Tried and true battlelines- Chelkar
Posted 22 October 2013 - 05:58 PM
"SIr....Alot of them....THousands are incoming...They want the dead light...They said theyd take it atr all costs.."
Posted 22 October 2013 - 09:08 PM

Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:44 AM
"They wobnt be coming for at least 5 hjours...I blew the chesapeak bridge.....They are going to have to come around it."
He pulls out a pda and flicks it on, showing a symbol much like a bombadiers badge.
The picture is of a nuclear bomb and a woman riding it.
"The nuke boss...."
Posted 04 November 2013 - 03:20 AM

Posted 10 November 2013 - 10:18 PM
Engines roar , cannons loa and men take tier lines a lusksa and the commanders take their places behid you.
Ranging shots from enemy artillery pound the earth outside Norfolk as you see te enemy army begin their berserk charge.
" sniper teams mantis and hellhound ready to engage commander on your order."
Arten, one of the former ho siht silencers turned roughnecks chimes into your earbud .
Posted 30 November 2013 - 04:40 AM
1d100 rolled for a total of: 95 (95)

Posted 04 December 2013 - 08:10 AM
In the distance you see the snipers firing salvo after salvo, cutting the power armoured men down in droves.
The lines seem to hold, that is until one of the trench lines to the left give a sickening shudder and the ground opens up. A small squad of roughnecks are swallowed into the whirling crushing jaws of a earth borerer tank. (imagive a drop opod that comes from under ground with teeth)
The hatch opens and droves of enemies pour our in to the roughneck lines. At last, one more figure emerges, He is garbed in white palaidins plte and brandiushes a heavy knotted mace.
"YOu command these men.."
He chuckles, advancing slowly in a hiss of gears and steam.
"Not for long friend."
Posted 04 December 2013 - 09:47 AM
1d100 rolled for a total of: 89 (89)

Posted 21 December 2013 - 06:49 AM
men from both sides slam at each other as the templar draws a long sword, leveling at your throat.
"Last chance Deadlander, leave the city and we dont kill you to the last man."
Over your intercom you can hear chatter about somone stealing one of the helicopters on the air field, and you can hear solomon trying despeerately to contact you.
Posted 15 January 2014 - 05:19 AM
Youve been updated!
Posted 05 February 2014 - 06:10 AM
Chelkar breathed deep "go ahead solomon" he said as he moved his shield to bashed the sword away while using his armor's monoverablity to his advantage thrusting his sword for the weak exposed joint of the templars hip and taring it all the way back to the power armors spinnal cord.
/roll 1d100
Edited by duo2142, 05 February 2014 - 06:10 AM.

Posted 10 February 2014 - 05:58 AM
"Aion has taken a heli!"
the blade bites deep but the templar manages to stay your hand, locking your wrist with the blade buried dangerously close to his spine.
"So be it.."
he growls, the mechanisms of his suit screaming in protest as he begins forcing your hand back
Posted 01 April 2014 - 12:55 AM
Chelkar listen to it all, dropping his shield and grabbing something from his belt "THE REPUBLIC SHALL NOT FALL THIS DAY" he shouted as he ripped out his sword and quickly shoving his hand in the man pulling out only a granade pin say into his radio in a calm voice "aion, what are you doing over." he said as he rolled away picking up his shield while in the move bracing for what happens next.

Posted 19 April 2014 - 06:44 AM
" delivering a package..."
He chuckles as he fish tails suddenly to avoid a shot. A crate Kanta right in front of you and the roughnecks surge forward, falling into the trench line beside you.
" go ahead... Open her up."
Posted 05 May 2014 - 10:51 PM
Chelkar removed his helmet and kick open the box while realoading his mag rifle "Sargent's! reform defencive lines now! leutients report fighting strength of all troops!" he said before radioing luska "is the armor loaded yet luska? and how are the walls holding up?" he asked before looking into the crate

