The path of death lead to the angel of madness- dominion
Posted 30 June 2013 - 09:52 PM
Silencers, ho sihts elite containment and assassination unit stormed the temple at night after prayers. They killed the guards on the wall and subdued everyone inside.
You where yanked from your dreams , and stripped of your iron. Dragged to the center of the church and forced to kneel beside your brothers and sisters.
Your priestess, Whisper Stormrake, mother of the reapers is tied and shacked beside you and you can see she is nervous.
" Kai...... Young son are you ok..."
She whispers over to you as two of the silencers begin marking the reapers one after the other.
( you can now react. Remember you can not auto hit or godmod, you can tell me what you would like to do and then input the /roll1d100 command. Remember to put a space between roll and 1d100 . Good luck dominion ... Play smart. You're outnumbered and outgunned.)
Posted 01 July 2013 - 12:00 AM
"Yes, I'm fine...great mother. While you still draw breath I'll be prepared to lay down my life for you." Serbo replied in a low voice.
Serbo started scanning the room amid the hustle and bustle of his brethren being herded into the chapel. He looked for metal and he looked for likely escape routes but mostly he looked for opportunity.
[spoiler="Spot Check"] 1d100 rolled for a total of: 32 (32) [/spoiler]
Looking back to his Priestess for guidance Serbo asked "What will you have of me? I'm prepared." he clenched his fist in affirmation.
Posted 01 July 2013 - 04:52 PM
"Peace boy....No heroics today....If they wanted us dead we would be cold and drained by now.."
Suddenly;y their is a loud retort and one of your sisters slumps to the floor, a neat bullet hole in her skull.
The reapers all look at the silencer that had shot, his bodysuit a mismatch of colors, reminicent of the prierstesses battle robes.
"I am nightmare....Who amoung you....Thinks yourself brave enough to fufill my wish..."
Posted 01 July 2013 - 08:24 PM
This was an unforgivable incursion. and no doubt there was a master plan behind it all. Serbo didn't care. It would all unravel if fate gave him the slightest chance. There was no choice but to volunteer, it would only put him in a better position to gain vengeance.
"My Lord, I'll volunteer." Serbo spoke up, half bowed with one arm raised "I don't know anything about bravery. All I know is... you better not kill another of my brothers and sisters."
"So what is your wish?"
Posted 05 July 2013 - 04:54 PM
Mac , holder of the coffers falls to the ground in a slump.
The figure looks at you , and instantly you feel as if your throat I being squeezed. An incredible pressure flows over you a the figure approaches and you are lifted by two pairs of arms.
" you will regret ever opening your mouth boy."
The figure chuckled as a heavy stone blinder is out over your eyes.
" let him go nightmare!"
You hear whisper scream , and the figure only laughs.
" your turn soon girl ... Your turn soon..."
Posted 12 July 2013 - 06:02 AM
Posted 13 July 2013 - 10:23 PM
This was definitely a lord of death. a man that carved his path on the bones of the weak so long as his goals where met. Serbo listened to his masters protests and could only think she was mad to bother with his welfare at this point. he would undergo this trial by fire. they went to too much trouble already to gain his obedience.
continuing to be dragged along to his destination Serbo remained silent all the while listening to the world he was blind to.
[spoiler=Listen Check] 1d100 rolled for a total of: 10 (10) [/spoiler]
Posted 13 July 2013 - 11:14 PM
To say they hurt you would be an understatement. FOr months you endure horrible pain, they tamper with your organs, fiddle with your nervous system, tamper with your mind.
That man frequently finds his way to you during your drug addled times of wawaking.
After months, your body is grafted with emtal deposits directly into your bones , and one night, in the darkest of nights you hear your mistresses whisper from the door.
"kai...son are you here? are you awake.."
Posted 14 July 2013 - 12:30 AM
Waking up wasn't pleasant, he was sore all over. Secured to the bed or not, he couldn't tell. the darkness that enveloped him was permeating. So he didn't dare to move. Serbo just listened intently to the whisper. Could it be a a glimmer of hope from this new world of pain? or was it possibly pity? what had they done to him? was he humiliated and defiled?... his body ached and Serbo was in no rush to find out why. It was definitely more than simple torment.
hearing his master call to him again Serbo responded raspily "M'lady...it is good to hear your voice again."
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:24 PM
Your master is weak, you can visibly see it. He body is crisscrossed with vicious surgical scarring. in her hand ina hunk of iron, liquid iron, the main weapon on the reapers.
"serbo i want you to listen to me.."
she whispers, morphing it into a solid bar to hang from your hip.
"I want you to run from here and find a way out serbo......I want you to find my sister moria...Find her and tell them The Church is fallen....Tell her to bring her son and the others,.....Do you understand me son.."