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which factions playing?

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#1 WarmasterSinn


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 03:39 PM

alright peoples i was wondering who will b playing halo 4 as a faction?
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#2 MetalHead666X


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 03:44 PM

The thousand Spartans will. Cant wait to kick anus

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#3 Gerhart



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Posted 08 November 2012 - 04:01 PM

alright peoples i was wondering who will b playing halo 4 as a faction?

Appears the Fists have shown enough interest. I do not see myself joining the charge, and it is unknown if the ones that do will be interested in organized matches. Much to still be discussed, though many are playing just as many have played most of the "top" new games.

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#4 CruciasNZ


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 07:58 PM

Night Lords, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, Alpha Legion, Dark Angels and of course The Shadow Spectres will be regularly playing Halo 4. (Other factions not mentioned haven't personally told me they will be, though that does not discount the possibility).

We had a full party two days ago with people from most chapters, was an absolute blast to see the community having fun without any of the lag. While we'll still run SM tournaments and chapter matches, we'll be supplementing those with Halo tournaments and mash up days.

Almost my entire friends list is GWRS people from across every clan and maybe 10% were not playing Halo in the last few days or have it as their last played game. Good times ahead folks!

Community grifball anyone? :D

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#5 WarmasterSinn


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 11:19 PM

my whole friends list on live is space marine lmao and good to know GW will be a large part of the halo4 community
Sinner OsK.
Ice wolves rune priest
through death and dishonour
We survived gangava what more could we want¿

#6 Brother Agatone

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Posted 09 November 2012 - 03:48 AM

I have many friends who play h4 now so many are probably gonna join, but since most do not have space marine I'm going to allow people who only have h4, same goes for sm. Of course I'm up going to appoint some one to be second in command of our halo contingent, since I'm not dire if my current xo has h4 .
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