Posted 14 June 2014 - 04:47 AM
There is a loud rumble, and the earth shakes as your orders are obeyed. but above you hear a loud scream. The chopped is nailed by a projectile , a long wire that rips into the side and holds the choper in place.
several more shots rip into the side as templars begin to climb up, haeding towards the chopper.
"Their ramming the walls boss!"
luasaka yelps. "theyve got drills!"
Posted 15 June 2014 - 03:24 PM
"sniper teams aim for the wires! luska drop napalm along the walls, burn the mother fuckers with the drill missles upgrade we have about ten of them so us them wisly" he said into he mic. "Solomon get your men on the walls now and bring the armor back into the city to seal the gaps". shit he thought, we need to devert there attention and have them force most of the strength away from the city he thought as a light bulb went on in is head and a roar of whiskey entered is body. "My Legionaires! I ask you are you willing to follow me into the darkest depts of hell THIS DAY, will you fight like LIONS TILL THE LAST GASP OF BREATH LEAVES YOU, MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE NORFOLK ARE YOU WITH ME TO SHOW THIS FRAKING ENEMY THAT WE ARE NOT A PEOPLE TO BE FUCKED WITH!." he shouted to his troops before looking down again into the crate.
Edited by duo2142, 15 June 2014 - 03:26 PM.

Posted 25 June 2014 - 01:31 AM
the crate opens, revealing six pristenie metal humaoid forms. As one their eyes flash red and they stand, each brandishing a hisssing electric blade.
As they power up you notice one of them has the name aion engraved on the chest.
Instantly the squad surges outward into the ebnemy lines, racing to the templatrs attempting to pull down the chopper and surrounding it, fighting them back.
above aion pulls at the metal harpoons, managing to pull one away just in time to fishtail away from the path of the rocjkets.
As one all of norfolk seems to come alivwe, battalions nmove into oplace, soldgiers man the lines , and fire rains down on the enemy.
Suddenly there a shorrific scream, and the woods seem todarken behind the templars ominously.
Posted 08 July 2014 - 06:31 PM
chelkar picked up the templar's sword, signing as he did so "eligant but shitty quality of steel, it will do tho" he looked up swing the sword as he unselthed his own. "Soldiers of the republic we must hold this line at all cost! lusak release all armour ro form up behide the trech lines, legionares you are to wait for the armour to form up and as well charge like dogs of war on my order to advance straight at the enemy, but you will wait for my order! now i need two volunteers willing to be crazy son's of war with me?" he asked as he stepped over the trench line and begain to march towards the enemy line two swords in hand, rifle and shield on back.

Posted 25 August 2014 - 02:33 PM
the ground trembled under chelkars feet, the smoke frome the artillary begain to blanket the enemy line. the chourse of battle cries and death's whispers whip around with the wind. creatures and shell holes cover the gap between the two armys both finatic to hold the city and the bounty she holds, for the men and women of the republic this was a battle for their home, their familys, their fellow brothers and sister in the line. for the attackers this was their a small step on their finatical journy of path of enlightenment, this was there place to optain there beloved tool, a weapon of death, of hell's fire, a world resetier. chelkar nodded his head as he contiplated this all. a soldier since the age of 17 drafted without a care into the war machine of oh siht. they trained him to be a soldier to fight and to win at all cost, but he was raised by his people, the highland scot's, the only people that oh siht could never completely defeat, there way of war was too different from oh siht too unpredictible. oh way of war was to bring enough force to crush the enemy no matter the cost, everyone was tool that was used until broken. the scot's never complied to these rules of engagment, "you must hit the enemy hard and fast, leave a wound that they wont forget, always take care of your men because they are you, you are all the same pieces of the sword and shield each has its place and one can not fight withe the other" chelkars mind remeberd the teachings well of his old masters both oh siht and scotland. war was what chelkare was bread for to build a great nation or just to build the weapons to protect your people his father and grandfather had always told them, that is the curse of our bloodline we are soldiers, blacksmiths, freedom fighting drinking son's of bitches but by god this world needs people like us to fight and claw our way out of this darkness that man has dug himself in. the thoughts of all this role into the back of chelkar's head, his mind made up this land needs to be whole once more, one nation unified for one purpose to bring humanity body and soul back from the brink of total anniliation. he begain moving forward, the imbodiment of his great-grandfather, the devil general who saved england from the brink of total destruction, the man who held the gates of china close while all his goverment ran, the one man who dair to invade his own land to liberate the king from political overthrow. chelkar walked along becoming what few described as devil's mix of william wallace meets julies Ceaser, who is marching to burn heavens gates of oh siht.