The same hand that gifts peace brings war- Sevetheda
Posted 01 March 2017 - 05:58 PM
The days events take their toll, until...
Pressure, your arms are tied and you jolt awake to see Tulare straddling your stomach, her hands running through her hair as the other cups her own cheek.
" oh you're awake .... goood..."
She purrs like a content cat, her deep green eyes devoid of compassion or empathy, completely lost in her pshuchosis
" you're so beautiful you know that..... I can see why you are somone he wanted to save.... and god I want you now too..."
You can see in her hand is some barbed garrote wire, but she lets it fall away as she leans over you a bit, lookin into your eyes.
" you'll be joining me starting tomorrow morning....., we'll have to get you a car of course but everything in time..."
She cups seva cheeks and kisses her forehead.
" I'll overlook that kiss you gave my beloved since you where just thanking him..... and because I like you... but no more yuki...."
She smiles at her new name for you, yuki or snow .
" ciao doll..."
She says as she gets up and moves to leave, revealing dozens of knives and sharp objects all around you , the tools she had planned to use but rethought at the last minute
Posted 01 March 2017 - 06:37 PM
If there was one thing Sevatheda was thankful for, it would be the fact that she was a master at schooling her features. She wouldn't give the bitch the satisfaction, even as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes. Lazily observing Yukari's narcissistic display as the girl practically writhed in her own 'greatness' on top of Seva.
Yukari's little monologue went without a response. Seva wasn't one to waste her breath on someone that has already proven themselves incapable of listening to anyone. Even though Kamui saved Seva because she is good at what she does, and damn. Now a crazy bitch considered Seva to be her 'property'. It caused a vague sense of disgust to roll through her stomach.
Theda nearly lectured the girl on the effectiveness of barbed wire before she could catch herself; she found winding it around your knuckles was preferable in the amount of damage it did, even if it messed up your own hand a bit. Then Yukari was touching Seva's face and she nearly squirmed underneath her, the suffocating feeling causing her to bite into her lip until her teeth drew blood.
When Sevatheda was in control of her actions again, she grinned, blood staining her teeth and lips and standing out in sharp contrast to her pale skin. "You know exactly why I kissed him. I do not thank people who act out of their own selfish desires." Fitting, considering she was now being dubbed 'Yuki'. The bitch wasn't very creative it seemed, and a glance around her own room confirmed that.
Posted 01 March 2017 - 09:51 PM
you kissed him to get me to attack him because you thought it would be amusing..."
yukari says from the doorway, her heavy pants filled with clipped on blades and knives. She watches the prone psychopath as if reading her thoughts and all at once the blades all around theda stood up and pointed in her direction.
"Exactly what id do...... But hes a normie....He wont understand the games we play..."
the blades liquefy and run along the ground to make a heavy iron ring around yukaris hips, the tight binding obviously meant to keep her figure slim and perfect.
"Hes not like you or me....HEs still playing like hes not a god in mans skin... Trying to act like the ignoble son of a former yakuza thug masquerading around like he cares. BUt one day.... Everything around him will break and hell see that he doesnt need anyone but me.... And maybe you because i like you.... But until then ill just keep watch and keep my kamui safe.
she looks outside as if she hears something and smiles.
"Lucky you yuki...... Seems one of my girls was able to get you a rari.... Lets go take it on on a spin for your first job."
Posted 02 March 2017 - 07:54 AM
Seva's smile grew wider before she stretched her limbs out, as if she were partaking in a casual conversation. "Exactly, to get at you. Not to 'thank' him." As Yukari prepared to leave the pale woman relaxed into her bed, remarkably undisturbed despite recent .. revelations. Death threats were common. Being 'given away' to calm down an insane chick generally was less frequent. Sevatheda figured that she'd vent her frustrations later on, what muted rage that she was capable of feeling.
Still feeling Yukari's gaze on her, Theda licked away the blood on her lower lip before propping her head up on her arms. To Sevatheda, it was easy to control the situation by putting on a show of indifference. Considering that she hardly felt any emotions at all, it was effortless to conceal everything. It was frustrating for the other person in the conversation usually; though it was obvious that Yukari wouldn't care regardless. So she may as well be comfortable while she was still in bed.
"We haven't even had our first date yet you already want to play, tsk tsk Yukari. Does Kamui not give you enough attention?" It may not have been wise to taunt someone more broken that she, but Sevatheda wasn't very worried. The girl wanted something from her, even if it was her in it's entirety. Yukari was rather greedy, and that made her somewhat predictable. However not entirely.
"And you want to chain a 'god'. And make his life a living hell, thus dependent on you. I wonder how much time you have wasted on this 'plan' of yours. And really, it's Sevatheda." Her tone had an edge of irritation though it appeared fake considering her relaxed position. "Please tell me that you're going to allow me to sleep for another hour. Hell, I'd prefer you join me in this damn bed than get up for some flashy car." It was bravado, and it was very obvious.
