Zeig Zeon - Preist
Posted 02 March 2013 - 12:52 AM
"I know that we've put you through much for the past few days but if you could hold out a bit long will be able to actual rest...just make it back alive understand" as Nomen seemed to be speaking to the pilots entirely
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 14 May 2013 - 08:16 PM
As Rick then said
"Hey Jack there here" as rick's Zaku seemed to move forward sightly but stood in formation
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 14 May 2013 - 09:38 PM
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 14 May 2013 - 09:47 PM
"There's about 30 of them approaching us" as her Zaku moves checking its ammo and weapon as Scott's voice then breaks
"We got this far but can we handle them" said Scott as his voice seemed to stutter
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 15 May 2013 - 07:06 PM
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 15 May 2013 - 10:03 PM
"I mean come on guys we survived our first day and this isn't certainly not going to be our last" said Rick but before anyone could say anything the warn siren on your suit begins to blare as you could see machine gun fire staff but doesn't hit your Zaku 2's as Leo's screamed out
"THERE GOING DOWN" as his Zaku 2 boosted off as well as the rest of the Zeon defense force laving you with Emily, Scott and Rick
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 15 May 2013 - 11:25 PM
1d100 rolled for a total of: 84 (84)
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 15 May 2013 - 11:32 PM
Rick 1d100 rolled for a total of: 40 (40)
"He usually is quiet but sometimes he could just snap at a random time looks like it got the best of him" as Emily fired at the saber fish showing support with rick
Emily 1d100 rolled for a total of: 36 (36)
"How can you two talk so causally at a time like this" said Scott as he sounded panic as he fired wildly
1d100 rolled for a total of: 98 (98)
Saber fish dodging
Agaisnt Jack
1d100 rolled for a total of: 5 (5)
Agaisnt Emily, Rick and Scott
1d100 rolled for a total of: 75 (75)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 48 (48)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 33 (33)
As your mark finds home Rick curses and Emily tenses as there shots seem to miss the saber fish but Scott's wild shooting seems to hit the Saber fish and destroyed it as you could hear him breath heavily
"well that wasn't that bad" Scott says as he then sighs waiting for your movements as Rick then asked
"so are we charging straight in Jack" Rick asked and waited for your answer
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 16 May 2013 - 10:49 PM
1d100 rolled for a total of: 90 (90)
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 17 May 2013 - 04:01 AM
Your Zaku takes aim as you manage to hit the saber fish across the battlefield as it explodes into colors among the tracer rounds as Rick and Emily's Zaku 2's continue fighting as Scott then says
"Sir do we help them out or do we leave them for now" said Scott as he waited for an answer
1d100 rolled for a total of: 44 (44)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 72 (72)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 19 (19)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 8 (8)
Saber fish
1d100 rolled for a total of: 20 (20)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 40 (40)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 15 (15)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 74 (74)
As Rick manages to take down his Saber fish Emily take's a hit from one as she missed it by a long shot
"Emily be careful" said Rick as Emily then shouted
"I'm trying but this isn't as easy as you make it Rick" said Emily as she tried to retake control of her Zaku 2 again
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 17 May 2013 - 06:15 PM
1d100 rolled for a total of: 87 (87)
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 18 May 2013 - 02:37 AM
The saber fish tries but couldn't avoid your shot on time as your shots rip though the hull of the saber fish as Emily's Zaku 2 soon comes to a halt as you could hear her voice soon break into the comms
"I didn't need your help really...but thanks Jack" said Emily as she let out a sigh of relief on the last part as then Leo's voice soon break's into the Comms
"Sir where are you were having some problems" said Leo as he waited for to answer
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:35 PM
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 19 May 2013 - 04:00 AM
'Just die Feddie scum' as you could hear him grunt as he then went silent once again as his voice then said
"Sir I might not be able to link back up with you right since I'm in heavy combat" as Leo then went silent as he waited for your reply
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 19 May 2013 - 08:32 PM
1d100 rolled for a total of: 96 (96)
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 20 May 2013 - 01:54 AM
"Umm Jack the battle is to far for a shot to get to" said Rick as he gave you a mocking look as he chuckled a bit as Emily and Scott were looking in random directions for the enemy as they then sighed
"Please Sir don't scare me like that" said Scott as Emily just sighed and stood quiet as then your Radio went off
"This is Captain Nomen of the Dolores is anyone there" said Nomen as he waited for an answer
Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:08 AM
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...
Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:52 AM
"Well Jack it seems the enemy has gotten an enemy squadron approaching another part of the defense line as your mobile suit squad is the only one close enough to intercept them" said Nomen as Leo's voice then came on
"Sir reporting in we finished off some saber fish that weren't part of the main attack force and the rest are retreating" said Leo as he then went silent soon after
Emporer469, I use to be a spacemarine just like you but then i took a taser to the Knee.
love being a mercenary in sanctum
Posted 01 June 2013 - 06:02 AM
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
We have such sights to show you...