Nothing makes me happier!
Posted 16 September 2012 - 11:01 AM
Then I got a 19 - 0 but the guy left ='( Would have been fun to receive loads of hate mail from them =D
Anyone else get some Hate Mail or do something fun?
"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells
Posted 16 September 2012 - 11:14 AM
Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:00 PM
JC: 99% Anime, 1% hot gas
Posted 16 September 2012 - 12:06 PM
No that is just the PS3 normally.... =P
Some reason there are some people online who cannot understand how someone can be much better than them....
Also I guess the guy didn't understand what an Energon Recharger is. I am not an idiot who uses it straight away I use it when I lose shields and energon levels start to fall....
Energon Rechargers are like a safety net just in case you get a little bit of bad luck you can still kill your enemy and incredibly fuck them off!
"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells
Posted 16 September 2012 - 01:15 PM
2nd moment i receive hatemail after a match of tdm on the U.S. release date, i killed the same guy 7 times and he sent me hate mail: "Fuck you in the ear" it said, so i naturally delivered my rebuttal "No wonder your so angry. Is that the only place it'll fit?"

Posted 16 September 2012 - 01:21 PM

It nice when you get a compliment from people instead of "You are shit" from the person who you have just killed again and again =P
"You fiend, have I never encountered such corrupt and foul-minded perversity! Have you ever considered a career in the Church?" - The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells