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So you want your own subsection?

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#1 Keiya


    Legatus Primus

  • Interrogator
  • Others: Community Manager
  • 1368 posts

Posted 04 October 2012 - 03:33 PM

Here recently we have had several requests for sub-sections made for individual RP related instances. While we are very happy to see growth and interest in this section of the forums we also must keep in mind that there should be a line of reason. This line of reason is very simple - not all requests for such an action can be approved. With our approval or denial of an applicants inquiry of creating a sub-section of our own, we do not wish to show favoritism or ruffle any feathers. It is our duty to safeguard the consistency of these forums and as such we retain our ability to simply say 'no.'

'What's it take?' you may wonder, thinking that you may have exactly what is required to get a section of your own. Well, it takes a bit.

A : The Reason - Subsections have been situated to help an individual create a story setting. Take Sanctuary for instance - it is one large conglomerate ran by a single individual. Through many, many, many hours of story telling, plot setting, dedication, and focus it has turned into a recognizable name. So in short; these sections are not for single action RP threads or simply because someone wants their own hut to decorate. They are sections to house entire stories. Worlds. Vast undertakings that would otherwise be unruly to keep organized in an already existing section.

B : You will need to fill out an application to be approved or denied. We hold no bias towards who you are, how long you've been here, etc. We do hope that all applicants have been active and supportive of this section of the forums, however, we understand that not everyone will find interest in what is already available.

C : You will need to undergo an interview. We will review your application and be belted with various questions and inquiries based upon it. Question after question may fill your inbox. It is required that you pay them close attention.

D : You will need to be patient. Setting up such a review of application as well as contacting, creating, and interviewing the applicant can take time. Interview? Yes~

E : Regardless if your application is accepted or denied, we expect anyone who applies to be an adult about the choice. This is not a power offering nor is it put in place to 'hold anyone down.' Our first job is the betterment of the community and if we feel that it is not warranted please do not take it as a personal assault.

Submission : I request that you forward all applications to me. The Administration team is usually busy with Administration activities (of course) and as such may have very little to no time to devote to these sorts of requests. Once these applications have been received and reviewed, you will be contacted by myself or an Administrator and given the verdict. There is no appeal for a verdict.

Additionally : As your RP Community Manager, it is my job to maintain, uphold, and promote positive activity here. Please do not take this as a hindrance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and I will be more than happy to go over them at length with you. I am always open and available for activities and discussion. I will not turn you away without response and will do my best to level with you as best as possible.

Thank you for your time.


1 : What is your name?

2 : What is your age?

3 : What is the requested name for the Sub-Section?

4 : In as much 'feasible' detail as possible, explain why you are requesting your own section.

5 : Please detail the RP/Storyline premise - You are not required to tell the story or write a book.

6 : Do you have time to devote to the section? Remember, you are responsible for it's upkeep, appearance, activity, etc.

7 : Do you have the ability to make major calls without making feedback overflow into the rest of the community? There could be instances where you may need to expel someone from your subsection.

8 : Do you feel that this section will help you create an environment which will promote activity in the RP section and hold attention for time to come?

9 : If granted, the Administration team has the ability to close/move/purge/merge the section at will based upon activity and upkeep. Will this be a problem if these actions are taken granted that they are needed?

10 : As the Community Manager of the section, I am authorized and able to step in and mediate any issues or assume command and determine the fate of the section if you vanish, relinquish your duties, etc. Do you have any objections to this? If so, why?

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