The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 26 November 2018 - 06:00 AM
“ anaia speak.”
The woman finishes her drink and begins to shake it.
L the cult is called the sect of the eye... an old world cult that lives in a bomb shelter from the olden days.... their leader is a zealot ...... we just need somone who is cold enough to depose him and lead the cult.”
Lucifer is handed her drink and sips it.
“ you can’t make drinks worth shit .... why do I keep you around.”
She offers the cup to Seva carefully .
“ care to try making it ?”
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:08 AM
Sevatheda hummed as she mulled over this information. She didn't see the point in asking why Lucifer herself didn't lead her own cult, she was more focused on why this archangel was offering her assistance. She held her tongue until she shrugged, accepting the cup and standing. She didn't bother trying to work out the social complexities; Sevatheda was familiar with alcohol so it wasn't difficult to see what the servant had been trying to make. A quick glance at Lucifer made Seva guess sweet over strong, so she set out to make the drink.
She didn't speak again until she handed the cup back to Lucifer, reclaiming her seat. "So you're willing to help us in exchange for what exactly?"
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:36 AM
She sips the drink and her eyes begin to shimmer like emeralds.
“ an old one to help tip the scars in our direction and help my brother ..... do we have a deal.”
She smiles as goofy looks at seva.
“ I don’t mind .... if you could use this...... I just want to be helpful.”
Posted 06 December 2018 - 09:00 AM
Sevatheda's face doesn't shift from it's barely amused look. She raised an eyebrow at Googy's willingness, holding out a hand towards the girl to pull her closer. "And how would I know that things wouldn't get out of hand? Forgive my lack of knowledge on the subject, of course."
Posted 10 December 2018 - 04:57 AM
Lucifer snaps and the wrld around them continues. Yukari and yuno both noticing the new figure but not moving as she begins to speak.
'my brother micheal...Is incredibly hurt...And not battle ready... Though i am, i will need his power. So i need the only being that can fix his wounds."
Her smile widens as she finishes her drink.
"are you classically trained Seva..This drink is amazing."
Posted 21 December 2018 - 05:51 AM
Sevatheda barely acknowledges Yuno and Yukari's lack of reaction, chalking it up to their training. Tilting her head so that a few strands of white hair falls into her eyes, Seva regarded Lucifer with a twisted smile. "May I inquire as to how do I know that this Micheal won't be a threat to us?"
Her face relaxed marginally at the mild distraction, a soft breath escaping her throat. "Unless if you consider half a year of moonlighting at bars classic training, I'm mostly just lucky."
Posted 21 December 2018 - 06:01 AM
Lucifer smiles at the reaction and shrugs.
“ and that year served you well.”
Posted 21 December 2018 - 07:06 AM
"Then, seeing as Googy does not mind and you gave us your word not to turn on us after getting what you want, you have yourself a deal. Not to mention such an.. interesting trade with a flattering goddess," the Cujo hummed, crossing her arms across her torso almost luxuriously. It definitely was a life altering discussion taking place.
Posted 04 January 2019 - 09:08 AM
i am not a goddess mortal."
Lucifer corrects seva, her face rather bemused .
"at one time your kind trerated me as this great evil that somehow triggered the apocolypes....Rather than a rebellions teenager... It made me smile."
Yukari and yuno tense but dont move a single hair out of place as they look at googy who calmly smiles.
"You were supposed to be super scary...and red..."
Posted 04 January 2019 - 09:18 AM
Sevatheda flippantly waved a hand towards Googy, a knowing smile following; a genuine expression for once. "See, the kid gets it. Goddesses, devil, whatever you prefer to go by, you are still far too gorgeous to be human so it's ultimately all the same, isn't it? Vanity, wisdom, strength..." The Cujo sighed dramatically.
Posted 07 January 2019 - 05:16 AM
Yukaris words barely leave her throat as Lucifer directs a finger toward her, bodily flipping her into the pool with ease.
“ take a bath skank .... the voids breath is all over you and you reek.”
Gino bursts out in a laugh as goofy huffs.
“ kanmui doesn’t stink!”