Except insane girls were somewhat hard to predict, and that made Yukari dangerous in her own way.
Posted 02 March 2017 - 01:19 PM
yukari watches seva for a moment before giggling and beginning to unwrap her chest.
"Allright yuki ill join you."
she says as the thin bandages fall to the ground and reveal her ample bust.
"SUch a nice offer .. Ill send the girl a message to sleep in the car until the morning when we come out."
the heavy baggy pants yukari wore fell silently and she comes over, lifting the quilt and wrapping her arms around sevas neck.
"And ive wasted NO time with my lovely kamui.... SOon hell see im right and itll all be worth it.."
she closes her eyes and relaxes a bit, a gentle purr in her throat.
Posted 02 March 2017 - 01:52 PM
"You really don't understand context very well, do you? To fill you in, I very much am not fond of... you.." Sevatheda's sentence died off as Yukari pulled away her layer of warmth and climbed into bed beside her. "It really wasn't an invitation. In fact, get out. Right now." Her casual tone became strained as her new 'boss' touched her neck, her eyes finally open to search for an escape though there would be none.
Her next words were a low growl as her hands curled around Yukari's hips in an attempt to shove her away, preferably out her bed. "Let. Go."
Then she allowed herself to relax partially, not having noticed her body stiffen to the point it hindered all of her movements. Releasing a long breath to calm herself some, the sense of panic decaying to be replaced with annoyance. "I truly cannot stand you," she muttered quietly, winding her own arms around Yukari to savor the warmth that she brought. "I sincerely hope that Kamui manages to kill you one day, or in the very least that I can."
Posted 02 March 2017 - 01:58 PM
" oh dear... kamui loves me... he tells me so on my good days.... I've known him since we where just little tykes..."
Almost as if they where dancing yukari moves Thedas hands into her sides and she closed her eyes again.
" and you don't mean that yuki.... you're just not used to being touched. I mean we both know you can barely attack kamui without your metAl breaking .... how are you going to kill me you silly."
Yukari yawns a bit and lowers her neck a bit to get comfortable as she begins to drift into a light sleep.
Posted 02 March 2017 - 02:21 PM
"And he can't stand you on your 'bad days' I assume." She figured that it was safe to assume that this had been a bad day and that they were frequent. The downside of this was that Sevatheda wondered what counted as a 'good day' for Yukari. It was not a pleasant thought, realizing that she would have to work with this temperamental woman in the days to come. At least she would get the chance to torment Yukari, though her words certainly didn't seem to have any effect. It actually seemed to reflect back at her, if this crazy bitch in her bed was anything to go off of.
Sevatheda was thankful that she was not one to fidget, leaving her digits lightly resting against Yukari's side rather than idly stroking it. She loathed her current position, but the bitch did have a point; Seva wouldn't be able to stand up to Kamui any time soon. He likely wouldn't stand idly by while Sevatheda tried to kill Yukari, but then again she probably would just be getting herself killed.
She remained still for the remainder of the night, never fully letting her guard down nor dozing.
Posted 02 March 2017 - 02:25 PM
yukari wakes up after several hours, stretching out as the first rays of sunlight peek through the slats of the window.
"MMmmmmnph..Good morning Yuki."
yukari says with a smile as she gets dressed and goes to the door.
"i know you where up all night....Get a few more hours and ill be back after i meet kamui for brerakfast and my pills... Hes going to make me take them after this last little tiff."
she waves and walks outside with a smile , closing the door behind her.
Posted 02 March 2017 - 03:25 PM
It felt like she was only able to breathe after Yukari roused, pulling away from Seva's grasp. The immediate lack of warmth was a foreign sensation that caused her to sigh. Sevatheda guessed that Yukari didn't sleep much either. "Expected me to try to strangle you in your sleep?" She raised an eyebrow as she pushed herself up in bed, her muscles sore from disuse. She cracked her neck before focusing on Yukari's face as the girl dressed, peculiar colored eyes scrutinizing for dark circles.
She assumed that the 'pills' were anti-psychotic and that they weren't overly beneficial. Based on the short time that Theda knew Yukari, she couldn't imagine a 'normal' Yukari. It .. Was impossible. And why wouldn't Kamui demand that she take them regularly?
Sighing once more, Sevatheda climbed out of bed and prepared herself for the day. She would never submit herself to being the kind of person who slept in.
Posted 02 March 2017 - 03:50 PM
yukari leaves with a smile, her face bright and rested.... Much to your dismay.
you make yourself some breakfast and hear the door open, a cheerful girls voice chirping.
googy comes into view and sits on the unmade futon, putting her arms in the sleeves of her hamster hoody as kamui makes his way inside, his armor difficult to make through the hallway of the house as he sits down.
"Just saw yukari leave.... Im sorry about her."
