You shouldnt have done that.....(Ben arc, kite, pony)
Posted 25 December 2012 - 02:35 PM

I am the Night!!!!!!!
Posted 25 December 2012 - 11:07 PM
The seeker, quiet but alert looks from crag to crag looking for targets as never more sits on forges shoulder, making the massive war sage grumble in annoyance.
In the distance a figure can be seen, bleeding profusely... It slumps to the groud and never more wrinkles her nose.
" dying human."
Posted 25 December 2012 - 11:54 PM

I am the Night!!!!!!!
Posted 27 December 2012 - 11:16 PM
Succor snickers as nevermore rolls her eyes.
" how do you walk without hurting yourself boy,?"
Posted 27 December 2012 - 11:46 PM

I hear you calling calling for me Queen of battle Infantry
Posted 28 December 2012 - 06:55 AM

I am the Night!!!!!!!
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:20 AM
He is a ostari, a prisoner of the purifiers that ho siht subjected to an experiment you only know as the unwakening.
" he's exhausted Vizen...... He is draining of life."
" kill him hector .."
Bens darker voice groaned in your head.
" weak.... A purifier unfit to stand is unfit to live.... Ennnbbd him..."
( you both can hear both normal Ben and defiled Ben)
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:44 AM

I hear you calling calling for me Queen of battle Infantry
Posted 30 December 2012 - 05:04 AM

I am the Night!!!!!!!
Posted 30 December 2012 - 08:57 PM
Standing the ostari is a terrifying sight to behold. Exposed muscle and sinew throbs and pulses as it moves and it throws back its head with a horrible roar.
It moves its ravaged limbs with frightening speed as it charges forward, it's club made of human bone and sinew. Raised.
" aberration!"
Falx hisses hurling himself at the raging beast and sinking his claws into it ." You die!"
The beasts momentum is stopped as falxs claws burst from its back but with a vicious riposte falx is sent tumbling away landing in a tangled heap.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:13 PM

I am the Night!!!!!!!
Posted 01 January 2013 - 09:25 PM
Posted 01 January 2013 - 09:31 PM

I hear you calling calling for me Queen of battle Infantry
Posted 01 January 2013 - 09:40 PM
(1d100 rolled for a total of: 85 (85))

I am the Night!!!!!!!
Posted 01 January 2013 - 10:25 PM
The smell of blood and ruptured organs fills the air and a small chuckle is head in the back of your minds as the iron settles, coming back into orbit around hector.
The body is desiccated . The once massive ostari now lays motionless, , it's limbs broken and ripped, it's skull a mangled wreck.
There is a long silence before impossibly you hear the beast grunt , and beging dragging its body along the ground at you
Posted 01 January 2013 - 10:42 PM

I hear you calling calling for me Queen of battle Infantry
Posted 01 January 2013 - 11:28 PM
Posted 02 January 2013 - 12:26 AM

I am the Night!!!!!!!
Posted 02 January 2013 - 12:40 AM
1d100 rolled for a total of: 84 (84)

I hear you calling calling for me Queen of battle Infantry