The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 04 June 2019 - 09:56 PM
Lucy says with a smile as she reaches into her cooler and pulls out a cup filled with chilled grapes.
“ come now.... would you like one?”
She asks with a smile
Posted 05 July 2019 - 03:59 AM
Sevatheda tilted her head as she politely declined the offering of g*CENSORED*s. "Now is that all, or do plan on throwing Yukari around some more?"
Posted 07 July 2019 - 06:38 AM
if you would like."
she raises her hand and yukari is lifted, her top falling as the yakuza flais in the air as everyone looks at her.
"if youd like at least."
Posted 26 August 2019 - 07:08 AM
Sevatheda nearly rolled her eyes at the woman's antics, the needless display of raw power. Lucy was definitely a spectacle within herself and her blatant attractiveness certainly guaranteed that your gaze never wandered. While Seva could easily admit that the woman before them was definitely "eye-candy", there was very little genuine intrigue beyond that.
Shifting her gaze from the tormented Yukari to the child next to her, she raised a pale eyebrow before slowly drawling: "Are you ready to leave now, Googy?"
Posted 06 September 2019 - 02:03 AM
the little girl says as she takes to the water, geting a floaty as the angel looks at you sidelong.
"You have no tact at all...im putting on a show and bring drinks and you do this."
Posted 06 October 2019 - 03:58 AM
Sevatheda, as dignified as she may be, merely sighed and leaned back into the lounging chair, crossing her legs and closing her eyes. "I am told that fairly often, unsurprisingly. Granted I do appreciate your.. Generosity, being confined to the shade like this is pretty daunting for me." The Cujo held a colorless hand out from underneath the shelter of the umbrella, wincing as the sun immediately set upon burning her sensitive flesh.
Withdrawing her hand and trying to rub the uncomfortable feeling away with the other, she offered a lopsided smile to their apparent hostess, vaguely chagrined. "It feels like being on an island surrounded by sharks. And beautiful women, I suppose," she added as an afterthought.
Posted 18 October 2019 - 04:51 AM
You are guided home with goofy laying in your arms, completely asleep as Yuno and Yukari follow you back to the compound.
“ cujo.”
Yukari says calmly.
“ can you and I talk... please?”
Posted 18 October 2019 - 09:39 AM
Sevatheda wondered how she ended up stuck carrying the child, with her borderline frail musculature and "important" position, but she couldn't find it in her to actually mind. Googy was light enough that there was no real strain, allowing the Cujo to semi-comfortably cradle the girl to her chest, though the physical contact still felt like it made her skin itch. It seemed more.. Bearable now, less like she needed to crawl out of her own skin. Besides, the girl felt warm and soft, acting almost like a balm for an old wound; more irritating in the present but better in the long term.
For the duration of the drive/walk back to the compound, Seva was silent, long lost in her thoughts. Her eyes kept dancing along the street in front as they passed, waiting for something to seem out of place, because at that point, it was second nature to her. She didn't particularly enjoy surprises, which was one of the reasons she found being around Yukari difficult. Showing up at her apartment, uninvited, asking to talk... Even using proper manners?
The albino shot a wary look towards Yuno, wondering if she should pass the child over. "If you're planning my death, then Googy gets my stash of ramen."
Posted 19 October 2019 - 06:11 AM
she looks at you for a long moment, motioning at yuno who takes the little one and hgoes to take her to bed as the woman sighs.
"Im hungry...Lets go get some ramen..Ill treat."
she pulls out a wallet and walks to the front of the compound, waiting at the door as she sheds off her swimming clothes and puts on her normal white jacket and calls back to her.
"Ill even spring for the extra meat."
Posted 10 November 2019 - 06:12 AM
Sevatheda felt the corners of her lips tilt downward as she somewhat reluctantly handed off Googy to the maid, immediately trying to pass off her distaste by rolling her shoulders as if carrying the child had made her muscles stiff. In the face of being dragged off by Yukari, an insane lady who had broken into her apartment just to try to scare her, the Cujo almost wished she could just go sleep with the kid. But Seva was never one to turn tail and run, so she quickly went to change into her business casual suit before returning to the front door to a waiting Yuno.
"If you spit in it, I'm leaving," she murmured, shoving her hands nonchalantly into her blazer pockets.
Posted 22 November 2019 - 02:36 AM
She says to the cujo as they walk down the street to sappho ramen. An ancient but respected cooking academy that is just a stall and some seats.
“ two, black pork.... mine with extra onions.”
The man takes the order with a nod as Yukari finally speaks.
“ can I ask you something.,,. I need you to be honest,”