Posted 02 March 2017 - 09:35 PM
"Okay. I'm getting a better lock installed today. Nobody has the decency of knocking anymore it would seem. And kid-- do.. Oh. You're behaving.." Her brow furrowed, depositing the dishes from her breakfast in the sink to wash later while immediately freezing when Kamui stepped into her domain.
"You're apologizing? For that disaster?" A mirthless chuckle bubbled up from her chest as she spun on her heel to face the male. "You gave me away." Her usually cold voice was a low growl. She was stalking towards him before she was even aware of what she was doing. Then her right fist was flying towards his face, throwing her body weight behind the blow despite knowing that his Zero Point would probably damage her hand and deny her the satisfaction.
Posted 02 March 2017 - 09:59 PM
your fist connects, and kamui stands there for a moment, before grabbing both of your shoudlers and moving you back a step.
"Got that out of your system?"
he asks as he spits some blood into a sink and turns to face her.
"I didn't give you to yukari, i put you in her gang....Shes unhinged...Broken. She gets ideas in her head and she runs with them. SO to avoid future sickness i told her shed have you in her gang. it doesn't stop our deal. I protect you and you work for me....YOull just be doing it on the street level where your skills can be used the best...Your a soldier seva, and thats where your skills are needed."
he spits another wad of blood and sighs.
"SHes a good girl with meds....But when she misses days..."
Posted 02 March 2017 - 10:13 PM
Sevatheda blinked as her fist connected with Kamui's jaw, too surprised to resist being moved away. Besides, she had gotten her point across and she wasn't suicidal enough to continue assaulting the male. She rubbed the soreness away from her knuckles as he spat out blood, though she was still relatively 'annoyed'.
"Avoid future sickness by throwing me into the deep end. Now I cannot work efficiently because I'm going to need to watch my back so I can at least witness when she finally snaps and stabs me. Sure, have me stalk the streets, but in the very least let me do it on my own damn terms! I don't need to be in a damn gang to do my job. So you gave that bitch my leash, congrats."
She sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, striding over to the futon and sitting beside Googy. "You seem to be the smartest one of the group, kid," she muttered before lifting her gaze to glare at Kamui across the room.
"Then why do you allow her to miss days?"
Posted 03 March 2017 - 03:23 AM
Googy smiles wide up at you as you compliment her.
" as for you being part of her gang, you're under her radar... as long as she doesn't catch you wearing my underwear as a mask or something like that you should be fine."
Posted 03 March 2017 - 04:18 PM
Sevatheda sighed as she leaned into the back of her futon. She could somewhat understand that, but she just wasn't fond of the outcome. "What is she like on meds then?" She certainly was curious to see the change in Yukari, especially considering that she was forced into the bitch's gang.
"That is .." Her lip curled up in disgust at the thought. "Save for the fact that she came onto me last night. I don't believe that qualifies as 'under her radar', Kamui."
Posted 03 March 2017 - 04:31 PM
no, what she was going to do was murder you ... but she probably stood there for a couple hours and calmed down. Which is why you're alive."
kamui sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"And if youre not going to offer it, how about i make some tea and explain where we go from here... ANd please tell me you have some rice or something here to eat."
He goes to the fridge and pulls out waht looks like some rice and some sausages in a can.
"just sit back for a few minutes...and remind me to have some shit sent here....THIs is kinda pathetic for one of my assasins."
Posted 03 March 2017 - 05:11 PM
She raised an eyebrow, her cynical mindset nearly provoking her into punching Kamui again. Having an angry insane person pacing in her room and watch her sleep was not in any way better. Seva pressed her back further into the futon as a fail-safe, turning her attention onto Googy. It was easier to deal with this brat than the adults, and that was pretty twisted. Sevatheda leaned forward to snatch up the television remote and pass the girl the remote. There was a seventy percent chance that it wouldn't turn on to some bad pornography channel. Hopefully. She doubted Yukari would have messed with it due to the noise it would cause.
"I do not believe that I invited any guests over," was what she replied to Kamui's jab. She was running low on tea anyways, having preferred it over coffee. "You know that I don't spend much time here so I request that you stop trying to berate me. I usually grab something out anyhow. But now that I think of it.. Why are you even here?"
Posted 03 March 2017 - 06:17 PM
kamui removes his heavy coat and there is a slight hiss os the tube in his mouth is disloged, revealing a fairly normal young man of 25 years or so of age....Albeit one with gaping holes on his chest and side.
"Culturally even if they are uninvited we should have tea on the table even if we hate the persons guts."
he pours three cups of tea and sets the rice to boil.
"Im here to ... Explain everything..No smoke and mirrors or yukari trying to murder you... Unfiltered truth about whats been going on and how you fit in."
Posted 04 March 2017 - 04:18 PM
It wasn't his deformities that made Sevatheda look away; it was his face. "Uninvited and allowed yourselves in. That would usually dub you as an intruder, thus making my point. You are not my guests."
She sighed again. "Fine. Explain before I have to go survive the day with that insane mess."