Patch update on Saturday will increase the level cap to ten and give a new weapon to each class
Ive actually posted a video in the "WFC 2?" thread displaying all the info i have for class use and pre-order info along with a video showing all the weapons in the game, if you guys want i'll repost it in this thread.
EDITYou know what? im gonna do it anyways
So to get everyone psyched up ive got the new cinematic trailer here for your nerdgasming needs.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyW5KMMDjZw&feature=player_detailpage
And now that i have your attention, here are all the pre-order offers as it's been announced with videos or images of said offers.
Gamestop:G1 retro pack with g1 optimus prime playable in both multiplayer and single player campaign, as well as g1 inspired megatron pistol and shockwave cannon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh2gJLrOxzQ&feature=player_detailpage
Amazon: Play as G2 bruticus in single player only. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ApEM65vb0ik
Play.com: Play as Swoop of the Dinobots in multiplayer only.
Walmart: Get a free copy of predecessor Transformers War for Cybertron.http://t0.gstatic.co...zZ3wV4zt8A0Kxaw OH YEAH!!!! I'll tell you guys about the classes there are in the game too.
Ok so first off i'll start with the Infiltrator class, basically they're the hitmen/snipers of the game. Their mode of transportation consists with sports cars and muscle cars, weapons usually consist with fully automatic CC weapons and precision distance weapons. The main specialty of this class is to cause panic and chaos, your small size makes you really hard to hit and your cloaking or EMP grenade helps for quick getaways or causing more chaos wether it be up close with shotty or at a distance with snipes. However since their vehicle form is smaller than some of the bigger classes they only have 300 health, putting them at the bottom along with scientists for armor strength.Next lets talk about the noob class, the Destroyer is the explosive specialist of the game considering it has nothing but bazookas, rocket lawnchairs, grenade lawnchairs, and artillery cannons. Their vehicle forms consist with trucks, humvees, and jeeps. Abilities are either a a one-sided barrrier you and your teammates can shoot through or you hover in the air for a moment before using your girth to flatten anyone stupid enough to be near or below you when you come back down. Their health is an improvement over the more delicate infiltrator class with 400 health. This guy specializes in clearing out a room full of people with enough explosive weaponry to level a small moon. Now let's move onto the biggest guys in the game, the Titan class. These guys have the most armor out of all the classes with a whopping 500 health and their loadouts are extremely effective usually consisting of chainguns, lightning cannons, Nurgle's boomstick (slime cannon), and my favorite a vampire shotty that drains your enemy's health and give it to you. Their overall superior firepower come at the price of low mobility since they all transform into hover tanks, their abilities consist of a temporary tornado of melee that destrolishes anything within arms reach to shreds within 3-6 seconds, or an arm mounted shield that blocks enemy fire for the more defensive terminators. Recommended use as the heavy hitter who stays in the middle of the fight.And lastly lets talk about the fliers of Cybertron, the Scientist class. Their vehicle form is the highly prized jet form which packs the highest mobility in the game, but as its a flier they also rank amongst the most delicate classes. (300 health, same as Infiltrator) But as a young bot once said "The least likely can be the most deadly" as shown by their mobility, weaponry and abilities. The Scientist's weapons consist with burst rifles, Nurgle spit balls (location tracking acid pistol), assault rifles, and a tron disc launcher which can launch up to 3 discs at once. The abilities of the Scientist consist of a healing beam for other troops or a sentry turret that can be setup and packed away at will. The scientist is meant to be played as a support class to heal teammates or provide extra cover fire from a distance as marksmen. If anyone would like to know any other info such as what weapons there are, feel free to take a look at the following vid. Personally i like the confetti maker and Nurgle's nipple cannon.
