Sevatheda adopted her signature smirk, even though it was blatantly clear that she held none of the cards. Well, that wasn't entirely true, as she kept her gaze from flicking to the child, she had one card. And then Lucifer asked for her name, as if she hadn't greeted the Cujo a minute prior. It was solely for formality; there was no question that Lucifer already knew everything about them.
So with a fond smile and soft breath, she decided to play along and introduced herself. "Sevatheda Xythane, democratically elected Cujo, and I'm certain that you already know our dearest Googy."
Posted 19 October 2018 - 04:48 AM
the little girl waves softly as she sits down and looks at lucifer.
"you are really pretty."
she says making the angel smile softly.
"It sounds so pure when a child said it...thank you tiny one."
googy giggles and the angel watches her sevant make a drink.
"So....... I come bearing offerings....WOuld you like to talk?"
Posted 19 October 2018 - 06:30 AM
Sevatheda relaxes marginally after seeing Lucifer soften at Googy's greeting; perhaps the Morning Star wasn't completely heartless. Not everyone could put on a facade around the innocent and naivety of a child. It seemed like she had no reason to be worried about Lucifer seeing Googy only as a tool.
Inclining her head, "You went through all of the trouble to get here, so it would be rude to send you away without at least hearing you out."
Posted 30 October 2018 - 07:59 PM
“ there is a storm coming with two Germans being brought to assist.... that being said , you’re going to need help.... lots of it.”
The servantreqches into her bag and pulls out a melon, with which she begins cutting delicate fruits.
“ beside your gang, I can get you some people that worship me as their god...... they in turn will need somone who isn’t me guiding their hands.”
Posted 16 November 2018 - 03:43 AM
Sevatheda raised her eyebrow, her smirk never fading as she maintained her mastered poker face. "Either you are asking for help or people really like killing one another. Regardless of which, I need more specifics in addition to you promising over your cult." Her head throbbed at the promise of yet another war that she was thrown in the middle of. She could really use a vacation at this rate, before someone decides that she's lived long enough.