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The bloodied wings of history repeat-Lafa

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#41 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:08 PM

Sorianna shakes the snow from her feathers. "It's obvious you've never flown on cold air before." she mutters as she turns to him. "My apologies. I come on behalf of not only Caldeus but my Patriarch, Predator. I seek more information on the one called Cain.



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#42 Thugren


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:12 PM

He removes his helm, revealing two dark grey eyes.

" Cain... Purifier dominus of black company assassins... My brother in law."

He removes a knife from his belt.

" Cain was killed almost a year ago... And revived by inputting ghoul organs into him. As a measure of control they placed Coreus.. The hound of madness into his mind.."

The man smirks oddly.

" but I'm guessing your nt here for that... Your here forthw murder of predator no?"

#43 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:27 PM

Sorianna takes a step back from the man as she hears his relation to Cain, the color of his eyes not helping much. He stated there was no blood relation but Cain's stare was now embedded in her mind's eye and she couldn't help but see it when she looked at this man.

She became even more on edge when he drew the knife. She rested a hand on her bag, ready to control the blood she had stored in one of the bottles. "So Cain is a dead man walking. Literally." she thought as she continued to listen, but as the last word dropped from his mouth her tension left her and a sadness came to her eyes. "Yes...yes I am...but I must ask. How did you know my father was dead?"



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#44 Thugren


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:38 PM

The man sighs, his face suddenly tired.

" I am the one who asked Cain to kill predator... Your father.. Had gone feral. Was attacking human settlements. We tried our best to contain him .. Treat his sickness but it only seemed to make it worse."

He pulls out a PDA and tosses it across the table.

" we tried reason , but predator attacked. Cain and burias did as well."

He folds his hands.

" it seems prolonged feeding on the undead causes patriarchs to go feral... I'm sorry owl."

#45 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:51 PM

"You...feral..." Sorianna atares at the PDA for a moment before picking it up and watching the feed. "Sorianna." She says, barely hearing his words now.



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#46 Thugren


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:55 PM

The feed is from cains eyes.

You see predator ri[pping at a sanctums walls, screeching in fury as it hurls defenders to and fro.

cain calls out and the owl turns screeching agfain and lunging at him and his comrade.

The battle is like you remembered it, but the madness in cains eyes isnt evident, he seems, human, docile.

Suddenly the pict shows the same man, strapped to a chair and frothing. his mouth hangs open and he babbles . as a man comes into the room he strains agasint his resttraints, snarling like a beast caged.


#47 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 09:13 PM

She slams the device down on the table her mind pulling its own images to her. "I don't...I don't understand...the memories aren't lining up." She stands up, pacing back and forth. "My father was defending himself!" she turned on Kreig.

" I saw it! I watched those two tear me apart! Tear...him..apart...." Why were her memories so confused? "That thing. The man that came to my village, he was an agent! Why was he there!?" She slowed to a stop staring at Kreig. "Cain is not like him?"



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#48 Thugren


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 09:16 PM

krieg sighs.

"THat was a clone.....After cain was weaponized ho siht sought to make more like him...Immune from the ghouls ...That clone was sent out to make sure predator was dead."

He sighs looking at you.

"i sense you have many questions./..... i wont hide anything from you."


#49 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 09:29 PM

Sorianna reigns in her anger and lets out a sigh. "May I ask to make this easier? All you merely need to do is think of the memories pertinent to the situation. I should be able to take over from there."

She reaches over the table and places her hand on top of his. Her mind reaches down into his blood, feeling the slow pumping of the fluid, grabbing onto the thoughts and pulling.




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#50 Thugren


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 09:36 PM

before your hand even makes contact he turns her wrist upward painfully.

"Lets talk like civilised folk...."
He growls, nearly yanking you over the table in the movement.

"I will warn you once, and once only...Do not touch me , ever."

He lets you go and sits back.

"the visions you saw.....Where probably a result of predatorzs insanity addled mind perceiving things. He probably sensed the impending madness in cain, what was coming for him. Its not uncommon, predator has always had a sense of coming events."


#51 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 14 July 2013 - 04:53 PM

She sits back down, placing her hands on her lap, ignoring the pain in her wrist. "Forgive me, I forget my place. I have not spent any time away from my people. You mentioned the insanity that my father felt. Did you mean his own, or an impending insanity in Cain?"



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#52 Thugren


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 05:06 PM

Krieg looks at you seriously , his face a grim mask.

" Cain was set up for this procedure .... Man was never meant to be fused with ghoul, and even less like ghoul with god beast. I doubted the organizations intentions but I hoped for the best."

His hands clench.

" they weaponized him... Made him controllable. Turned him into a beast . Luckily we've managed to stabilize him... He's currently training a group or rebels on the Easter seaboard."

#53 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:07 PM

Sorianna is quiet for a moment. "They fused him with...." A visible shudder runs through her body. "..and Coreus is trapped within him? Do they plan to kill more of the Omniarchs?"



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#54 Thugren


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:12 PM

Krueger nods .

" noctourne plan to kill them all... She says it's necessary to protect man."

Krieg stands and cracks his neck.

" I myself have one implanted in me. As does burias. Myself and several others have hidden away some of the patriarchs and even the mother of the hot beasts themselves. With the coming war that may change."

He watches you intently as he refits his mask.

" where you fall is of your own accord."

#55 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:45 PM

Sorianna stands. "Wait! I know you don't have the time to answer all of my questions but I do have one more. Are you really not blood related to Cain? Your eyes are very similar, and he has a gaze I will not soon forget." She ruffles her feathers slightly. "You needn't answer, as it does not make much of a difference, I was merely curious."



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#56 Thugren


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 10:08 PM

He smiles.

" it's a procedure called fading..it's done to all silencers at to highest ranks. It hyper focuses the eyes as much as a human can. You can thank your father it's because of him that w have the technology..... You say the image of those eyes... It's burned into your mind?"

#57 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 15 July 2013 - 07:47 AM

She looks away from Kreig. "My mind has been addled since drawing the memories from my father. There was a point when his mind seemed to just focus on Cain. The vision of him taunting me after that didn't help...or maybe that was the other agent...I'm not sure anymore." She looked out the window, a small glint of anger in her eyes. "I still feel the fire that burned him on my wings."



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#58 Thugren


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 11:26 PM

Krieg laughs

" burias is excitable... But he has strong morals.."

He opens the door letting the frigid air in .

" would you like to guide to to the east coast? It's one hell of a walk and the undead are restless."

#59 Lafayra Rue

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Posted 16 July 2013 - 02:40 AM

Sorianna looks back at Kreig in surprise. "You're accompanying me?" She watched the snow blow in. "What time is it?"



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#60 Thugren


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 04:49 AM

He smiles closing the door and tossing you a heavy pack.

" it's a little past midnight... If we move now w can avoid the ghouls until we hit a town where we can rest and stock up... Ill also get in contact with Cain."

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