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Addressing A Long Standing Issue

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#1 CruciasNZ


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 10:48 AM

This community was founded out of paranoia and persecution on the part of the Graia Community leadership, which in turn led to our policies and systems of operation here. They are designed to be fair and flexible in order to handle the myriad of personalities, races, creeds and values that congregate here; they haven’t always worked well, we have stumbled occasionally along the way as we have matured as a community.

The Inner Council, which is comprised of 6 Staff and 6 Leaders, was formed when it became clear that the previous command and decision structure was incapable of dealing with emerging high level issues. Since its inception, the IC have debated and guided the community through a series of changes smoothly and efficiently; many widely differing and occasionally polar opposite opinions have been expressed and debated professionally, leading to what retrospectively seems to have been the best possible course of action in each case.

With this Council functioning smoothly, and in the spirit of progress towards a greater future, we all decided it was time to turn our attention to some of the more serious issues that have been crippling our community since what has colloquially become known as The Dernian Heresy. Many have suffered a constant stream of trolling and intentional disrespect aimed at both the organization that is Gothic Wars, but also at our member’s friends and chapters. Our community is based on the principles of respect, honour and camaraderie, and recently many members here have found that sorely lacking; suffering persecution for either their prowess ingame, from expressing a different view, or from having their chapter used in a Leader discussion as an example of stoicness amid the river of drama we find ourselves sailing on.

This post has taken an unexpected turn for many of you, and you will undoubtedly be wondering where we’re going with this and why. That’s understandable because you have all been exposed to quite a spectacular display of hypocrisy and a “smiling assassin” factor. In the Leadership Council behind closed doors, some individuals have taken paths that disrespect and downright insult other individuals or whole groups, all the while smiling and playing nice in public.

Earlier this week the Inner Council reached an overwhelming decision to permanently ban Gerhart, the long-time Leader of the Crimson Fists from the Gothic Wars community. This decision was based upon all the threads, and some replies to Mod Action notifications, that have been preserved by Mods and collectively span all the way back to July. They showed a clear trend that this individual has purposely been starting and fanning flames with the intent of causing harm to our community, all the while laughing about it offsite.

It also showed that repeated warnings were given by Staff, alongside many failed pleads to their better judgement and honour made by staff, leaders and friends alike; all either laughed aside, or blatantly ignored. We tried diplomacy, we tried respect, we tried warnings, we tried patience and found ourselves of viable alternatives. While it is to be noted that there has been a very recent reversal in negative activity, it started within just a few hours of this debate causing a papertrail of copied threads in the Mod Log that all Leaders and XO's can see. Therefore it was decided that it would have no bearing on the consequences resulting from the sum of months of negative behavior.

During this debate it turned out that since July many of us received PMs asking us to deal with this person, and all we have been able to say is please wait patiently. Well this action is the culmination of that time and the reward for your patience; we thank you for keeping your silence and not adding to the flames which licked at our communities’ soul.

On behalf of all Staff and Leaders on that Council, we apologise in advance for the period of increased trolling and unrest we will most likely suffer now as cronies try and make martyrs of themselves. We will deal with the trolling as efficiently as possible but some will always manage to exist for awhile before Mods can deal with it; they cannot be in every thread at once, and it will go faster if you all report them using the "Report Post" button to draw attention to it. We also anticipate a spike in XBL lobbying regarding our “corruption” and our “intolerance” and how "the grass is greener on the other side", we cannot control this so you’ll just have to shrug it off and put a bolt round through their heads. It’ll be a pain, but there is light at the end of the tunnel where before there was only more darkness.

Just a final clarification, this action is taken against Gerhart alone; all other Fist members are welcome to come and go from the site and our organized events as they see fit. The Fists are not being removed from current tournaments by Staff, as the transgression is of their Leader and not the average members; their members & officers are free to decide what action regarding participation and match organization is in their collective best interest. Note that we reserve the right, as always, to moderate anyone who decides to take this as an opportunity to be a jerk; quite simply, no one wants people like that around here, and Staff will do our best not to disappoint.

