[split] - That Derailing Thread
Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:08 AM

Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:52 AM
I really think yall are over thinking this. Its gonna b just about impposible to implament all these rules. I understand the reason for them but in the end its gonna happen anyways and there isnt much your going to be able to do about it ecspecially if your gonna relie on people being honest. Its war there should be no rules (Im all for the rules) and no matter what u do people are going to be bitching about something. That wasnt fair, they cheated etc... The sign of a true champion is the ability to overcome adversity no matter the odds or circumstance
trust me if i find any shred of evidence you can expect a disqualification. im serious about my job and took time to write these rules. a respectable person will understand the rules ive.made and abide by them. this game is broken i hope you understand that. theres a reason why people arent just flying around the screen jump swinging people because they want to show they have skill. why do you think the blood eagles have such a bad reputation? mass rapid deploy melta. a true champion fights his opponent on even ground and can take pride in his accomplishment.
I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 09 April 2013 - 06:13 AM

Posted 09 April 2013 - 06:46 AM
Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:24 AM
Whats with the tone spec im not trying to knock u. I know u put a lot of thought and time into this and i am gratefull for it as im sure everyone else is and i believe u when u say there will be consequences for those who dont follow the rules. Im just gonna leave it at that
I don't think he was smacking back at you, without emotes tone doesn't translate over the net very well

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:56 PM

I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:01 PM

Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:50 AM
Is there a certain date for the closing ? We are still sorting ourselves out at the mo. But we shod be entering cos we literally become the blood angels yesterday still trying to get our members sign up.
Beware the blood angels are coming
Be aware hugo, there is an existing blood angels faction. They are quiet, but the do exist. Skeak to ramius, term or hammie about the chapter's continued existence
Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:52 AM
Be aware hugo, there is an existing blood angels faction. They are quiet, but the do exist. Skeak to ramius, term or hammie about the chapter's continued existence
That's been rectified already, they're rebranded as Sons of Medusa
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Posted 16 April 2013 - 09:49 PM
Sorry about the late comment here but why is friendly fire off? Isnt it traditionally on for tourneys? I mean you want to get rid of spam but if you have ff off you still will have 2 vls, 2 pcannon which is still a huge spamfest, and without ff on it becomes really stupid.
Also can you have 2 chainswords and 2 power swords?
1189 stop asking questions and do what your told! It does what its told or it gets the belt....
Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:31 PM

I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:41 PM

Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:44 PM

I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:28 AM
Check out the app called Verge I Created: http://goo.gl/OFW1yl. It's only for android now, but will be out for iPhone in the near future!
It essentially allows you to share your location with your friends, family, coworkers, etc through a group in the app. You can find everyone in your group's location by pressing a button (assuming they respond to the request), and plot it on a map. From there you are given a point that is equidistant from everyone. With this you can find a place to search for and meet up and send this location to everyone in your group telling them thats where you want to meet. There's no need to enter any addresses, and all you need to do is click a few buttons.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:36 AM
though. still legal though.
I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:41 AM

Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:46 AM
EDIT: Mistake there, it's 3 days notice not 24 hours, OP updated with correct rules (the generic player per game rules, they don't change order of play). I've copied them over so it's more apparent, they're the ones Skotten, Rom, Reaper and myself debated back in the DLC tournament.
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Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:36 PM
nah if they cant field a team of 8 they can choose 5 people. hes announcing it sort of early
though. still legal though.
The only reason that I mention it is because last tournament we "ambushed" saying were playing with 5, but a week later we were forced to play with 8 instead of 5. It just seems a bit hypocritical from the situation last tournament when the game was replayed after a week and we were forced to have 8 people. I don't really mind playing 5 or 8 either way, its just a bit irritating (and I know Romulous will have his own opinion on this).
Check out the app called Verge I Created: http://goo.gl/OFW1yl. It's only for android now, but will be out for iPhone in the near future!
It essentially allows you to share your location with your friends, family, coworkers, etc through a group in the app. You can find everyone in your group's location by pressing a button (assuming they respond to the request), and plot it on a map. From there you are given a point that is equidistant from everyone. With this you can find a place to search for and meet up and send this location to everyone in your group telling them thats where you want to meet. There's no need to enter any addresses, and all you need to do is click a few buttons.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 06:44 PM
I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 18 April 2013 - 07:01 PM
Check out the app called Verge I Created: http://goo.gl/OFW1yl. It's only for android now, but will be out for iPhone in the near future!
It essentially allows you to share your location with your friends, family, coworkers, etc through a group in the app. You can find everyone in your group's location by pressing a button (assuming they respond to the request), and plot it on a map. From there you are given a point that is equidistant from everyone. With this you can find a place to search for and meet up and send this location to everyone in your group telling them thats where you want to meet. There's no need to enter any addresses, and all you need to do is click a few buttons.