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Ongoing Reshuffles

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#1 CruciasNZ


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Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:37 AM

Howdy people,

Over the next month Staff and IC will be shuffled around a bit to account for people having to step down or up based on other commitments such as that horribly inconvenient phenomena called "real life".

As you may recall REAPER stepped down and Spec stepped up for Space Marine Community Manager recently. We now have Zero stepping back into a Global Mod role, and both Tugboat and Priest stepping up to Head Mod roles; they wished to share the workload so they could cover the responsibilities efficiently.

Apulo and Spiny have been moved to a new rank called "Reserve Admin", which is a token rank. It has exactly the same permissions and abilities as the existing Admin rank, the only difference is they're listed on a different Roster; since they have commitments keeping them from reliably checking on PMs and such, this change aims to direct PMs and questions to the two active Admins (Othrim and myself).

The IC shuffle is ongoing and we'll announce the changes sometime before the middle of May (hopefully); since it self-governs, it can take awhile to sort things out.

That's it for staff changes, just a few forum changes now. Defiance swapped places with Halo as a community game, and there's some new bastard Anime based RP being brewed in a dark corner. The Halo clans have gone into cryo at the request of all of their Leaders, as the game was a flop clan wise.

Right that's it for now, time to finish my beer Cocoa and bugger off to do things more evil useful.

Your friendly neighborhood slave driver,



We now have 2 Blood Angel chapters, the offsite (& therefore largely inactive) "old" Blood Angels now renamed Blood Angels of Enjin & the new Blood Angels founded by Hugo. They have distinctly different banners and only Hugos lot appear on the apply group menu and nav sidebar (again because of activity).

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#2 Armoured Priest

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Posted 12 April 2013 - 05:20 PM

I has blue name now. :D

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#3 GK MadMan

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Posted 12 April 2013 - 05:22 PM

Nice well done guys in your new role anf wish u all the best ;)

their armour was coloured black and upon it was drawn chilling images of bones and fire, and on their helm they bore skulls... Like the bones of men in the torment of purgatory they were, and yet not a sound did they make... 



#4 SpecSlaughter22


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Posted 12 April 2013 - 05:23 PM

lol i wish we had better technology...i would hologram into each of your living rooms like Triple H from WWE and scream "It's Time to Play the Game!!!" lol
I do not forget.
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I am always watching.
Expect me.
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#5 MetalHead666X


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Posted 12 April 2013 - 08:27 PM

lol i wish we had better technology...i would hologram into each of your living rooms like Triple H from WWE and scream "It's Time to Play the Game!!!" lol

If that was me. It wouldnt be fun.

For you that is.

Two Giratina are better than one.

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Thanks to Astral Shadow of Serebii for the Signiture

#6 Master Romulous

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Posted 12 April 2013 - 09:30 PM

My name is Romulous and I approve this message.
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#7 CruciasNZ


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 11:21 AM

First post appended with the following:

We now have 2 Blood Angel chapters, the offsite (& therefore largely inactive) "old" Blood Angels now renamed Blood Angels of Enjin & the new Blood Angels founded by Hugo. They have distinctly different banners and only Hugos lot appear on the apply group menu and nav sidebar (again because of activity).

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#8 Lord Commander Archael

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 12:27 PM

BULLSHIT is anyone else carrying OUR name. We may not be about on here much but we're the FUCKING Blood Angels. We've been about since the inception and we're not going anywhere. If the pretenders want to call themselves Blood Angels then they join us, NOBODY is usurping our name.

The sneaky, underhanded way this has been done is again another reason why a lot of my guys don't come on here. I lead the Blood Angels, nobody else and this needs be sorted right now.

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#9 Fuzzy


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 12:37 PM

Does baby want a bottle? ;)

I don't think Farther's For Justice will allow you in the protest where you will be running around on a really high roof while pissed off your face

#10 Authrix


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:01 PM

BULLSHIT is anyone else carrying OUR name. We may not be about on here much but we're the FUCKING Blood Angels. We've been about since the inception and we're not going anywhere. If the pretenders want to call themselves Blood Angels then they join us, NOBODY is usurping our name.

The sneaky, underhanded way this has been done is again another reason why a lot of my guys don't come on here. I lead the Blood Angels, nobody else and this needs be sorted right now.

