How to pretend- Oce
Posted 21 May 2019 - 07:35 PM
Old worm eaten wood houses can be seen on both ends and as she guides you, aurora stops at a door.
“ here...”
She says as she touches the dead and splintered wood fondly, pushing open the old door easily to reveal a rain soaked carpet covered in mold and mildew.
“ come on in...”
She says as she disappears inside
Posted 13 June 2019 - 06:59 AM
Vale and Chalice share a brief look upon noticing Aurora's posture shift, the latter shrugging uselessly after a moment of thought. They weren't the ones who could comfort the woman, nor was it their place to do so. It was far too likely to be ill received so neither seriously considered attempting it. It was obvious that Aurora's childhood still weighed heavily upon her, and Vale wasn't one to judge her for it.
Chalice was the one who grimaced at the slums run down appearance. She was almost certain that the building would collapse down on top of them as soon as they entered, and she wasn't in the mood to dig herself out of that mess, much less Vale. With a heavy sigh, she gently ushered Vale inside after Aurora.
Posted 05 July 2019 - 03:56 AM
the inside is covered in wet mold, but it was well kept.
a single fire pit surrounded by what looks like moth eaten blankets are rolled up in the corner , and in the center was the unmistakable ruins of a doll makers desk. On it sits a clamp, a bottle filled with eyes, and various screwdrivers and chisels.
"here is where she would work...For hours after zero died..... Toiling over that doll body og his........ She refused food and drinkl for so long she would pass out on the floor.. Eat than begin again."
Posted 21 July 2019 - 05:31 AM
Vale frowned to herself, her eyes glued on the desk. It was easy to visualize Mistress Shango's torment, hunched over her desk long after her back began creaking painfully and her stomach began growling. It hurt a tiny piece of her heart, longing to go hug the woman despite being fairly sure that the days of suffering so blatantly were over for her, and the wound long scabbed over.
Chalice, however, was less saddened and more contemplative by the somber mood and setting. "I wonder if her love for him has shifted at all since being reanimated."
Posted 23 July 2019 - 02:48 PM
She says as she reaches into the bottle and plucks our a perfectly blue eye .
“ she adores zero ..... loves his purity and kindness . But I don’t know truely.... he doesn’t anything she asks but when his other self is found he gets so mad.”
Posted 06 October 2019 - 04:02 AM
"I think I understand? At least a little bit," Vale murmured, shoulders bunched up around her neck, arms crossed over her stomach. She still wasn't sure how this dilapidated house made her feel aside from lost. Vaguely it reminded her of home and she wanted nothing more than to leave here and never return, but she would never take Aurora away from such a wistful place.
Posted 18 October 2019 - 04:48 AM
“ can you hold onto this? You c an read it after our mission.”