Gamemode: King of The Hill
Custom Gametype: Armoured Kill
Each team starts in an enclosed base protected by walls and one-way shield doors.
- Scorpion x1
- Wraith x2
- Gauss Hog x2
- Mantis x3
- Banshee x2
You will spawn inside a structure that contains Sticky Detonators on the ground, and a Grav-Lift out back; this Grav-Lift will lift you to the Banshees on top.

Outside the spawn structure is an "Arch" containing a single Railgun on a long respawn timer. Beside this "Arch" are two teleporters, the one closer to the spawn structure (circled in red) will take you to the base defense turrets.

The defensive structure contains a Gauss Hog that does extra damage (circled red), a shade turret (circled pink) and some dominion style base defence turrets, these turrets need to be "built" before they will fire. It should also be noted that players on their "home base ramp" are invincible, but have limited field of fire; this prevents spawn camping without compromising play.

The other teleporter (circled pink in first image) takes you to the center of the map; beware! the teleporter to the center of the map shares a destination with the enemy!

Now those ramps that Warthogs can drive on will give you a vantage point above the battlefield, but they also take you up to the Eyrie, which contains two more Banshees. They will help you dominate the skies, but getting there takes some luck and skill.
Apologies for bad photos, will redo them sometime when I have a better camera and less screen glare.
Armoured Kill (1) is a much more basic version of this map. It had issues regarding spawn camping and lack of terrain mid-field. AK2 attempts to correct this. Should you grab it from my file-share (which we cannot link out of game in Halo 4), feel free to send me feedback. Only through play can it be properly balanced.