If you have any questions you wish to voice in private, feel free to contact any of the Inner Council or alternatively reply here.

Thanks for reading.

The Inner Council

(NB: Post communally drafted by The Inner Council)

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#2 Dragon-Silver


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:32 PM

Thanks for the informative post.
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#3 MetalHead666X


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:35 PM

Well Im glad this is ending.

As Cru has said this aint over yet but for now lets enjoy the celebrations.

For tommorow we are a year old.

So lets get shit done.

Two Giratina are better than one.

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Thanks to Astral Shadow of Serebii for the Signiture

#4 Chaoslord1977


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:09 PM

GW or the Sons Metal? or both? forgive my ignorance. And thanks for the info Crucias I hope this can be solved without too many casualties as this is a good site and those who have interacted with me since I arrived have seemed to be friendly people :)

#5 MetalHead666X


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:27 PM

GW Chaoslord lol.

Two Giratina are better than one.

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Thanks to Astral Shadow of Serebii for the Signiture

#6 Chaoslord1977


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:38 PM

Ahh nice one brother lol :D

#7 Keiya


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:46 PM

It is always hard to lose a member, especially a Leader which has been around since the beginning. I personally got along well with him and it's certainly going to pick at nerves from various sources - however I must come forth and say that the utilization of the Inner Council in matters such as this are very reassuring for myself. It is great to see that instead of 1 to 2 people coming together to mutually make a hasty choice, we have a council of individuals that are willing to debate, discuss, and allow time-based healings to take place before the ultimate offensive is made.

So, regardless of the outcome of it; I thank the council for collaborating over such a matter at length and bringing it to light for the public. Too many times in other communities do things go overlooked, choices are made without back bone, and the choices are made out of sight of the public with no explanation.

To the Fists : A great chapter should not be swayed by this in such a manner as they restrict themselves from the community. I hope to play many more games against all of them.

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#8 Chaoslord1977


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:52 PM

I agree Keiya :)

#9 Doomdrinker1


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:27 PM

I have a question do the accused get a chance to defend themselfs and do they actualy get told that if they ignore the warning they will get banned or is it quite simply BANG!!! banned
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#10 JC 042

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:30 PM

I have a question do the accused get a chance to defend themselfs and do they actualy get told that if they ignore the warning they will get banned or is it quite simply BANG!!! banned

He received countless warnings from mods over the past 4 months, all diplomacy and warnings was met with a middle finger and a smiley face.

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#11 Chaoslord1977


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:34 PM

A good question Doom. Is there a form of appeal system?

#12 Armoured Priest

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:37 PM

Yes there is a form of appeals, here is a link to with in the Help center on where is it is.
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#13 Chaoslord1977


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:39 PM

Cool thanks Priest not that I plan on needing it lol ... just might be handy to know about :)

#14 Brother White

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:42 PM

Ok, well I don't want to say something wrong here. So just make sure when we fist post it doesn't get reported just for posting. Since I am a Crimson Fist.

#15 Keiya


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:44 PM

Ok, well I don't want to say something wrong here. So just make sure when we fist post it doesn't get reported just for posting. Since I am a Crimson Fist.

As stated, this seems to have been in response to a several month-long process. There will certainly never be any animosity or bias output given from me to the Fists. The chapter as a whole has always provided good games and laughs for me and I'm sure the same goes for most anyone else.

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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#16 Draco Ny'ade

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:46 PM

i completely agree with what Keiya says
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#17 Chaoslord1977


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:46 PM

Agreed :)

#18 Brother White

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:54 PM

Well I do know there are a few people in the community that would report a post just to be a henderance against the Crimson Fist, I want to make sure that with Gerhart gone, we won't be attacked in any way.

#19 JC 042

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:56 PM

Well I do know there are a few people in the community that would report a post just to be a henderance against the Crimson Fist, I want to make sure that with Gerhart gone, we won't be attacked in any way.

I doubt that will happen, and if that's the case the reporter will most likely be the one warned.

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#20 J0ker2610


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:58 PM

Don't worry white nothing will be targeted at the crimson fists and if anything I'm sure anyone here would be happy to help
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