No offence, but you're the only Blood Angel I've ever seen on this site. Hugo's Angels have been consistently active here for ages. I know which call I'd make on this one.

#11 GK MadMan

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:07 PM

We aint joining you no way.

their armour was coloured black and upon it was drawn chilling images of bones and fire, and on their helm they bore skulls... Like the bones of men in the torment of purgatory they were, and yet not a sound did they make... 



#12 Lord Commander Archael

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:15 PM

We aint joining you no way.

Nor would I wish you to, no offence intended. The alternative then, is to go back to how it was - my Chapter are and always have been the Blood Angels. You are, or were, the Angels Sanguine.

Both the Crimson Fists and the Wolves maintain their own websites, you don't see off-shoot replacements for their Chapters. This is no different.

I get where you're coming from, I do but the fact remains that there is already a Blood Angels Chapter for SM and it has always been us. Cru has no right to give our name to anyone else.

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#13 Draco Ny'ade

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:17 PM

Look guys - dont continue this here, just both submit a ticket with your arguments and let the system work it through - i see the relevance of both your arguments but this argument is not going to solve anything
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#14 Fuzzy


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:25 PM

I've had an idea! Do a community vote. Whoever the community as a whole want to have the name gets it. Sorted.

I don't think Farther's For Justice will allow you in the protest where you will be running around on a really high roof while pissed off your face

#15 GK MadMan

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:27 PM

We aint going anywhere. End of. But do wat u want I looking after my chapter n gonna stuff and sort out the chapter and them battle ready for some games.

their armour was coloured black and upon it was drawn chilling images of bones and fire, and on their helm they bore skulls... Like the bones of men in the torment of purgatory they were, and yet not a sound did they make... 



#16 Lord Commander Archael

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:32 PM

This isn't simply about this community site either. There are many players that still play SM that aren't on this site. They see a group of players all in Blood Angels colours, then they see us - not another group.

It isn't just about Gothic Wars. There are clans outside of this site (admittedly, not very many now). We have worn the BA colours for nearly two years now, when players see a group of Blood Angels all fighting together, they assume it is us, that is OUR identity. No admin on this site has the right to take that from us. Can you at least see that guys?

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#17 JC 042

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:37 PM

I get where you're coming from, I do but the fact remains that there is already a Blood Angels Chapter for SM and it has always been us. Cru has no right to give our name to anyone else.

I don't think Cru thought you guys still existed, to be fair non of us did until today. Although I can understand why your upset, maybe a private message should of been sent to you, but again that probably would have never been recieved, this is the first time two Blood Angels have been on the site on at the same time in at least 6 months, you understand why we thought you were inactive right?

I'm sure this can be resolved civilly still. I would recommend everyone wait until Cru posts, he lives in NZ so it's midnight right now for him so everyone please just be patient.

And Fuzzy, shut it, your turning this into a flame war for no reason, all of this could of still been civil if you didn't troll the last thread.

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JC: 99% Anime, 1% hot gas

#18 Fuzzy


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:39 PM

I never see any of your guys on and I am on literally EVERY SINGLE DAY. Your chapter is inactive and you just don't want to lose the one scrap of power you have left.

I don't think Farther's For Justice will allow you in the protest where you will be running around on a really high roof while pissed off your face

#19 GK MadMan

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:39 PM

Look not being funny so wat ? They see 'you' do they really no they see blood angels I k ow their are blood angels clans but u saying they see you when seen blood angels. Seriuosly dude im gonna put this nicely n no flmae intended grow up its a game. Their was no blood angels group I jumped at the chance to make them if u guys were more active mabye this woodnt have happened so dont come back n start kicking off boit it. We aint going anywhere theres two blood angels group. Everyone on this website know MY blood angels from urs. So wats the problem ?.

their armour was coloured black and upon it was drawn chilling images of bones and fire, and on their helm they bore skulls... Like the bones of men in the torment of purgatory they were, and yet not a sound did they make... 



#20 JC 042

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Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:42 PM

I never see any of your guys on and I am on literally EVERY SINGLE DAY. Your chapter is inactive and you just don't want to lose the one scrap of power you have left.

Fuzzy, go away. Now.

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JC: 99% Anime, 1% hot gas

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