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The Breath of Zeon (RP)

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#1 Keiya


    Legatus Primus

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 04:44 PM

" People are suffering. The cries of our citizens are vast and many. A legion of sorrow and unending dread. Our homes are broken, ruined, and buried beneath the soil of obscurity. Earth or her governments have deemed us unworthy, not answering our plea for salvation. Our dwellings in the ground, our caves, dank with the tears of billions. No God hears our prayers and no knights have come to defend us. There are no Heroes down here!

We, however, shall rise! We shall become the Savior we need so direly. We shall gather our hearts, our minds, and our fury and take back which is rightfully ours. Our Happiness. Our Space. Our Lives. Our Freedom! For the good of the people and for the souls of our kind, Sieg Zeon! "

I remember that short speech back on my home colony, back when I was a kid when the war was still fresh to me. Back then, everything was so simple. Everything was clear in my head - 'Kill the Federation Scum and we won't suffer any more.' Turns out, things were far more complicated than I could have ever imagined. It wasn't just a simple war that we would hop in, win, hop out, and everyone would be happy within a few short weeks. No, not at all. Many billions of lives would be lost and oceans of blood would fill craters created by the technology that we had developed out of hatred for our fellow human beings.

So here I am, training these new lives which have been put in my hands. This colony has seen more than it's share of fresh recruits - coming and going with the same mindset I had all those years go. As these now experienced and able soldiers board their transport off of this hunk of iron floating in the vacuum of space, I can't help but wonder if this next will be my last. Who knows. All I know is that War is seemingly unending out here. Well.... 'Sieg Zeon'....

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