Posted 09 January 2019 - 05:44 AM
Sevatheda clicked her tongue, otherwise seemingly unfazed by Yukari's sudden dip into the pool. She definitely deserved it and had it coming but the Cujo was much too well disciplined to crack a smile at the display. Not to mention that Yukari technically wasn't her underling and as such there was no reason to feel affronted by the disrespect.
Though the albino cracked a smile when Googy began to pout, reaching out to pull the girl closer to her. She nuzzled the girl's neck, taking a semi-dramatic whiff before pulling back as her lip curled in a faux sneer. "I beg to differ."
Posted 13 January 2019 - 07:43 AM
“Sheep.... very few amuse me... and you Culo are one of them.”
Posted 14 January 2019 - 06:25 AM
Sevatheda pulled Googy into her chair, openly cuddling her and cooing soft words of torment. "At least you don't smell like fish," she teased carefully, kissing the girl's cheek before releasing her to wreak havoc on the sweets. Apparently the albino was prone to bursts of mania, and she wasn't very fond of it.
"Thank you, I think. If I cannot be useful, the least I can be is entertaining."
Posted 29 January 2019 - 06:41 PM
She had a full back piece , not uncommon amoung the Yakuza , but hers is deep and vibrant , a traditional one masked figure revealing a delicate woman’s face peeking from behind .
“ you know what I find interesting ?”
Lucifer asks with a smile .
“ that girl........ she knows I’m goin to probably sink her in a whim but she keeps getting up.”
She flicks her finger again and the gangster is sent back into the water with a shot of agitation, her bra coming loose for all to see.
“ she’s either hardeheqded or stupid .”
Posted 13 March 2019 - 10:33 AM
The tattoo was nearly as eyecatching as Lucifer herself, so once Sevatheda caught a proper angle to view the full expanse of her back, she couldn't refrain from ogling. Her curiosity was usually easy to stifle, but this time she almost took enjoyment in deciding that the back piece suited the woman. If it weren't for her otherworldly powers, perhaps her sheer beauty would be enough to attract a following. Or perhaps the Cujo just enjoyed pretty things.
"With Yukari it's likely a bit of both from my experience."
Posted 14 March 2019 - 05:43 AM
Lucifer’s assistant says with a small smile as she prepares some egg salad sandwiches on a small cloth.
“ the edges are perfect and flawless ..... the hair looks like it ripples every time that woman moves.”
Lucifer chuckles felt as hilarious fathers her clothes.
“ fitting...”
Posted 27 March 2019 - 08:26 AM
Were it anybody else, anybody less constrained and more promiscuous, she would have smirked and admitted to a desire to examine Lucifer's skin for herself. The thought of touching the skin to test it's softness, it's strength, was not something that lingered in Sevatheda's mind, however. With a muted hum, the Cujo tore her attention away from Lucifer to instead study the woman beside her. She was pretty enough, Seva supposed, though she was more .. intrigued about such mild behavior when she so clearly was enthralled with her boss.
"I wonder why someone like Lucifer would require an assistant. Much less one with .. Your qualifications," Sevatheda slowly drawled out, making some kind of effort to not bluntly insult the woman.
Posted 30 March 2019 - 05:08 AM
Lucy says offhandedly as her attendant smiles , shaking her head.
“ I helped her get a fragment of her soul back ..... so she feels indebted to me and brings me with her.”
Lucy sucks her teeth as yukari finally gets out of the water, her face a mask of annoyance .
“ for a human he skin is flawless ..”
Posted 01 May 2019 - 07:54 PM
Sevatheda didn't outwardly react to Lucifer's blunt comment, and though part of her was torn between disgust and amusement, it was so insignificant, so subtle, that she paid it no mind. It sounded like an odd reason to bring around an inept, overly adoring and borderline obsessed servant, even if Lucy felt indebted. Seva would merely thank her and walk off, regardless of how big of a favor it was. No matter how 'attractive' they were. Hell, the only person Sevatheda enjoyed the company of thus far into her life was Googy.
"I suppose," the Cujo drawls almost insincerely, as if she hadn't been paying much attention to either of them.