[split] - That Derailing Thread
Posted 18 April 2013 - 08:21 PM
different tourney
different cm
different rules
Anything that was in the previous tourney has nothing to do with this one. Space wolves have declared only using 5 people according to the rules so we're going to respect that.
I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 18 April 2013 - 08:29 PM
Im not saying I care im just pointing it out that, that is exactly what is happening. These are not written out subcontexts to the generally stated rules thus the owner of the website picks what he feels is most appropriate when a situation arises.
which can become issues because the decision will favor one side and if you had went into depth about the actual rules themselves we wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place but alas those whom form the rules didnt think to deeply into everything that could possible happen nor post on it to prevent situations from happening.

Posted 18 April 2013 - 08:34 PM
Looking forward to the 5v5 I guess...
Check out the app called Verge I Created: http://goo.gl/OFW1yl. It's only for android now, but will be out for iPhone in the near future!
It essentially allows you to share your location with your friends, family, coworkers, etc through a group in the app. You can find everyone in your group's location by pressing a button (assuming they respond to the request), and plot it on a map. From there you are given a point that is equidistant from everyone. With this you can find a place to search for and meet up and send this location to everyone in your group telling them thats where you want to meet. There's no need to enter any addresses, and all you need to do is click a few buttons.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:41 PM
Instead of it being 24 hours to notify of a number restriction for any round, the site rules are actually 3 days. After Rom prompted me to check em I have copied the rules from the DLC Tourny into the OP below Specs rules. These are the rules that Skotten, Rom, Reaper and I banged out back in the DLC Tournament for those still wondering where they came from.
To save you scrolling back, I'll add em here too;
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Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:22 PM
I mean I want to play your guys old 5 man A-team but i want it as a proper chapter match not a one shot ctf on waist management. I know you guys have more than 5 im not retarded. If you want our proper 5v5 finally that me and dee have been pushing for, for quite a while now then do it in a traditional fashion. Best 2 out of 3 normal chapter match style. Not a last minute curve ball that even I was not allowed to use in the last tourney.
My men stopped training for this because of a declared forfeit and to be thrown the fight of our lives which we have been waiting for, for some time to which you even kicked deesodee out of your chapter over at the last minute on a map and game type to which we would have neither picked and to some degree is favorable for the wolves in a "you have 1 chance battle". I find to be a bit slighted.
if you want our long awaited 5v5 then fine, do it on a normal chapter match set up we can even do it before the actual tourney match. But if i was not allowed to pull a fast one then neither are you. I know its not intentionally but regardless, we stopped training because you said you quit. Now to bring the most favorable conditions less than 3 days out when my men haven't trained in over 24 hours because a pack leader said otherwise is kind of jacked up.
Just sayen.

Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:55 AM
The following is how I view the situation:
- Bjorn forfeited outside the 3 day window
- Skotten unforfeited within the 3 day window
- Skotten restricted the player numbers for this and all SW tournament matches within the 3 day window
Bjorn is not listed an Officer or XO on here (regardless of his actual position within The SWs), so Skotten's reply counts as the accurate one of the two regardless of time given due to our site rules regarding XOs, Officers and Leaders; meaning The Wolves never actually pulled out, therefore they are allowed to play.
However Skotten announced his restriction within the 3 day window, therefore it does not count for THIS round. His announcement is perfectly valid for all future rounds. He has the option to forfeit, play with 8 players, play 5v8 or to negotiate an agreement with the DAs.
For those confused by the timezone math, this is how I calculated it. (Key: GMT - NZ Time)
9pm Sat 20th - 8am Sun = 0 days
9pm Fri 19th - 8am Sat = 1 day
9pm Thurs 18th - 8am Fri = 2 days
7.20am Thurs 18th - 6.20pm Thurs = Skottens Post
9pm Wed 17th - 8am Thur = 3 days
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Posted 19 April 2013 - 02:49 AM
Check out the app called Verge I Created: http://goo.gl/OFW1yl. It's only for android now, but will be out for iPhone in the near future!
It essentially allows you to share your location with your friends, family, coworkers, etc through a group in the app. You can find everyone in your group's location by pressing a button (assuming they respond to the request), and plot it on a map. From there you are given a point that is equidistant from everyone. With this you can find a place to search for and meet up and send this location to everyone in your group telling them thats where you want to meet. There's no need to enter any addresses, and all you need to do is click a few buttons.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 02:59 AM
Crucias, technically the wolves shouldnt be entered in the tourney because it was in fact bjorn who signed them up. Frankly i dont care (and i dont think rom does either) about that and would rather fight them than not. Just brought it up because of the technical nature of your post.
You are correct; Skotten went inactive due to very good personal reasons, thus leaving them without a Leader/Spokesperson assigned on here. He's patched that up now and it's far less confusing.
Anyway, good luck to both teams in the game
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Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:38 AM

Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:49 AM
Check out the app called Verge I Created: http://goo.gl/OFW1yl. It's only for android now, but will be out for iPhone in the near future!
It essentially allows you to share your location with your friends, family, coworkers, etc through a group in the app. You can find everyone in your group's location by pressing a button (assuming they respond to the request), and plot it on a map. From there you are given a point that is equidistant from everyone. With this you can find a place to search for and meet up and send this location to everyone in your group telling them thats where you want to meet. There's no need to enter any addresses, and all you need to do is click a few buttons.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:45 PM
Yeah bane i would like to play just an 8v8 anything goes tournament but there are rules to this tourney and we have to accept them. If you want to have a tournament without rules then set one up. As far as i know were allowed to do that in the member competitions or whatever.
Yup If you have a a killer idea for a tourney then you can run on it yourself. But that's a discussion for another thread
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Posted 19 April 2013 - 02:28 PM

Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:16 PM
Please stop saying that I cant administer or enforce these rules. Your basically saying I cant do my job and your about to piss me off. When someone fucks up I will know about it(I always do) and i will either disqualify or make them restart the match depending on the seriousness of the situation.
That being said people please stop trying to nit pick the rules and try to find a way around them. Understand why they are there, respect them, and focus on your battle.
I do not forgive.
I am always watching.
Expect me.

Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:04 PM

Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:42 PM
and kicked dee over a match? man your head is so far up your arse you have now idea what is going on outside your own fantasy island do you....
we will try and field an 8 versus the DA out of respect
for the rules NOT your bitching romulous, and after playing some of your guys in public it's obvious why you want to max the plasma pistol, most wolves still are not interested in playing a lag fest match but that's the draw

Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:45 PM

I don't think Farther's For Justice will allow you in the protest where you will be running around on a really high roof while pissed off your face
Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:48 PM
Yea max p-pistols. Just like your entire team ran rapid redeploy last time we played an 8v8 in the publics thus forcing us too to compensate for your spam. Get real, you guys use mass of certian weapons and perks as well and we get the same lag you do. Dont be a hypocrite.

Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:50 PM

Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:52 PM

I don't think Farther's For Justice will allow you in the protest where you will be running around on a really high roof while pissed off your face
Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:55 PM