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#1 Brother Agatone

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 05:34 AM

People can be such assholes. In spartan ops two bastards kept destroying the motherfucking mantis', causing the other person and I to not be able to kill any fucking thing because these two fuckers were too immature. Of course I can do nothing about it, but I'm fucking pissed. It's assholes like this that ruin games for those who would like to just sit down after a long day and relax, but no these bastards come in and fuck everything up. Shit, if i wan't their company I would look for it and my damn school, but not in the confines of xbl. Such vulgar assinine assholes should go fuck themselves before I beat the shit out of them. They should all burn and die in hell, and I'd be happy to send them there myself. But xbl is not perfect, so my brothers we must lead by example, and prove that we are above such barbarism and immaturity, and yes some of you may have trouble with this, but at least I can count on all of you to not display such blatant disrespect for the game. If these bastards were in my clan, I'd personally kick them out, defriend if possible, block all communictaions, mute, submit a negative player review, and they would find themselves a traitor in the eyes of the clan, but of course not all clans would do the same for their members, so they are just as at fault. I would not wish such blatant disregard to the game to occur to any of one you because it is immature and the stupidest thing anyone could do. Very well, rant over.

P.S. I apologize for all the profanity.
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#2 DusteirTax



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Posted 03 January 2013 - 05:44 AM

I had the same thing happen im in the mantis guy thinks hes funny shooting it i go off to another place, he finds and next thing i know i see a spartan laser in my back no it cant hurt me but blows up mantis fu@k them^
I allow the madness in but the difference between you and me is i dont let it take over. mostly

#3 dx144


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:30 AM

Halo and other Multiplayer games are rampant with random idiots and dicks. Main reason why I usually stay away from them now =P

I played MW3 yesterday and all that happened was I got pissed off a bit then fucked off =P

There will be on every game idiots who will hamper the team in anyway because they are "Bored", "find it funny", "like to annoy others" while knowing there is a very low chance of anything happening to them apart from being given a negative review and being avoided and who knows what other reasons.

Halo I think is worst for team hampering. Mainly because in that you have weapons and tanks/aircraft which are at locations. EG You got the Banshee. I wanted the Banshee only way to make this right is to shoot the Banshee or the Mantis or you got the Sniper I wanted the Sniper so I will kill you...

Once on Halo 3 me and my brother were on CTF we went in on a Warthog and came out with it. I carried the flag as my brother is a better driver.

I saw someone (An Ally) next to our flag I assumed they were defending it in case someone attempted to take the flag. I thought wrong. I got punched twice they stole the flag and then won.

Obviously I was fucked off. People with little skill stealing the victory from people who could do their objective... It wasn't just me and my brother as most of the team was if not distraction a person they were killing someone or covering us from the enemy team.

Call of Duty has Riot Shields which people use to block other people in the corner so they are stuck until the Riot shield goes away or they die from something. That is only the tip of the iceberg as there is so many dicky things about Call of Duty...

I guess it comes with the Multiplayer experience. As some people are dicks in real life there will be dicks in virtual life.

Usually more as consequences of being a dick in virtual life doesn't have a pissed off person in front of you who could knock your block off =P

At the end of the day it is a game. People will play it in the way they believe correct. Not everyone can be right...

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#4 Brother Chewy

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:43 AM

Haha im the guy that blew up other peoples mantis's but jsut cause they took my weapon ^^
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#5 dx144


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:54 AM

You bastard... =P

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#6 Lord Ariok

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:17 AM

well dx thats why i don't play halo or MW/BO you outlined everything wrong with them perfectly and chewy shame on you
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#7 Brother Chewy

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:21 AM

whaaa... he took my sniper rifle so i ran him over with a ghost till he quit.... theres nothing wrong with that! :D
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#8 Lord Ariok

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:39 AM

still shame on you lol
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#9 MetalHead666X


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:14 AM

Chewy.... If someone has reached the sniper before you have, it's theirs not yours. First come first serve.

If you think by grieving your teammates you are going to win the game you should stop playing.

Yes there are 10000 fucktards playing Halo but I tend to deal with it. There are only two things that really piss me of and that is lag and the lack of Grifball.

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#10 Brother Chewy

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:39 AM

Chewy.... If someone has reached the sniper before you have, it's theirs not yours. First come first serve.

If you think by grieving your teammates you are going to win the game you should stop playing.

Yes there are 10000 fucktards playing Halo but I tend to deal with it. There are only two things that really piss me of and that is lag and the lack of Grifball.

im only joking broskie, i dont care if some one takes the sniper the only person i run over is cru and thats cause.... well just cause its cru and he runs me over if i get it haha

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#11 CruciasNZ


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 12:28 PM

Damn straight, advancement through assassination is a legitimate strategy in ONI

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#12 MetalHead666X


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 12:31 PM


Tis cool. I is a very serious player and dislike it when shit like that happens.

Its perfectly fine to run over Cru. Which is another problem. Why the FUCK are splattrers so easy to do on team mates and not enemys!

I slowly reverse and accidently kill a team mate. I FULL SPEED RAM IN TO an enemy and nothing! WHY 343 WHY?

Two Giratina are better than one.

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#13 Brother Agatone

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:04 PM

Yea I was running behind a wraith on my team, and the damn things backs up at two miles an hour, and my ass gets splattered.
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#14 CruciasNZ


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:07 PM

I'm a god among mortals in a Wraith, and I'm starting to get jaded about running over teammates. Infantry should not be anywhere near the Wraith because it's key survivability tactic is jinking randomly and often. If your ass gets run over by a Wraith that isn't boosting on your own team then sucks to be you. #opinion

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#15 Brother Chewy

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 11:08 PM

Yea if it wasnt for respawns i would be the leader of this ONI group but no i get to run over cru and bam there he is again t-bagging cause he jacked me rifle!. its not fair i tell ya
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#16 DusteirTax



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Posted 04 January 2013 - 12:40 AM

Haha im the guy that blew up other peoples mantis's but jsut cause they took my weapon ^^

in the leagal business that is what we call a (air qoutes) Dick Move. 

Yea I was running behind a wraith on my team, and the damn things backs up at two miles an hour, and my ass gets splattered.

yet master chief can survive a fall from orbit, and thats why space marines are better:p
I allow the madness in but the difference between you and me is i dont let it take over. mostly

#17 Danguinius



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Posted 04 January 2013 - 12:02 PM

Exit game, start new search. Play with cool people.

I haven't played halo for a bit and so am behind with the spartan ops.

I can see why you're pissed off, but why remain in that game if they fuck you off so much.
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#18 Brother Chewy

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 12:10 PM

well put Dan
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#19 Brother Agatone

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 08:56 PM

Because I needed the xp to level up and I only had ten minutes.
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Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:14 PM

whaaa... he took my sniper rifle so i ran him over with a ghost till he quit.... theres nothing wrong with that! :D

Thats really messed up Chewy. :)

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