The bloodied wings of history repeat-Lafa
Posted 19 July 2013 - 08:57 PM
"You know Cain then? For how long?" She shifts uncomfortably, most of her body in pain. Remembering she has tea she takes a few more drinks.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 09:11 PM
The woman answers , touching the figures face like a blind woman..
"I did his blood transfusions when he was young...He suffered from luekemia as a child. I remembered seeing him when he came back to the coven when he was older....But these eyes....These eyes are not his..."
She looks at you ..
"these eyes are from a monster of your past....You are attributiing them to him....But the real figure you fear...Is locked away in your head."
Posted 19 July 2013 - 09:28 PM
With a shuddering breath she pushes herself up to sit straight. "What do you mean?" her gaze still locked with the eyes. "What is it that I don't remember?" She looks back at Lorana. "Show me please!"
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 09:52 PM
"show your true form ..."
The blood mishapes, it grows into a man similar to cain, his atrmor is mismatched, like a harlequin of the humans carnival.
long human skulls hang from his waist, and long crow black hair runs down from his shoulders.
sorana whispwers, looking at the figure in terror.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 10:03 PM
"MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!" she shrieks, terror flooding her entire body. She grabs her head and curls in on herself. She can hear screaming, but it sounds distant and surreal.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 10:22 PM
Your childhood clutchmates.
"soon....You too.."
the figure laughs, that same laugh filling the air until lorana is able to fully destroy the illusion
Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:03 PM
"They're dead....I don't....why....?" Her sobs echo through the cell.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:21 PM
"shhh girl....Peace...breathe.."
she manages to coax you into her arms.
"what...No, who you justr saw is my father..nightmare...He is ..A terror of this world...A seed of the primevial undead. YOu arent thwe first to react like this."
Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:35 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:36 PM
"i can show you....But the question is are you ready.."
Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:39 PM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:45 PM
you run, harder and faster, you run unti lyour legs give out and that is when tyou see it..
your friends, your clutchmates, laying prostate in a pool of their blood, that figure looming over them, clutching their bloodstained heads by the feathers.
"hello small one.....Welcome to the butchers grounds..."
Posted 20 July 2013 - 12:03 AM
"Brother...sister..." she stares at them as an unfamiliar feeling wells up in her soul. She can feel anger seeping into every pore of her body. "You killed them..." The venom in her voice was pure and cold. A solid and complete hatred replaced the anger and the strange feeling began to consume her thoughts.
She wanted death.
She wanted blood.
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 12:08 AM
As you turn around the figure lunges, Ghoulbone blade brandished .you baret sidestep as Cain lunges in e tween you and the figure .
" run ..."
He grunts.
" fucking run!"
Posted 20 July 2013 - 12:47 AM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 12:56 AM
"Bewegen Fräulein Vogel!" He yels, pushing you aside as a jagged shard of ghoulbone slams into the ground between your legs.
He moves to cains side as the purfier is driven back step by step by a furious barrage of attacks.
You are lifted to your feet by morgana who begins to drag you to the towns safety shelter.
"Let the silencers handle this Sori...Please!"
cain overpowers the man and drives him to a tree spitting venom
Posted 20 July 2013 - 01:06 AM
She turns and starts running with Morgana. "He killed them Morgana...why is he doing this to us?"
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 01:15 AM
"He wanted to kill you...Thats why he attacked. He wanted to remove a threat and he did his best to do it.....After that battle cain and burias killed that host of nightmares mind....They went on to become higher ranking silencers."
lorana stands, coming back with a small plate of chewy sweets.
"What did you come here for girl...what brings you to my cell."
Posted 20 July 2013 - 05:13 AM
Don't worry I'll end your suffering quickly.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 05:45 AM
"sanguimancers are a dangerous breed of mutant./...we control the ebbing flow of life and death...Killing you would mean he wouldn't have to worry about shreat to his very core."
she lowers her head and you notice she is not much oklder then you, her pale cream colored skin is marked with intricate runes and tatoos, but waht captivates you is her eyes, pale white, the stigmata of a blind woman
"im guerssing you ladies are ready to go.."
The paladin that brought you whispers, appearing at the door.
"i dont like confined spaces*